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Everything posted by leonk

  1. +1, only logged on to see what had happened. I had visions of blue and white tape all round the showroom and a 350z through the window!
  2. It may say "HISTORY" but doesn't say what type, could be gcse Not helping, I know! As others have said, sure a phone call will sort it out.
  3. Gutted for you. Have a look at http://crankshaftrep....org/welding/��, might not be as bad as you think?
  4. I am going to have to get a proper camera and just take more 240z pics lol Don't worry the zeds fine.............. Although would love to do what Ian and others are doing and put a v8 in her. Had me worried for a moment. Now a V8, that I WOULD like to see!
  5. Nice pics and cars mate, love the 240z. Thanks! " Hopefully I'll have the Zed running " ........... Is it not running at the moment?
  6. Did the AA check the fans were coming on o.k? edit, beat me to it!
  7. Surprised Steve McQueen hasn't come up, but then I am getting on a bit. Bullitt, The Getaway, Thomas Crown Affair, Le Mans, Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape, Papillon,.....
  8. Would the whole seat swabs i.e foam and all, swap from one seat to another, converting them to RHD?
  9. Left and Right on a car for parts etc is from a sat in the car point of view.
  10. Thanks mate! While I realise this is a unique once in a lifetime priceless prize that I have had the good fortune to win, and not wanting to seem in any way ungrateful, I would like to take this opportunity to donate it for free to another member. This has nothing to do with the fact that I have had enough of underseal scraping, wire brushing, and rust removal on the e type to last several lifetimes. On a serious note, ref the rust, I bought myself an MBX die blaster, not cheap but a fantastic bit of kit for rust removal and surface preparation.
  11. As the brake bias valve isn't plumbed in yet, something to do with brake lines?
  12. Looking good mate and great progress. Ref getting it wet, I'm going to try and get mine into the back of a LWB Sprinter to try and avoid just this. By my calculations it should just fit.
  13. awesome..... link? http://www.350z-uk.c...-dec-23rd-2013/ Last update Dec 23rd, didn't realise it was that long ago. But as others have said, time is a big factor for me. I've given up on setting a completion date, though I would like to at least get the shell etc painted this year. Just as an example of costs spiraling, the general quide to whether the space frame front end is ok is to shake them and see if they rattle, ie small flakes of rust inside the tubing. ( you can have them x rayed as well ) The frames themselves will look absolutely fine but are weakened by the internal rust. Do you risk such an important part of the structure of the car? Can you check them while still on the car......... no. Guess what mine rattle when removed. No problem they are only £2,500. Bonnet £6,000 You get the idea and the annoying thing is it's not like treating yourself to nice shiny bits, it's all extra money to be found from somewhere for stuff you didn't intend replacing. Hutsons and even more so Eagle, will tell you that to restore an E type properly now will cost you somewhere in the region of £100k.
  14. Currently restoring an E type roadster, pics and bit of a thread on here.Don't underestimate the cost in time and money to do it right. All I can say is think of a budget, double it and then double it again.
  15. As above, great vids. Embarrassed to say I've done the same with the works van,( not taken it round Spa ), left the cap off. Fortunately the cap was still in the engine bay behind the battery.
  16. Aston DBS Brabus G Wagon Miura Ferrari 250 gt swb 240z Jaguar xkss Shelby Cobra
  17. I was wondering when you would pop up!
  18. Not another "update" Means I best get a bit of work done!
  19. I wrapped mine and if you are very careful you can tuck the wrap behind the rubber. Trim it off with scissors leaving about 3mm excess and then tuck it behind with a plastic spreader or similar.
  20. No more of this GTR nonsense, buy an old JAAAAG Chris!
  21. Have a look here... http://www.machinema...s/filter/clarke
  22. As above , the size of the tank is important but also look at what tools you intend to use with it and their CFM requirements, ie the actual volume of air needed rather than the pressure and this will tell you what output you need. For instance an air impact wrench will require about 6CFM as apposed to a spraygun needing 2 or 3 CFM.
  23. Not a mod as such but just finished my homemade sandblasting cabinet . It works brilliantly for about 30 seconds until you can't see what you are doing. Pm to blasting guru Keyser and back to the drawing board for some sort of filtration and dust extraction.
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