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Everything posted by leonk

  1. Looking at those pictures you seem to have a mix of ply and chipboard sheeting, suggesting they have had problems in the past. you need to get it sorted asap as the chipboard will just turn to mush. See my previous post for a quick fix. Best of luck with it!
  2. Try this stuff, you can put it on wet roofs. Toolstation are open over Christmas.
  3. Surprised you weren't wearing a pair of these BBK
  4. Probably an innocent random post on a forum and the other guy tracked him down.
  5. Most probably the battery with it being stood. Nothing major, even though the dash lights up it needs full power to turn the engine over.
  6. Glad they got out ok but as Ekona says, at what point do you stop and think this is a bit deep. "Love, we've got water coming through the air vents, is that bad?"
  7. Incorrect, there is no fee for a gift payment. So I can send you £10 as a gift and it costs me nothing extra and you receive £10? Sure when i have done this there has been some nominal fee. Edit. According to PayPal site there is a 0.5% to 2% charge to the sender.
  8. Either way PayPal stiffs somebody! Buy goods option, receiver pays fee. Gift option, you pay the fee.
  9. Dead simple, just go online and declare it SORN until it's insured again. Legal requirement and you've covered yourself. Takes two minutes.
  10. And to think you've got Zedly booked in for a tattoo.
  11. Your Christmas bonus is waiting to be posted. Haven't forgotten about you. Just reminded me to chase Holdcrofts.
  12. If it's any consolation, sounds like my wife's lot. Got to drop here off for her works do/meal later. Told her to give me a ring after half an hour or her £10 bonus is used up, whichever is sooner. :1:
  13. leonk

    Help Needed

    As above plus, don't know where you are but Keyser on here has had his fair share of seized and snapped bolts/sensors if you are saying the thread part is still in the engine. Hope you get it sorted.
  14. Thank goodness its gone over £5.00, I actually owned it until then
  15. Had this exact question when we had tyres fitted to the wife's car. As said above so long as outside is to outside and inside to inside all is fine and that was straight from the tyre fitter as I was also somewhat puzzled coming from directional tyres on the Zed.
  16. So long as the product is the main focus of attention..........
  17. Headrest now sold to Peter at Releather for experimental purposes. Cheers. So could be locked now?
  18. Just drape a thong over the product advertised, this will allude to the idea of sex and your product without the cost of expensive models or upsetting people. Any more marketing advice just pm me. :1:
  19. I've started the bidding for you, up to a maximum of £4.99. If I win it for this, i would like you to contact a scrap man on my behalf , get the £100 scrap value and deduct a 50% handling charge and then PayPal me the balance. :1:
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