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Everything posted by Peter10

  1. The most common way a home is broken into these days is through either an insecure home (windows/doors left open or unlocked) or because people don't lock their front doors properly. UPVC doors are easily opened by putting a metal bar with a hook on the end through the letterbox and opening it from the inside. Of course, double locking the door fixes this issue. A lot of people assume they only have to lift the handle up from the inside to lock their doors at night. They actually should be locking it with the key.
  2. Where did you get the badges from? What's the quality like on them? I wouldn't mind getting a couple for mine.
  3. Probably the most important thing along with having your bike set up properly. I have used those gel bars that runners and cyclists use. If you have proper cycling tops, they fit the the back pockets most tops have nicely. They have a few hundred calories in each and are good (maybe more a psychological thing for me though). I would have two one litre bottles of water on the bike also. Most bikes come with one drink bottle cage as standard but you can get a second for next nothing on eBay.
  4. Went out at 3pm today and saw a garage on the A3 at 135.9, came home at 9pm and the same a garage was 129.9.... possibly a cunning idea to get a lot of customers in who have rushed out after 6pm to fill up though (if I was in charge that's what I would do). Either way, I was happy and filled up to the brim .
  5. My first car was a 1993 Renault Clio which cost me £1000 to insure 3rd party only. After about two years I got my Fiesta 1.6 which cost me only £750 a year, which I held on to for about three years before getting the Zed. A colleague at work was telling me about her son being quoted £4000 for insurance on a 1.4 Corsa. Personally, I think we need to restrict all drivers under 21 to a 1.2 or smaller engine. I had larger engine than that when I was that age but I still think it is a good idea. A guy at work is 22 and has a 1.4 Clio which cost him £1600 to insure as has never owned a car since he passed his test. I'm barely older than him and my Z costs half that to insure...
  6. Is it possible to make some without the 350z logo? I say that simply because when we all go to Japfest in May, someone could try selling them there. Just a thought. As it's a Japanese event, I'm sure it would be a good opportunity. I must say I'm not sure of the technicalities of being allowed to sell them at a public event etc though.
  7. Does the Manufacturer for the club ones do one for 313 models? I believe the older cars are slightly different.
  8. Don't you mean 70mph as speed limit on motorways for cars? National speed limit is 60 on a single and 70 on a duel carriageway. (I may have read what you wrote wrong, if so my bad!). My dad was an HGV driver and is now a fleet manager for HGV's. I've never driven one so can only take what he said as fact. He basically said that the limiters on HGV's are a pain and is a main contribution to why trucks are so slow up hill on motorways as they can't rev as high or something like that anyway. My pet hate though are people who drive far under the speed limit in the middle or right lane, forcing people to undertake the car. I was driving home on the M25 at about midnight a while back and had someone driving in the right lane (5th lane?) at about 40 mph. I went two lanes inside and had to undertake, which is another pet hate of mine, but sometimes you have no chioce.
  9. £1250 isn't bad I guess for that as I assume it covers any necessary ferry crossings & hotels. Could spend a lot more doing a lot less these days.
  10. I have sensors on my car and they work brilliantly. To be honest, I didn't think they would be all that, but I love them. Nice colour by the way , mines the same just a 57 plate. The colour cleans up really well and gets a great shine, you'll enjoy washing it.
  11. Midnight/twilight Blue, albeit a bad picture:
  12. Dito. The bolts & washers are cool. If they did them in black I'd look into it myself.
  13. I cant stand the look of carbon fibre 99% of the time, but I really like the look of that on the brace (also on the B pillars). I may have to look into it. I want to get rid of the standard silver, not sure what to do now .
  14. . Doing anything specific or just putting one back to standard? How long do you think it will be? Would be cool to put a thread in the modifications section as a project.
  15. Count me in, won't be able to pay until March though, need to get paid . Something with some colour would look good. I like the design of the white one, something like that would be cool. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac 3. octet 4. Tarmac 5. ChrisS 6. Chesterfield 7. 350Russ 8. Stew 9. bladesgrant 10. JetSet 11. Sam McGoo 12. mbs 13. NeilMH 14. AK350Z 15. Bockaaarck 16. DoogyRev 17. GT4 Zed 18. P15ULT 19. evest 20. Ian 21. Chris`I 22. ATTAK Z 23. choptop 24. Ken 25. Stoker11 26. P19DRO 27. simon da silva 28. Maccaman 29. Roo 30. Irfan 31. Millzzz 32. CaptainSensible 33. The G Man 34. Sized 35. lilsheepshagga_turbo 36. SunGodRA 37. MuLL 38. From a to zed 39. Jim 40. Maxi-Glasgow 41. Peter10
  16. I have a Bianchi myself. I do about 10-15 miles a day or so but usually on a mountain bike work provides me. Got a charity bike ride coming up soon (the day after Japfest, going to be shattered!), I can't decide if I want to do the 30 or 50 miler though . The best thing I ever did for my road bike was get some mountain bike pedals with SPD cleats, makes things so much more efficient. I am looking to do a bike ride from Esbjerg, Denmark to Hoek Van Holland (about 600-700 miles give or take) next year now probably though. Doing it to raise money for Help For Heroes. It won't be a endurance event, I plan to do it over 17 days or so and take in the sights but might as well do some good while out there . Biggest issue is that I will probably need to buy a new touring bike, my road bike doesn't take panniers and I plan to camp the whole route down.
  17. Half the problem I see, even with my limited 5 years experience of driving is how awful driving standards are in the UK. There are way too many people who have inadequate driving ability. Too often do I see young guys/girls pass their tests and assume they are the best drivers in the world and think they can drive everywhere at 60mph. Too many people are around who simply are not fit to be on the roads, that includes people of all ages. My other issue is the amount of people on the UK roads with an International Licence. Anyone who resides in the UK should be forced to get a UK licence immediately before being allowed to drive on UK roads. I also think the probation on a UK licence should be 4 years and new drivers should be limited to an engine size of no more than 1200cc for the first 4 years of driving. In my opinion, speed cameras don't work. No matter how much politicians go on about since a camera was installed in "X" location accidents are down, all it does is push things further away. All you need to do is see the amount of cars going up to a speed camera hit the brakes 30 yards from it then speed off again afterwards. Don't get me wrong, I don't drive everywhere on the speed limit, but I don't drive like an idiot. I have seen the results of bad driving (all too often unfortunately) and 9/10 times it is due to speed, however usually in combination with dangerous driving or driving without due care. (I think it is based on your post count, the title will change as it goes up)
  18. I was thinking of getting mine done in the same colour as the car as the standard colour looks a little tatty now. Trying to find BW5 colour spray paint seems expensive . Those door shuts looks awesome by the way.
  19. I must say I've become really picky about what I park next to. I've found myself parking next to cars which look like the owner gives a damn about their possessions.
  20. I love how you get a wheel wrench but no jack . Strong back and thighs needed .
  21. A full tank of fuel is about 58kg (80 litres x 0.73) so it's like carrying a St Bernard with you . Saying that, I hate going to the petrol garage, the cheapest one is near work and only fill up after late shifts to save time in queues, so I fill up to the absolute maximum when I need to usually on my last day at work before a few days off. There's been a few times now though I have wanted to doze off when filling up when running very low, damn the tank feels bottomless at times.
  22. They look quite cool. Not much of a fan of stuff like that usually, but I would put those on my car.
  23. Sorry my bad, I didn't see the "no-Bose" bit as I was on the iPhone reading it. Can the manufacturer should be able to sort it out?
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