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Everything posted by leonk

  1. Looking good Darren. That's not rust, that's a minor blemish, you don't know how lucky you are!! For getting rid of it back to bare metal I've found blasting or an Mbx die blaster work best, and believe me I've had enough practice. Keep up the good work.
  2. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2001/561/part/II/made
  3. Quoting from the E type forum, the E type is unique in that it is the only car to have confirmed approval from the dvla to have a stick on front number plate. The owners club have a copy of the document for any MOT centre etc that might question this.
  4. Wow, is that the chrome paint from the You Tube post?
  5. Dedicated Engine Dyno test room? Meth lab? Panic Room? Extra income, family of six Albanians?
  6. I'm sure along with Doogy, we can cater for your "needs" if you ever venture up North.
  7. But did he like the Jaaaaaaag? Quite frankly Dave, if it means getting some help fitting the boot lid, he can stroke whatever he wants! And @ Marzman,...... don't encourage him.
  8. As it's only going to be for display you could try an orbital sander with some 40 grit pads or even a flat block of wood with some 40 grit on. You are going to have to remove some of the metal to get the pitting out then move on to the finer stuff. I can't quite see on my phone the missing chunk but is it something that could be filled with weld and then ground to shape? When you take it for blasting I've found a few layers of duck tape will protect the machined surfaces if you are careful and watch it doesn't get under the edges.
  9. Cheers guys! For a small fee I'll let you come and caress it. Chris Marzman has already felt the urge to stroke it! Lol
  10. With a bit of help from Chris, (Marzman) I've got the boot lid back on and started to get the gaps right on that. The bodywork really is a labour of love and hopefully the hours , days and weeks spent will show through in the final finish. The whole back end now has a coat of polyester stopper to fill imperfections and a start has been made on flatting it all down. The light coat of black is a "guide coat" to help show where the low spots are and that it is all flatted down properly. Once again I am indebted to Hutsons the E type specialists who allowed me to watch them preparing a customers car for the paintshop. Not too exciting, but a few more pics....
  11. And to think you have a go at me about a lack of progress reports! Looking good though.
  12. Hope you're not expecting to put out any electrical fires! (WhackyWill,WhackyWill!!!!!)
  13. I notice not one of you have offered to rescue him if he texts or posts a "Safe Word"!
  14. I bought a dehumidifier for my garage in the end. With that and a bit of background heating I am managing to keep the humidity down to about 50% while outside is now regularly up in the 90% bracket.I have become a bit obsessed with watching various humidity meters but it has made a huge difference in the garage.
  15. Great project,Watching with interest!
  16. Great project,Watching with interest!
  17. Looking good Chris, might try and pop round after work if I get chance. Buying tools is major fun! I've still got my small compressor if you want to borrow that. Going to try and get some blasting done Sunday if you've got any bits you want to do.
  18. And order something with plenty of garlic from the menu. Your rocker looks great! Video is pretty cool too. I'd be interested to know some costings on this. Have you contacted them directly yet?
  19. Just read through this RT, what a pain. Like you said, you gave up the Jag for a seemingly reliable and practical family car and then all this happens. All I can say is I really hope you get this sorted as soon as possible and at minimum cost to yourselves.
  20. Chris, have a word with Tony at Progress Aero Works in town, he's machined a few things for the E type. Cobalt drill bits are best for broken bolts and are cheapest at Toolstation near you. At least you've managed a bit. I think it's just the tyres that look wrong on the black e bay one.
  21. Bl@@dy hell Chris! You should have called me I have breaker bars up to 1" drive and over a metre long. Sounds like you need to get it seen to asap but not sure if A&E in Macc on a Friday night is a fun destination. Hope you get well soon, only working locally at the moment so if there's anything we can help with just ring.
  22. Wow, glad you got it sorted. Google "spark erosion" as a means of stud removal it's amazing. Out of interest, all the emissions stuff is that the same on the UK supplied cars. I know on mine, by 1969 they had to fit all sorts of extra gumf to comply with US regs gradually sapping the power output from an original 265bhp down to 200 if you were lucky. It's the reason they switched to a 3.54 diff for the US market.By the early 70s the e type was 10 years old and a bit long in the tooth,the 240z being one of the bigger nails in its coffin!! Anyway keep up the good work.
  23. As regards the carbs, this book seems to come recommended on the JAAAAAAG forum. I see it on E bay every so often.
  24. And a camera is a must, can't take too many pics What makes sense now won't in 6 months +1 on both those points. Been trying to build up the boot hinges today and thank goodness I took some pictures as somehow I'd managed to get them back to front. I also engraved a small "L" and "R" with a dremel onto components which has been extremely useful. Anyway looking great from what I saw briefly today.
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