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Everything posted by leonk

  1. I can understand you wanting 3 phase electric , but 4? Isn't that a bit extreme!? Great news, and look forward to the build.
  2. My wife knows just how sad I am about my tools and made a special cover for me. Bless her.
  3. Reluctant to post pics incase certain members give me a ribbing for not spending enough time in there recently!
  4. I beg to differ Alex. It's when you forget where you parked it on a regular basis and when you are not sure if the heated seat is on or you've had a minor mishap. Then you are too old.
  5. Am I missing something, why can't you take the plug back out, remove the rubber and then put the plug back in?
  6. Does indeed look stunning, a credit to all your hard work. By "nice long run" I'm sure Dave means northward towards Cheshire. Keep up the great work, all the nice stuff now, putting the new and refurbished bits back on. Next milestone will be engine in and running!
  7. Absolutely brilliant mate. Well done getting it to this stage! Look forward to a few more pics.
  8. Coupled with Ekona's theory they are a drug dealer's currently on holiday, this could end in an interesting Lock Stock and two Smoking Barrels type confrontation. My money's on Chris and Buster, last men standing! Only based on the ex military pic Keyser keeps posting.
  9. Looking really good now Darren, definitely on the home straight now with the bodywork. I'll hold my hands up and say the bodywork on mine has got the better of me at the moment so appreciate just how much effort you've put in. Keep up the great work and can't wait to see the shell in colour!
  10. http://www.airport-data.com/images/aircraft/thumbnails/000/425/425219.jpg At Woodford Aerodrome, just down the road from me. They are hoping to open a museum for the Vulcan in one of the old buildings.
  11. Very impressive Jumping! @ Keyser, bit concerned yours only works when the street lights are on.....
  12. Keep up the great work. I was told by Hutsons that they mock up all the chrome fittings, door rubbers, screen etc and then strip the car down again before paint as once painted it's too late. It really is starting to come together now.
  13. Ditch the wife and family and I'd probably have a good 30 years, with them I could probably manage until the end of the month.
  14. I think it all depends on whether only one girl is allowed to use that particular facility.
  15. Looking good Chris. Are you planning any trips to tracks north of Milton Keynes this year?
  16. It really is a credit to him. What is great, is posts like this spur you on with your own. Said it before, keep up the fantastic work guys!
  17. Amazing, looks fantastic! At the rate I'm going I can only dream of getting to this stage. Keep up the great work guys!
  18. Looking good Graham. I think the silver and black combo could look really good.
  19. Great work Chris, love the fact the lathe is paying for itself already!
  20. Loving that Chris! All you need now is a small workshop, not higher than 4m, less than half the size of your garden and 5m away from any other building....... Wait a minute......
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