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Everything posted by Peter10

  1. I've seen this car a few times now, but wow, this new exhaust looks awful! Whilst I know they are advertising their stuff, it is well, just .
  2. A 313bhp model car responsed really well to reflash even as stock as the car's are so rich as stock. but these cars arent able to have plenum spacers fitted as the stock plenum is plastic. Mark I didn't know that about the plenum spacer. I may have to save some cash and get it booked in. May look at getting a new exhaust first though. Not far from you guys (30 minutes or so). Hmm what exhaust to get .
  3. You need this lawn mower: http://www.track-days.co.uk/classifieds/2642018.htm Top speed, 45mph . On a side note, what gains could you see in a standard 350z (2007 313)? Or is it not worth it before getting a new exhaust or plenum spacer?
  4. Roads around my area are a lot better now, some quieter residential roads are bad. We have had a few serious/life threatening accidents in my area and the council quickly made sure the roads were repaired (cynical much?).
  5. I hate you . No holiday for me this year, saving for a mortgage (unless I get a really good deal...)
  6. Hmm, there's a few options. I think a few are for sale here so have a look on the for sale section. Apart from the SC do you plan on modifying it more? Some cars are hard to sell if they have been modified already, so you could get a great deal buying one someone can't shift.
  7. I should have read the rest of the posts before PM'ing you lol. Cheers for sorting it out. Sorry again for not being able to make it but it was completely out of my hands .
  8. My experience of MOT's is that most cars can pass fairly easily as long as a car is well after. I briefly worked in a garage when I was younger and some of the sheds we had in the day before an MOT to give a once over was about 50% of the jobs and they rarely failed. I'd I remember rightly, Germany have a far more rigorous equivilent, of which would probably remove 25% of the cars in the UK which are on the road. I can't justify buying a car new (unless it was under £15,000 and even then ). The quality of second hand cars compared to 20 year ago is huge. Also what puts me off is depreciation. A guy at work paid the best part of £30,000 for an Audi S3 last year. It's probably worth less than £20,000 now.
  9. Cheers Maybe it's time to move out to the countryside lol.
  10. Not pretty. The alloy is definitely ruined. The wing may be salvageable by a good bodyshop. The other driver was a paramedic (had just finished work too) and we are sorting it out privately. He will pay for the repairs rather than going through insurance although we still exchanged details. It's going to a bodyshop tomorrow so fingers crossed.
  11. sorry guys I'm going to have to pull out. Got side swiped driving home from work today. Completely buckled my offside alloy... *cries* was really looking forward to the weekend as it's probably my last show this year .
  12. Please let this weather get better... I really don't fancy a 2 hour drive to sit in the car all day .
  13. Nearly 37k here and I think it maybe going, when it's time to change it I'm going to uprate the flywheel too.
  14. I watched the fight over a mates flat with a few beers and pizzas. We got so bored of the fight I think we ended up watching Ali G In Da House .
  15. I would love to go but I'll be at Japfest 2. I should go next year though.
  16. How thirsty was the R32? I was very tempted when looking for a new car to get a R32, but I went with my gut and got the 350z as I have wanted one since I was about 14. Welcome, it's good to see another 313 owner, not because I think they are hugely better, but because it is nice to know they can still sell in this current climate.
  17. This has been going on for years on eBay.
  18. 75degrees is cooking quite badly glad you got it sorted. I managed to kill off my old PC by trying to overclock it beyond what it could handle . Think it popped at 91 degrees
  19. Same issue here, at first I though it was bird crap, but then realised it was all over my car, so either the pigeons had a dodgy curry last night or it rained .
  20. The only comment that was decent: It's so true 99% of the time, the amount of times I have been in moderately busy motorway traffic, someone steams past me at 90mph only for me to catch them up in 5 minutes due to general traffic flow. On a side note though, that forum thread led to probably one of the best reads I have had in a while: http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topi ... on%20Diary
  21. Not bad looking, but not sure how they would look on a red car (I'm not much of a fan of black alloys though ). These are my favourite aftermarket wheels, which I think would look great on a red Z:
  22. I also wonder if he buys his own stuff to up his eBay rating. I have known of people in the past who get friends/family/business associates to buy their products, show it as paid and the give positive feedback. Although I'm not sure if eBay has cracked down on this as it was common 5+ years ago.
  23. I have the RE40's and I never had an issue with them until the really heavy rain we had this week. The suddenly very greasy roads were a bit of an issue and I did have a few "moments." I still have a few thousand left in my set though.
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