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Everything posted by Bendrews

  1. ive trying to find these bad boys does anyone know what make they are ?
  2. Cheers mate, im hoping it will go quickly i cant wait! i will get more pics up on saturday, im already thinking about how i can improve the interior , im after some kind of DVD media player thing to go either in the cubby hole or to replace the bose system.. not too sure how its wired up but im guessing there are threads on here somewhere so i will try find them !
  3. so what happens if u are going for the objectives and you are getting 50 - 60 kills a game ? do u get crap points for the kills still? and in most objective based games it is a good idea to camp to protect your flag/ area from being captured or blown up, after all it is a team game and different roles are required hence the array of guns for different situations...
  4. 9k bloody hell bet ur happy u got them to up on that ! they had it up for 14,995 i think, yer another reason i didnt get it was cuz of the slight mods .. being so young i can only have a standard one for now Now being the key im still trying to figure out what most of these are and what they do : Plenum Spacer, JWT pop charger, Pioneer doubledin DVD player and Nurrish Sat Nav and throttle controller. i wana try get the satnav and dvd player in mine as it only has the standard bose system and no satnav! yer 6 months i think theyve had it got it down from 17 k to 13k so happy days with that! i will look out for you looks like a great car ! cheers for the welcomes everyone
  5. hi Chippy gettin it from Freelance @ augres .. black GT Coupe.. there a pic somewhere in the general tab thing somewhere...( still trying to figure out all the tabs ) yer i test drove that one the other day and in actual fact i was about a minute away frombuying it until my dad rang and said there was a coupe for sale ! i knew there would a few beans have you all got z aswell then? might b good to do a meet sometime in the future ? yer not much chance really Maccaman... but my friends and i have a few france trips being planned
  6. Only 22 so only had a few 350Z GT Coupe ( havent actually got it yet but gettin it next saturday ) Grande Punto Abarth (amazing car) 205 1.9 Gti (i want another one!) Clio 1.4 x2 Astra 1.4 B4 this was my amazing Piaggio Zip scooter im surprised ive only seen one other person has had a 205!!!!!
  7. Hi Stan, you thought about the Punto Abarth-07-10? I had a Punto Abarth for 2 years just traded it in for a z! i know it a bit bigger than the 500 Abarth but it doesnt drink petrol like you except it would you got your sport button to open up full boost (mine was on most of the time ) but i managed a steady 24-28mpg, i personally think it drives better than the 500 and holds the road better and looks better especially in Black!!!! im not sure on the new evo versions tho.. hope this helps.. they cost about the same too and nothing went wrong with it at all brilliant car
  8. Hi all, are there any other z heads from the C.I. on here?? if so any1 fancy a mini meet sometime?? im keen to learn abouts the beast i just got, even tho ive only taken it one test drive i love it drives so well compared to my much loved Abarth! picking it up next saturday so proper excited, cheers Ben
  9. ok i will give u that but it does clearly state the website ! i guess i asked a stupid question! Apologies For that one im picking the car up next saturday! cant wait ! i feel like a child waiting for santa to bring my xmas presents in the good old days!!!
  10. i bet u dnt even know where there is ? and why not .. ???
  11. it could of just been the angle i was looking at it from then ! heres a pic of my z i just got ! picking it up next saturday cant wait !!! im keen to see the different styles of z you can get so please post them up ..
  12. Try Squinting tbh i almost bought the Roadster but then i went for the coupe! one question for you guys .. i just discovered a Fairlady.. i havent read or seen anything on this are these more powerful compared to the GT Versions ??
  13. Well I just bought the coupe. Price wise both were around 13k and had similar mileage bout 18k. The xeonon lights are much better on the coupe and I love the way the car drives ! I gotta agree with a roadster lookin like a Ford ka I will get a pic up 2moro for you guys ... And I'm not sure which bhp it is as the dealer doesn't really know ......
  14. Hi all, another NEWBIE here Im currently looking at two cars a coupe GT 07 (Black) & a roadster GT 06 (Blue) the roadster has got all the media player stuff inside but it all looks kinda crap in my opinion, the coupe has the bose system which is ok but im guessing i can just change that using one the guides posted in here somewhere? (think i found it once ) anyway which one would you recommend ? Bendrews
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