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Everything posted by Peter10

  1. Peter10


    Nope, no aux plug for an iPod, in fact they have tape decks. Look up the "iPod hack" and it is a pretty simple thing to do, takes an hour or two and you need to have very basic soldering skills. My car only came with one electric key and one "valeting" key, which has little use other than opening the doors.
  2. Very true, mind you I was cheered up shortly after that clip by Pollyanna's see through blouse...
  3. Very impressive, but I did think not only could they have killed themselves (their choice) but they could have wiped out 4-5 other people along with them.
  4. Not used to turning corners out there you see .
  5. Nice motor. What year zed are you after?
  6. Shame, it's a bit too far for me to come along on a whim. A little closer to Farnborough and I would have popped along. With 148 people going, they should raise a lot of money for cause.
  7. Shame, it's a bit too far for me to come along on a whim. A little closer to Farnborough and I would have popped along. Good cause though!
  8. Most modern cars can't be stolen without the keys. It's the main reason why burglary rates have gone up so much. People will break in for nothing more than the keys of the BMW, Mercedes etc on the drive. That is why my car keys are kept clipped to the dogs collar at night .
  9. I find that The Gadget Show tend to be pretty bias on their product testing (even though I enjoy the show). I forgot the industry standard test for pressure washers was how far you can scoot rhino crap along the floor though. What a pathetic test. What was most annoying was the lances were all different and were on different settings so obviously some were going to be more "powerful." I did laugh when watching it and wondered if anyone could actually take it seriously...
  10. I had to pay the full £435 when I bought mine, including my insurance & obviously the car (February was an expensive month ). It will be interesting to see what the government do when performance cars are made that have zero emissions. A lot of car's with zero emissions pay nothing on excise license (tax). Technically, there is no such thing as "road tax" and the money from "tax" doesn't actually fix the roads, motorists pay a vehicle excise licence (which is why cyclists don't have to pay). So when they can make a car with the power of a 911 with zero emissions will they only charge tax based solely on the engine capacity and not the emissions? I doubt it, they will think of a new way to up the price .
  11. Sound's good I want two for my car, will order when I get a free moment during normal hours.
  12. I was looking at some of those too...
  13. I use the latch too, don't like getting my grubby hands on the paintwork .
  14. Do it, it's easy and is a great mod. For the few quid it costs it is definitely worth it. I always forgot to use the manual switch.
  15. What he said. Nice car.
  16. Get your backside down the M4 in May to Japfest .
  17. Funny I came across the thread. I bought the exact same aerial as the OP and again I lost all reception. I think it is just too small to pick anything up. if the aerial was on top of the roof, I think it would be fine. I think I might just give up with getting a stubby aerial as I have a feeling I will end up getting bad signal all the time.
  18. Nice one. Where are you? There's a big show coming up in May at the Castle Coombe circuit.
  19. Like you said, if they were polished I would be interested.
  20. Cheers. I'll probably test it all out on my sisters 206 before I touch the zed, of course out of brotherly kindness though .
  21. That's what I thought, although it looks like my car have chrome as standard... it's either my eyes or maybe they did different badges depending on the colour of the car?
  22. I am after a bonnet damper/strut kit to replace the standard bonnet holder. I have found a few kits but all state for cars from 2003-2007. Not sure if they would work on my 57 313 zed. I'm not one to make drastic mods on a car, just subtle things here and there and this is next on my to do list. Anyone here installed these on a 2007+ car even though advertised for 2003-2006? Thanks.
  23. just out of interest, did you get the chrome effect badge or the satin one? Any final pictures? I'm not sure if I want chrome or satin...
  24. Welcome. There' aren't many 350s around my way either on the other side of London. Sometimes i wish I lived further up North in the middle on nowhere just to have more fun with it.
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