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Everything posted by barry22ire

  1. Well many thanks to the fantastic members of the forum for their suggestions. I found a video with the exact noise I am experiencing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-23yK8Cxzc I am sure this noise was not there when I purchased the car and has become worse since purchasing. Also the issue of the gear change getting clungier from 1 to 2 has gone hand in hand with the noise issue. Anyway thanks to the superb advise from ZMANALEX (an absolute Gent) I rang Abbey on Friday and dropping the car in on Wednesday morning. So fingers crossed they can tell me what’s up. From looking on you tube and forums maybe a throw out bearing or input shaft bearing. I'll be sure to keep you all updated in case anyone else has the same issue.
  2. First time posting on here so bear with me. I have recently bought a 350z. To say I love it is an understatement. UK model 06 with 42k. After taking it back to Ireland on its first long drive I found a whining noise while she was at idle. When I pressed the clutch the noise would go. It gradually got harder to change from 1st to 2nd. If the change was done quickly there was a clunk as if the plates were not fully open. If I left the pedal down for longer and then went to second the clung noise was gone but the revs would have dropped so much that car "jumps" as the revs go back up. Anyway I took to a mechanic a friend recommended (covered in tattoos and listening to zz top that makes him a mechanic in my book :-) ) Anyway as soon he sat in the car and felt the gears he said yep that it was an issue with a ball bearing and pin in the gear box and the pin was not "settling". Would make sense as I said early leaving the clutched pressed while changing from 1 to 2 gives less clung by allowing the pin to settle. So the price is £500 for ripping out the gear box and replacing this ball bearing and pin and if that does not work and we need a new gear box I’m scared to even think of the price but was warned in excess of £1500. The Z is back in on Monday morning for the surgery I'll keep you all posted. Sad times Sad sad times.
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