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Everything posted by leonk

  1. That's where I saw it reviewed thinking originally that it sounded a good idea but as you say the consensus seems not on Jags.
  2. :lol: And to think my wife thought she had seen the end of it, now she's got to post Zed parts out to you!
  3. He hasn't told you all he was so keen to get in it he forgot half the goodies I gave him. Seriously though, glad its gone to a forum member and such a nice person to deal with. AND......... :lol:
  4. Wow!! remember reading about them looking for them and wondered what had come of it.
  5. Great write up! Sorry about your bad luck though and hope you get it fixed.
  6. Don't know if this helps but i got all three keys with mine and a 4 digit pin number. i'm sure someone said you need this if you need a replacement key? i do however stand to be corrected.
  7. All ok wizurd, wife says i'm just making excuses not to let it go tomorrow
  8. Cheers guys! I'm sure everything will be fine plus guy has just e mailed me to say he'll bring proof of funds. Just starting to realise it might be gone tomorrow ,feel a bit sad. Least it will be to a forum member.
  9. Bit of advice needed. I thought I was reasonably worldly wise and clued up but these days you never know. Long story short...... I have a guy from the forum ( I'm sure he wont mind me posting this ) who is coming to view the car tomorrow and wants to pay by instant bank transfer and drive the car away. I have heard of situations where the money shows up in your account but is returned perhaps as insufficient funds? a day later leaving you with no car and no money. Am I being paranoid? Advice needed from someone more up to speed on banking and bank transfers. If it was a week day, I would just ask the bank. As always all help/ advice appreciated Must add, he seems a really genuine and nice guy!
  10. Don't say that. Mine spent 40 plus years of its life in California and now it's come here i'm paranoid about it turning into a pile of rust. Was even looking at Carcoons the other day.
  11. That's good to clarify, often wondered what would happen with all this number plate recognition stuff or if the police were to check your details.
  12. Thanks Wizurd, hopefully it will look even better tomorrow after it has been valeted properly. Apparently there were two other 350z in Holdcrofts for service work, Quote "a black one and a red one". So wouldn't know if they were off the forum?
  13. Cheers Chris, and a huge thanks again for your help at the weekend. Tried to edit my original thread but seem to have lost it.
  14. Excuse this if it ends up as a double post but seem to have lost my original post. just trying to get the hang of the new site. Any excuse for pics
  15. As promised, managed to get the LMGT4 wheels on this weekend and a huge thankyou to Marzman for his help. Car has gone to Holdcroft Stoke for a service to bring it all bang up to date plus a health check for the next owner's peace of mind. After phoning my wife numerous times to lecture her about the wheels and kerbs, she hung up on me!
  16. Just to update this and praise Michelle at Holdcroft Nissan in Stoke who, after a bit of negotiating and mentioning the forum, gave me 20% discount on a service. Re Service, Car is now booked in at Holdcroft Nissan next Wednesday for P1 service plus air filter plus fit plugs from Alex. So just making sure everything is bang up to date for next owner. Brake fluid was changed when i did the calipers. Short of offering 0% finance pay nothing til 2020 I don't think I can do any more So to coin the immortal phrase it will be..... "GOOD TO GO"
  17. Thanks for all the comments guys! and this was just an "Advice" thread. Plan as said is to get some decent photos done and post them up for when the forum re opens. So patience please. I know how critical you guys can be so didn't want to post pics up til I had the LMGT4s on as the standard wheels although in perfect condition don't really do the car justice. I thought it would be a good idea to include these in the sale though as a winter wheel option. In the meantime the only one I have on my phone is at a Krispy Kreme meet, one of the reasons i'm going to miss the car. Perhaps you guys will still let me attend in the E type? Azure second from far end, between Marzman and Headphones. happy days.
  18. Taxed until end of December. (Last of the lower tax band cars) M.O.T til July next year but I think it would be better to offer to M.O.T it again for 12 months??. No advisories last M.O.T and done less than 200 miles since! That's the point i just don't get chance to use it. Changed the oil and filter just after the M.O.T. It's a shame because the car is spot on, everything works as it should, just spent a fortune on grooved discs and pads, stainless exhaust and LMGT4 wheels. As said, need to get it all cleaned and photographed over the weekend when I'm home.
  19. As some of you know, I've bought an E type to play with and following a week of nightmares trying to arrange storage for the Zed, I've come to the conclusion that it's just not practical to have a car that we just don't use. I really really don't want to or indeed have the time or patience for E bay, Autotrader or Pistonheads. I would love the car to go to another forum member. It's a 55 plate uk gt with 53,000 miles FSH in Azure with a few (in my opinion) tasteful mods. With the newly refurbished LMGT4 19" wheels I was hoping to get £7,500 and throw in the 18" ones, without £6,500. Does this seem realistic? I know "This is useless without pictures" I work 7 days so have taken this weekend off to sort valet, wheels and photos while the forum is down. All advice appreciated and taken on board.
  20. Already mentioned by someone. It's Mercedes Benz by Janis Joplin, She died before she finished it unfortunately.
  21. Eagles, Life in the Fast Lane Wilson Pickett, Mustang Sally Ray Charles, Hit the Road Jack
  22. Whazza22 asked As with everything, end result directly proportional to amount of preparation. Just follow the advice myself and others have given.
  23. Hi Ian, looks good, missed you at the last Krispy Kreme! As you say not much chance of sunny weekends now.
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