I am utterly p*ssed off to the hilt with a lot of these comments on public sector - you're branding every single person with the same negative brush.
As Spira just said, I work bloody long hours for about half of what I would receive if I was in the private sector, so to compensate for that I expect to receive a pension that could be called satisfactory...... as it is my pension after these latest changes will be £11,500 per year, woopy f*cking doo
This is why I started my own company to enable me to "live", because on my salary, well lets just say that those I give "advice" to, be they professional or "blue" collar, on average earn near double mine.
So please don't start on the "lazy" public sector, because its all hype and 99.9% untrue - I believe someone even noted that alot of this is generated by politicians to deflect scrutiny from themselves.
The 0.1% that is true also applies to the private sector - so no difference then really is there ?
ok - thats me climbing off my soapbox