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Everything posted by Peter10

  1. Luck you can! I'm at work all week 12-12 shifts except Friday... where I now finish at 2am instead of 6pm! Is there any point in going to bed that night? I'm working on doing a shift swap with someone . I think it will be a Rapid Detailer job on the day for me now I think .
  2. may be of use to someone... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/350z-rear-lights- ... 35b1e01a20
  3. Talk to Martin Tez. You will have to buy a ticket on the gate but he may be able to help sort out a stand pass.
  4. I love the questions about driving in high gear and low revs to be economical etc. The guy who wrote that test has obviously never owned a Zed .
  5. I've used Gimp in the past and I used to have Photoshop on a PC I had access too. Wish I took advantage to learning how to use it properly as the things people can do with it is excellent.
  6. The last two weeks have been filled with selling/sold threads .
  7. £12k isn't bad at all for a part exchange, dealers are pretty desperate to get their car sales up. The guy who part exchanged the car I got took £8.6k for it (same year as yours but a different colour)!
  8. Peter10


    I have bought a fair amount from Monza too, no issues either .
  9. Nice one I hope there is enough parking at the Inn, I can see every car club in the country meeting there .
  10. Got those 3 tickets in the post Saturday Martin FYI.
  11. I have a few issues with this statement. One, councils don't issue ASBO's they have to consult the police (and vice versa) and it takes a lot of evidence and work. How can you give an ASBO to someone for something that there is zero proof they have done? ASBO's aren't like the media portrey and being given one isn't done on a whim. Two as bad as this is an I know how the guy feels because a family member went through the same thing, the police can't do very much at all. If there is no evidence that a court can convict beyond all doubt what can they do? Even if the OP is willing to provide a statement and say he is willing to go o court, a third party witness will be needed anyway in a majority cases. I'm sorry to divert from the OP and I really do feel for him because no one deserves it. We have all been in the position where we know who did something but try and realise that on a legal standpoint that it isn't that easy.
  12. Peter10

    Stubby aerial

    Get a black rubber "o" ring slightly smaller than the aerial and use it to fill the gap. My dad just got a new aerial fo his car as it was knackered and that's what he did with his, looks okay (well much better than without).
  13. I wouldn't get one for myself, but I do like them. I'm not a big fan of them when people go to a shop and pick one out of a book though, too impersonal. I much prefer them being one off design.
  14. I've had a few nice comments so far. The most memorable comment was: "nice car, how long did it take to build?" Inferring it was a kit car .
  15. I can't get insured on Sky yet due to my age and as I haven't had a performance car before. First chance I get I'll go to sky though
  16. I use screws that have to be cut to get the plate off (not possible to turn the head anti-clockwise), too many plates have been stolen in my area where they are held on by double sided tape.
  17. Try welding them rim to rim to your current wheels, people will think you have some seriously huge spacers on your car .
  18. I'm sure more than one of the traders on this forum can sort you out at short notice for parts. Have fun, not something I have plans to do this year as I don't want to see my insurance premium sky rocket, but someday maybe...
  19. That's what I thought thanks... I have sent off a few emails with the picture attached to see how easy it can be repaired. Hopefully, it can be done, even if only a temporary fix. Cheers.
  20. While putting on my new Z badges on the car this evening, I noticed a spot on the bonnet which I have never noticed before. After having a word with my dad he reckons it looks like a burn mark from a polisher. I know for sure it wasn't me as it was on a part of the bonnet I would tape off and do by hand (and I have only machine polished the car once!). I called the guy who soled it to me and he said he did mention it in the advert which stated the previous owner to the dealership did it when using a polisher (which I have subsequently re-read and found he did mention it). Sooo.... Here's a picture, it is about 3/4" x 3/16" right near the front head light, I had never noticed it before but now I know it is there it is all I can look at What on Earth can I do about it, or is the only solution a respray...
  21. Cheers. I'll give it a go, I can't afford a whole new sat-nav unit at the moment, and I quite like the original (*ducks* ).
  22. I assume it worked & they never had their bank account emptied?
  23. So are all Nissan DVD discs universal? This website pinged up top of the list on Google for "2011 Nissan Sat Nav Disc" looks too good to be true... http://www.satnav-updates.com/index.php ... 69676dc0d5 hmm
  24. Windsor is a lovely place. It's funny how just a few miles outside of a London postcode prices drop. I border Herts & Thames Valley areas and the house prices drop by what some would consider a mortgage alone!
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