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Everything posted by Beau

  1. Would prefer an genuine original one, and dont really like the hole... My Opinion
  2. Yes, it fits fine, just dont like the look of it plus Im not a fan for drilling and cutting into a bumper for the jets....
  3. Hi Guys, After a front Bumper asap!! Anyone got one hanging about? PM ME! Thanks, Beau
  4. I think its the N1 type and it is a copy. A good copy though
  5. Hi Guys, I am doing the spray work for my 350z today and I have a Nismo front Bumper which I should have sprayed and put on the car, But when I undone the packaging I didnt really like the look of it and prefer the original Bumper.... Plus the original has the Jet wash Holes as well. Therefore I need a Front Bumper for my 350z GT4. Ideally a original genuine one or one that looks good. Does anyone have one hanging around, Also I would do a straight swap for the Nismo Front Bumper I have Thans, Beau
  6. Hi, Anyone selling the front right Headlight for a 05 350z GT4. I think it is the xenon one. Thanks, Beau
  7. Beau


    So the headlight it self is different then? As the other original one I have looks exactly the same....
  8. Hi Guys, I recently bought a front headlight off ebay for my 05 350z GT4. The light is in good condition, but today I went to try it on and the plug at the back is different with only 6 pins, and the plug has 8 holes. I checked the other side just to make sure and it has 8 too which means I have the wrong light. As far as I am aware there are really only 2 different front lights for the 350z. The import model and the UK model. I must seem to have accidentally bought a Import one So, What can I do? Is it best to replace the whole wiring harness on the headlight to the 8 plug connector, or should I just buy a UK model Light..... What are the differences between the UK and Import Lights? Or are there just different lights on different model 350z as I have the GT4 one? Any help appreciated! Thanks, Beau
  9. Thank you! Just need to get some tyres sorted out!
  10. Yeah, I thought this might be a problem but I tried them out and with 15mm spacers and they will work fine!
  11. Hi Guys, As you know I have been searching for my one ray wheel that I need, but no luck so I went and splashed out on a Brand New Set of Wheels! The wheels are Team Dynamics Drifz wheels. 19" 9,5" wide.... Cain wait to get some tyres and see how they look on her What do you guys think!
  12. Thanks but that compressor what be suitable for spraying, plus I dont want to buy one, just borrow
  13. Hi Guys, As you all know I am at that stage of spray painting the one side on my 350z. However I have noticed my Compressor is dropping pressure to quick and wont work..... Has anyone got a powerful good compressor, suitable for spraying, and wouldn't mind lending it to me for a couple of days. I am located In Milton Keynes, sorta west Midlands. Any Help much appreciated! Thanks, Beau
  14. I think I'm glad that's not my driveway! The hose Pipe should wash it out, or some rain!
  15. Beau

    Front Bumper

    Hi Guys, Anyone got a front bumper hanging around? I need one! Aftermarket or genuine. Its for a mates 05 350z. Thanks, Beau
  16. Hey guys, Latest update on the project. This weekend we have been busy straightening out the body and doing some body work. We also primed the bits that were ready and sometime during this week I will paint her and she'll be like brand new Here's some pics of what we have done this weekend. what do you guys think?
  17. Yeah, but I dont want the rim poking out too much as personally I dont think they look too good like that. And 285 on a 9.5" rim will be fine according to a tyre size calculator. Thanks for the help! Beau
  18. Thanks, I have heard some scary stories regarding mixing tyres and why you shouldnt do it. Is then when you have the traction control on? Or can you not drive with the traction control off? Also is there anything wrong with putting the same brand tyre at the rear and then a different brand tyre at the front? Thanks, Beau
  19. Cheers mate! I have seen some with the Black and yellow theme and they look awesome. Also I have just bought some new 19" Black wheels which will look awesome one I get them sorted with some tyres. Regarding tyres, whats best on a 9.5" rim. I was looking for 265 35 19 for the front and 285 35 19 for the rear, too small, too big? Any help appreciated! Beau
  20. Hi guys, Here is my latest update on the project. The new steering rack is in, and I am pleased as it is perfectly straight. The new hub carrier is in and everything is good with that except I had to use the cone from the previous hub carrier and force it into this one. We also go the headlight in possition with some plastic welding as the bracket had broken out and there was no point in buying a new one! We also started doing some body work repair and try out the new wing Here's a few before and after pics What do you think, not bad for a days work! Rear before Rear after The front headlight assembled in, with my homemade plastic mounting With a bit of hammering and straightening here and there everything managed to fit perfectly. Here are my new pieces which have arrived lately- New Nismo front bumper and side skirts! Tomorrows Job! -Finish off the straightening out on the door, and rear. -Prime the body work, and maybe spray. -Prime and spray Front Bumper, side skirts and mirror. I was also thinking off wrapping the top of the car, including the bonnet gloss Black. Wrapping as firstly it is less expensive than painting, secondly I can always take it off if I dont like it or when coming to selling it, as its best to keep it as original as possible as it is a GT4 Model. What do you guys think, Black on Yellow theme, Mirrors Black along with the top and bonnet? Thanks, Beau
  21. Beau

    wheel spacers.

    well, too expensive for what they are, and i was after 15mm spacers for the front but then that leaves some of the stud showing and the wheels I have bought are flat on the inside so that means I will need to cut the extra off, which I dont want to do. So I thought I would try this method!
  22. Beau

    wheel spacers.

    Thanks for the confidence guys But Im sure this method will work, I just need to make sure the spacers have the correct lip.
  23. Beau

    wheel spacers.

    Thanks everyone. Been doing some research and I am now planning on buying longer wheel studs. Anyone else done this? Beau
  24. Beau

    wheel spacers.

    The front and rear are 9.5j and the offset is 35. Beau
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