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Everything posted by leonk

  1. Great pics and progress. It's going to make it so much easier to work on. Still not had chance to use my rotisserie
  2. theres about 4 of us now Just because you sell up doesn't mean you can't hang about. As a last resort, you could always get a Jag.
  3. That's fine. Straight to lighting circuit preferably with it's own switch or if using the kitchen ring main (plug sockets), it will require a fused spur with the correct rated 5 amp fuse.
  4. They look fine. The "adapter" you mention should be a driver that will power the leds from a 240v source stepping it down to 12v. Just be careful when joining the strips as they are polarity sensitive unlike conventional lightbulbs. The ones we use are these. http://www.hafele.co.uk/shop/p/led-strip-lights-flexible/loox-led-2013-5-m-strip-light-with-300-leds-12v-24w/81199/8171
  5. All very good but what about the roof, so it doesn't show up on google satelite!!!
  6. Looking good RT. Liking the machining work. Wish I had a bit to report on mine.
  7. They ( the insurers) also seem to be concerned if there were any personal injury claims. Although a minor whip lash claim may only see the injured party getting £2,000, that is absolutely nothing compared to what the solicitors, accident management company, hire company, medical consultants and other hangers on, will have stung them for. You're talking in the tens of thousands for a minor collision that may have seen £1,000 of damage to each car. What is interesting, is that even the insured would be unlikely to have the total figure.
  8. Excellent guide Keyser. I suppose if you didn't have a hydraulic press, a good vice would do?
  9. I might be wrong but as I see it in this case, it is the policy that the no claims is linked to rather than the car(s) and as such it is only the no claims from that individual policy that can be carried on. As i think, mentioned above, it will be the individual policy and number the next insurer will want, and can't be used multiple times. As with any insurance, it's only a problem when you come to claim, so as Ekona says, I'd want it in writing in triplicate and signed by Admirals CEO. Anyway, congrats on a year of ownership, seems like yesterday!
  10. Much more subtle, those standard wheels made you stand out way too much round here! Seriously though, look great Chris.
  11. There's a new member on here who has a Noble, I spoke to him at a recent show, sure he'd be more than welcome to chat. User name is Stevehelenwilliams.
  12. Tarmac, not sure if this is of any use, but found it while looking at restoration stuff for the Jaaaaag. Not used it, so can't comment on its applications or quality. I have however purchased other products from the company and I think Keyser has. All I can say is that they have been very helpful with advice. http://www.frost.co.uk/rubber-moulding-kits.html
  13. Welcome Matt, quite a few Manchester and outskirts members.
  14. Funny thing, Ferrari Dino (named after Enzo's son) sounds cool whereas an Austin Dino somehow doesn't. I digress, Adam and Lettuce not good names.
  15. Down there tomorrow (Sun) so will come and have a chat.
  16. Replaced my battery and no probs, though I seem to remember seeing something about the radio being coded to that specific car so something has to be done if it is put in another?.
  17. Next thing we know Dan will be advocating they have to have big orange stickers on them with "Standard".
  18. Ok, i really recent this comment! I'm simple talking about mobility cars this is at another level! No offense intended Stuarty, I just thought "should also be wrapped with a big disabled logo on the side." .was perhaps a little extreme,
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