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Everything posted by downhuman

  1. I know it is ultra camp, but this is the best wheel brush I've used, and only £5 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Motion-Performance-Essentials-Microfibre-Metal/dp/B004W1LENK/ref=wl_it_dp_o_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1Q4JHJG35F7TQ&coliid=I38N8BKQTASEKP
  2. Sexytime. Just remember - soap only now, otherwise you remove the poorboys
  3. No probs chaps. Glad I'm not the only saddo excited by cleaning products. My non-forum friends think I'm mad, lol
  4. It is a surprise each month, and each month is different
  5. Ginger pre facelift... Parked mine near you
  6. So hang on, is it working fully? And Richard confirmed he will do subs from next month New business and one I'm gonna support
  7. Looks good mate! What waxybox stuff did you like most?
  8. Thanks for feedback guys - will let Richard know (and also that people are having code issues) He is looking at longer term solutions too. I've done 4 of them now and, sad to admit, find receiving it each month quite exciting lol....
  9. Finishkare poly shampoo - very good, would buy this Mint wheels - not bad, similar to billberry but minty. If cheaper than billberry, would buy. Glass cleaner - Very good product. Hardcore cleaning power - removed wiper marks off the Mrs' KA windscreen. Would probs strip windscreen sealant in a heatbeat too, but good for dirty glass. Last box's nano glass cleaner for the Zed, which has PIAA treatment on it Chemical Guys Grime Reaper - Good, no better or worse than any other APC I've tried so I tend to go with price Wax - did the Mrs' car with it as the Zed has a nano sealant on it... Decent looks, easy removal and cured in the cold today no probs - will see on longevity Clay and other bits - no yet used
  10. No probs Giving mine a whirl today!!
  11. Richard informs me the code may not work again until the 1st April.... The last of the initial 25 was just used so he needs to reset it and has upped to 35 this time around
  12. Richard has agreed to do this months with the same code, so if you have one you can re use it. If you need a code, pm me. Cheers Rob
  13. Right our code will be live again for the next months box ... £10 each If you have one you can re use it... If not, pm me
  14. Email sent to Richard. Watch this space
  15. The gift packs are the full products and quite random - for instance, I got a full bottle of Nanolox whereas Stuarty got Dodo Supernatural. The actual normal waxybox all but one product is the same for all - there is usually one 'random' product in there too...
  16. Sounds like a gift pack... I got nanolex premium and a mitt in mine
  17. I will speak to Richard regarding a longer term solution for the club ....
  18. They're sample sizes ... And £10 with the code
  19. I'm not sure you all always get the same stuff... I got some mint rims wheel cleaner, some clay and a lube, glass cloth, wax, air freshener, finishkare shampoo, rim wax sachet, chemical guys apc etc
  20. So, my box arrived today... and reckon it is a blinder! What do you guys think?
  21. I avoided the essex spray tan interior like the plague.. thought it looked gash. So can empathise! But with regards to the zed, do it - it is awesome. And I've owned a fair few cars - this is the best one so far
  22. I thought I could get some 'VAG' or 'Box' for 37p. If only.
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