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Everything posted by ioneabee

  1. FIVE tests ?????? remind me not to ask for a pax ride with you No, life lesson that he'll never learn at Uni. Life's a bitch, I'm sure you'll both cope. Look for a cancellation. contacted dvlc - thats basically what we had off them - I'm checking their website on a regular basis as she said cancellations get put up immediately ......... just got to be very lucky to hit one at the right time................... otherwise he's re-booked for just before christmas now
  2. Hi Nic, yes mate no more carbon for me for a while, I got what I was asking though so it's all good Glad you got what you wanted mate it was looker Adrian who where's an apple on there wrist is that a Romanian thing Grammar Police ........... Grammar Police
  3. but not everybody runs them all together making it look completely gash
  4. I'm currently getting nothing going my way
  5. arbitarily cancelled and they re-appointed it for him on 16th October it was due for next wednesday 26th Aug have we any comeback on this - he goes back to Uni in September and had all sorts of plans its cost me wasted driving lessons this week and additionally my time, because we'll have to re-do all this when he gets back at christmas have we got any recourse ?
  6. do you close your eyes and go to sleep too ?
  7. even trying hard - I've never achieved that and of course you should have had your passport
  8. as mudman - depends when .............. but highly unlikely to be asbestos - it looks like just standard mineral wool
  9. ah, but .............. the help we are getting is helpful
  10. check out the trader section we have for starters Torqen Tarmac Sportz Clark Motorsport etc not in any particular order or favouritism
  11. was previously receiving at 15mb yes its in the main socket using the BT hub 5 at the moment - so assuming its at least adsl2 there weren't any faults before as TalkTalk previously sorted a problem (it was throttled)..... however that was a few months ago I'm assuming they've throttled it and will wait for me (or anyone else) to complain before they lift it
  12. do we think this has gone far enough off topic yet ?
  13. you're joking right ? nothing to do with which manufacturer wants to offer the best deal for Nissan ie no monies were exchanged in brown paper bags (allegedly) or am i just being a tad cynical ?
  14. ioneabee

    My 911

    whats that ............. you use vasoline..........erm..ok
  15. OK - so t'internet now restored ..................... just 3 times slower than when all this started - so much for 5 x faster I'm now on 5mb/s (those of you whose math skills aren't what they were - I was on 15mb/s ) let battle commence once again
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