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Everything posted by ioneabee

  1. bloody hell - these things have dropped in price over the last few years
  2. its a 370 !!!!! and a GT Edition which has go-faster stripes
  3. I was going to suggest that too Granville - but i did my own - cost about £1 for the caps and I already had the paint
  4. when you mouse over "the team" - the drop down merges with the writing on the index page and you can't read what it says
  5. is it me or does the merc 190 sl sound like a diesel (1:41)
  6. i re-sent it (unaltered) an hour ago and its not bounced back (so far) just the usual sh#tty AOL then
  7. it was a reply - so - apart from (i've removed some of it here) it does exist as I'm in constant contact with him
  8. anyone know what this means - apart from the obvious - the stars are where I've removed some characters for privacy This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: wm******@aol.com SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: host mailin-03.mx.aol.com [152.****100]: 52******1 : AOL will not accept delivery of this message. ------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------ ------ The body of the message is 281880 characters long; only the first ------ 16384 or so are included here.
  9. they are VERY aware and have made it known to prospective purchasers on occaission
  10. he left because he couldn't keep the correct rubber in place
  11. @ Tarmac - sounds good ............. what would you like - they're all second hand though
  12. ^^ true dat especially the last line
  13. if you'd been closer .... I wouldn't have approved the advert and it would be sitting in my living room by now
  14. I had to edit the first 2 pictures as they weren't showing - done - approved
  15. yeah ......... the help manual is stunning
  16. it also means I can't ban Granville now
  17. now then Granville ........... don't you go messing with your member title - thats there permanently now
  18. longest I've had it on is 5 days - didn't go to 8 in that time
  19. mine does that as well - I've read that it might take a long while to skip over to that
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