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About croweater

  • Birthday 27/08/1954

croweater's Achievements

Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. croweater

    OEM Sat Nav

    Not sure what the difference is but assume the new one is better so will go for that if possible.
  2. croweater

    OEM Sat Nav

    Ta, a very active forum, have been reading some excellent posts
  3. croweater

    OEM Sat Nav

    G'Day I'm an Australian 350Z-Tech member & own a 2009 Track model (I think that's your GT version). Down here the Nissan OEM SatNav wasn't an option and I'm looking at fitting one to my car. I know there are better after market varieties around but the purist in me won't let me go there. I need a complete satnav system in pristine condition and the console finisher to replace the cubby as well if possible. Happy to pay for shipping, packaging etc etc etc Hope to hear from someone soon .... Cheers
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