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Everything posted by leonk

  1. glrnet said After twenty years "given up" would be more accurate!
  2. Now need to convince her indoors that we need two cars we hardly ever use Always wanted one and preferably before I was too old to steer it without power steering Oh and I know the steering wheel is on the wrong side.
  3. Marzman said Ha Ha , seen that :lol: +1
  4. Darren-B said, Reminds me of the George Best quote when asked about where all his money had gone...." I spent it on cars, birds and partying, the rest I just wasted "
  5. I looked at quite a few privately and at dealers and the price and condition varied hugely. Just because they are expensive cars doesn't mean people look after them! I think your add is fine and honest. Even if I didn't know it was you, the ad would have made my list of potential viewings. See what response you get, you can always come down a bit if you have to. It's just a less cheesy way of saying "go and look at the rest and then come and see the best" an old autotrader line.
  6. I can be a Jag bore like rtbiscuit now Have to say this forum is much more fun though!
  7. Sorry to see you're selling. I'm sure whoever gets it will be pleased and thanks for the wealth of advice when I was looking for one. Having looked at loads fell in love with a car I'd always promised myself, an E type convertible. Anyway thanks again and GLWS.
  8. Yer but you would all miss me if I went over there!
  9. New plan Keyser, just get 1.2 million people to pay a pound to subscribe to the Zed shed channel.
  10. +1 I'd be tempted to take a couple of wheels off it just in case?
  11. The owner's either very boring or had a mega party before the photos were taken. Lovely wine cellar but it's practically empty!
  12. As values drop it becomes a harder decision. Even though we bought another car (toy) what we were offered for the Zed made us think what the heck, might as well just keep it and try to use it more.
  13. That is FAR too technical I think this would be a better bet - Too much risk of injury!!
  14. I'm just going with high mileage and quit a few not very careful owners. Certainly not "maintained regardless of cost"
  15. And no bathroom cabinet for your mouthwash, pile cream, and fungal foot treatment
  16. Not that it sheds much light on it but the title translated is " How to start a woman (joke) "
  17. Lived and worked over there, that's tame. Add roads with holes you could fall down, sheet ice and cars that would fail to meet the requirements of the scrappage scheme! Oh and Police who decided the outcome of any inevitable accident by who paid the most.
  18. Yeh, it's actually a 1 bed student room after a bit of Estate Agent spin and some clever camera work!!
  19. Ha, don't worry, still got the Zed! just a light hearted exaggeration about price drops since I bought it. Don't get me wrong, love the Zed to bits
  20. Don't know yet , only just got it. But classic car insurance with agreed value £310 per year and £0 road tax is a damn good start Added to that they seem to be going up in value as opposed to our Zed which at this rate will be worth the same as a bag of chips this time next year
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