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Everything posted by Peter10

  1. Nice to see a few new guys after a couple have sold up and moved on. Enjoy
  2. The PC gaming format is sill pretty huge. Also, until developers start utilising the PS3s ability to use keyboard and mouse consoles will never be as good for FPS games as a PC. A controller is rarely if ever quicker than a mouse. PC's aren't for the casual gamer though. You need a high spec machine to play good games. If you can justify paying that it's worth it. I have a PS3 also. I generally only have racing, fighting games or traditional console style games.
  3. Was that why there was so much traffic on the M25 tonight in Surrey? Lol
  4. I'll be buying the next COD on PC. I made the mistake of trying Black Ops on the PS3 after playing the last few games on PC. I think it has had less than 5 hours of gameplay. PC will always beat consoles for FPS games .
  5. I was going to say how about a Civic Type R. You can play with them until your hearts content too.
  6. That must be costing a pretty penny!
  7. Could I put the thought of an upgrade in your head , you KNOW you want it!
  8. Well after a bit of a nightmare at my newly rented flat I'm now back at home with the folks . I spent ages looking for a nice flat to rent and finally found a newly built estate. I was there for 3 months and after leaks, wiring faults (throughout the whole building) all the block complained and got our deposits and full paid rent back. So on one hand, I now have a lot of money I wasn't expecting back in the bank in one go, but on on the other I am now crammed into my old room at the folks as of Saturday just gone. They don't mind me here (in fact I think they missed me ) but I'm just a little fed up already. One, it was nice finishing work some days at 2am, getting in and turning the TV on knowing no one would hear me, playing the guitar until my heart was content etc etc. After some thought, I now plan to save up for a mortgage unless the urge to get out of here gets too much (I'm not selling the car though! ). I'll just put away as much cash over the next year or so and tap into some money I have put away I really didn't want to touch for a good few years. Anyway, Rant over
  9. Worst internet I've ever had PERIOD. 6 months of constant line drops, slow speed etc. In my opinion, unless you have the new telephone lines, I would avoid any internet through a BT line. Our BT line is so old, that every time it rains, the internet would cut off. Now have Cable (Virgin) broadband and it's a constant 12mb 24/7. Only had about 5 days in the last year without broadband and that was because of some vandalism to one of the hubs (or whatever it is called) down the road.
  10. The Bose hack is where you solder an AUX cable in to the Bose headunit allowing you to plug a iPod etc in to the standard head unit. I did that on my radio, but I wondered how you connect the sound for this unit to the Bose system. Sorry, I should have explained what I meant better (as above I'm on iPhone and hate typing long stuff on it ).
  11. When you say the Bose Hack, do you mean this can replace the standard Birdview and the system still workds directly through the standard sound system? If so I'm very interested... One thing, I did a check on the other thread but couldn't see it (I'm on iPhone, computer died on me last night ). How do you get the app store & web browser? Subscription?
  12. I looked at the Gold R32 too for a while and after some deliberation, I decided I don't get it. I've seen them out and about and they must be so squirmy when you accelerate hard. In my opinion, if I want a small hatchback, it would need be fun to drive but somewhat cheap to run, which the R32 isn't . You made the right choice
  13. Some 2007 don't have the different bonnet, it depends on when they were registered. It's why some 2007 cars are hard to sell, £435 a year tax but not the new shape .
  14. It doesn't help that 99% of the sellers you see selling pop chargers on eBay states "a guaranteed increase of at least 5HP."
  15. Looks fantastic. Not many yellow Z's around (I've only ever seen one and that was at Japfest) so it's great to see one saved from the breakers.
  16. I can't see Gilmour and Waters making up, Gilmour is/was on tour with the Dark Side of The Moon guys recently. I remember when I was in the states a few years back and both Gilmour and Waters were touring as Pink Floyd in separate bands at the same time...
  17. Never heard of it either cheers.
  18. I hate you lol. I really want to go see this. I'll have to try and get tickets.
  19. "All cars in France will be required to carry a warning triangle and high visibility jacket which must be used in the event of breakdown. Both the jacket and triangle have to conform to EU standards, and the jacket has to be worn by the driver when they exit the car while the triangle has to be placed at least 30 metres from the vehicle. Failure to have a triangle or jacket in your car will mean a fine of €90 for each offence." An easy one that you can get caught out on easily.
  20. I saw on CBS news when I got in . I still remember watching Owen Hart die live on TV when I was a kid .
  21. I'll do my best to be at this one then, August is the worlds worst time for me to get leave from work though , especially over a long weekend.
  22. I'd love to live in Hong Kong or anywhere in that region for an extended, but nor permanent period of time. if you have the option, I'd take it .
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