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Everything posted by leonk

  1. Love it. When my son got his first motorbike, a new Yamaha 125, they delivered it while he was at work, so I doctored up a warranty disclaimer document on the computer stating that for the first 1000 miles it had to be kept bellow 3,000 rpm and that this would invalidate the warranty if it went above. Furthermore the ecu would store this information and would be accessible at the first service. Might sound cruel but you don't know my son! This coming after a 50cc moped.
  2. Might be the same white one I saw on The Silk Road. Looked very nice on the road.
  3. Have a look at this site for products and loads of info. I've bought stuff from them and would recommend but if nothing else it's good for all the tech info. http://www.rust.co.uk/
  4. Simples! four bolts. Important to disconnect battery as some of the wires are for the air bags. However, undo the bolts first otherwise you won't be able to move the seat back and forth to get at them. you might also want to recline them forward and remove headrests to make it easier to get them out of the car. So: 1. Undo bolts 2. Disconnect battery 3. Undo all wiring connectors. 4. Remove seats
  5. According to the ad it's "one owner" so presumably he means one previous owner so his details will be on the V5 and therefore may throw some light on the service history. Also supplying dealer on bottom of number plates or the reg itself will tell you where in the country it was registered. google every Nissan dealer in that area and phone them. A bit of research might actually pay off .
  6. And even if you're happy with the agreed price, moan about it for twelve pages......
  7. Great progress Chris, I can only dream about primer!
  8. The thing is you have actually brought something back to its former glory and if you are like me part of the enjoyment is the challenge and planning how you are going to do it.
  9. Stu, when I replaced my struts, i had the same dilemma. I think it just acts as a gasket between the bracket and the paintwork to stop the bracket rubbing the paint away with movement and flexing. I just cut two new ones out of black insulation tape, stuck them to the brackets and re bolted it up.
  10. Looking good Chris and you'll be glad to know I've just posted a little update of my own. Still some catching up for me to do yet!
  11. Firstly thanks for all the words of encouragement, advice and offers of help guys! I managed to get the dismantled bonnet up to Preston this week to have the paint stripped as the first part of restoring it. The first stage is done by chemically stripping all the paint, filler underseal and seam sealer off the panels, they are then put through an oven and the bare metal is treated with a zinc phosphate solution to slow down any rusting of the bare metal. At this point the panels can be assessed and those needing it are ready to be taken away for repair. Once they have been repaired and any rusty metal cut out and renewed they will be treated to soda blasting, further chemical rust treatment, oven drying and then etch priming with a zinc rich primer. So when I went to collect the panels they looked very tatty in appearance following the first part of the process. Obviously until all the paint is off you never know what you are going to find. Fortunately the damage seems to be limited to various rust holes non bigger than a fifty pence piece. The worst 2 panels are the passenger door ( needs a new skin and lower repair) and the centre section of the bonnet ( 3 tennis ball size dents as if something has fallen on it ) Both of these have gone to a specialist panel beater as they are way beyond my limited bodywork skills. This guy hand fabricates old Bently, Aston Martin and Jaguar XK120 panels from flat sheets of metal. It's a cost I hadn't allowed for but the bonnet is an important part of the overall appearance. Some of the panels for minor repair In the meantime, I thought I would continue with the RHD conversion. For ease of production, the E type bulkhead was the same for RHD and LHD markets with various holes either used or blanked off. So far I have managed to source about 90% of the parts needed. Some more easily than others as not all are re manufactured. One of the first things that struck me when I got the car was just how heavy the steering was. There are two ways to attack this. Either fit later series 3 power steering rack and pump or fit the compact electric power steering that is now fitted to the majority of modern cars. The first option is cheaper and easier but widely believed to ruin the feel of the car. The second is very expensive but offers a discrete fitment, torque and speed sensitve and adjustable. Now I like a bit of research and an engineering challenge not to mention saving some money. That and bit of industrial espionage all triggered off by a fantastic write up that google threw up on drifworks. Turns out these guys have been fitting EPAS systems to their cars for years. Bellow is a combination of newly machined parts, reclaimed and original Jag. I have deliberately kept the original column and the new system is designed to be a bolt in replacement that can be removed to return the car back to original. Original column now no longer available and very rare / expensive second hand New manufactured by local engineering company and modified other Jag part Then I set to making one of the ends for the rotisserie And a new toy I've bought, not the first clue how to use it but it looks good. All the gear and no idea
  12. Hi Ian, looks great I know you are local to me, would be interested to know who plated it for you as I will need quite a few Jag bits doing but given that this is something I know nothing about would rather use someone local and more importantly, recommended.
  13. Don't start Doogy. Just came in from the garage feeling chuffed that I'd actually done a bit only to find Chris has completely rebuilt an engine! Or so it seemed....... .
  14. just checked your profile ... is Russian your first language ? Yes In that case your English grammar and spelling is totally acceptable !!! And to be honest better than some born and educated here. Молодцы!
  15. Dust shield touching the back of the disc?
  16. I have forwarded the picture to the RSPB who have come back to me saying it is the nest of the Spotted Icterin Warbler. It is apparently one of Britain's rarest birds and as such is on their endangered species list. Their instructions are that you VERY carefully put it back as it was and under no circumstances drive the car until the end of the mating season in October. You need to pm me your details so that they can send a protection and enforcement officer round. They say you would be compensated for alternative travel on the bus up to a maximum of £3.10 per day until it has mated and the eggs hatched.
  17. Cheers Chris. Don't know if it's any help but having had the paint stripped off the e type bonnet panels this week, the company that did it sprayed them with a zinc phosphate solution to passivate them reducing the amount of flash rusting while they are back being repaired. It's just a clear solution that turns the metal a sort of pale blue/grey so it can still be welded and worked on. I have to say the guy that owns the company was great taking the time to explain the whole process in detail. Probably telling you what you already know but found it interesting. You'll be glad to know that I might even be able to do an update of my own
  18. Love the Motarola 8500x, used to have one and had to carry two spare batteries.You were lucky if you got half an hours talk time.
  19. Stop it with these "updates" ! Seriously though, looking good.
  20. I might be wrong but I think you can get a spray filler that will fill minor imperfections before you put the top cost on.
  21. I have to say I like the look and sound of it, namely the V6 S. I do however think it is overpriced. Given that it is supposed to be the successor to the E type, it is this vital point that Jaguar have missed all together. The E type was a gorgeous ( even by Enzo's admission ) car but more importantly it was keenly priced against its rivals of the day.
  22. Have bought and sold loads of bits on here and everyone has been great. I'm sure you will get it sorted. I have however thought that it might be a good idea to ask people with low post counts or indeed anyone selling parts, to lodge their contact details inc a contact number with one of the mods by pm. Only a thought,
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