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Everything posted by CrumbMC

  1. Thanks for the link. they look a bit cheaper than the MSV ones. Might go on one a bit sooner then, i'll just have to see when i'm available. I'll have another look through the pics soon. would be a nice momento i guess. Chris.
  2. using my limited IOS capab ility i have managed to pirate this from the MSV site. if they had a decent one of me coming down cascades i might have bought it but it looks like i was getting fuel when the photographer was in the best locations.
  3. Thanks guys that's really helpful. i always wondered what the chalk was for. Yesterday was boiling hot and even after about 20 mins of cooling down the fronts were still at 37 PSI. i had filled them up to 35 psi last friday after a 15 min semi-spirited road drive. I'll give the chalk thing a try next time i'm on track, also going to get a little compressor or something as i had to go to the shell garage up the road to do it. The Tyres feel really good though, on the road they are very confidence inspiring. and having gone from a 40 profile on the PS3 to a 45 on the PSS the ride comfort does seem a bit better. My fronts got some graining yesterday though when i was experimenting with entry speeds into lodge but there is still plenty left in them. In the end i ended up ordering the rears of camskill and the fronts of black circles. Black circles are quite a bit dearer than camskill but they had very good service. definitely worth doing it that way and paying 15 quid a tyre for fitting rather than paying the rediculous fitting cost requested by the garages i spoke to.
  4. Awesome Tyre- I'm struggling to find any info on what the correct HOT running pressures should be for stock sizes on RAYS. 35 PSI all round on a hot track today was horrible so i dropped the Fronts down to about 32 and the rears to about 33. still, judging by the tyre wear, i think they may have still been a bit over inflated. obviously road and track driving would need very different pressures but the only experience i have of playing around with tyre pressures is on Forza. and there i have the benefit of being sat in my house playing Xbox and a full, live telemetry By the way, Ekona in case you didn't notice this question is mainly aimed at you
  5. I think your playing yourself down a bit, looked like you were giving it some when i saw you go past. I think you would definately benefit from having some track time on your own without an instructor. after learning the lines etc of the session i had this morning it was nice to be able to go hell-for-leather without him going 'brake, brake BRAKEEE!!!' a bit earlier than i had to - maybe that's why i kept boiling my fluid also i found that by going too fast into some corners you learn from the mistakes and how to control the body roll and understeer much better next time round. I just had a look and there's another open pit lane there on 4th of july. might get myself booked in for that one too. think i will get another bit of tuition as well as my building of speed probably also developed a few errors that i wasnt making with my instructor session first thing this morning. My car is fine. I just needed to let the brakes (and myself) cool down a bit between sessions. Brake pedal was good and firm by the time i got on the road to go home. i'm sure it will be much better when i finally get the new lines and fluid fitted.
  6. That was Awesome Peed my pants a bit the first time my brake pedal went straight to the floor, flat out in 4th braking into druids But apart from that it was an awesome day out. I managed to get my 20 mins tuition straight after my sighting laps which was really helpful. as it meant i had something to build on for the rest of the day. Was great meeting Squee as well. Maybe see you on the next one Apparently there will be some photos of the day uploaded to http://www.clubmsvphotography.com if you want to check them out. i don't think they're up as of yet though.
  7. So the forecast is for sunshine all day. New tyres fitted on Friday. New brakes just put on and bedded in. I'm like a kid on the night before Christmas now. I'll keep an eye out for another Zed Squee.
  8. Everything in the 350 takes a good ol' shove. Drove my mates bora the other day and nearly stomped his clutch pedal through the bulkhead.
  9. I took it to my local windscreen place this afternoon. He explained that in most cases the whole windscreen would have to come out to replace it properly. As it was half 3 i asked him to see if he could fix it up temporarily and 5 mins later he had it back in. He just used a heat gun to soften it, applied some of the glue they use and it popped right back in. Still think I'll get it replaced soon as its a bit wobbly (i'll get a pic soon) but if any of you have this problem and have a hairdryer / heat gun i would recommend trying to get it back in yourself while you decide whether you want to risk taking your windscreen out to replace it. Got the tyres on too today so it has been a good car-day.
  10. getting them fitted tomorrow. il swing by the windscreen place while i'm in town and get them to have a look then
  11. I noticed this had popped out a few days ago. it will push back down quite easily as i have shown in the other pic but it makes a noise like i've got a roof rack on and i'm worried about water ingress. Search function only found http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=36817&hilit=windscreen which was not really too much use. Was just wondering if any of you had any tips or guidance of how i would go about doing this properly and what i would need to do it. thanks Pics below
  12. If the rule wasnt in place then all them teams would just fuel their cars enough to get over the line then it would be chaos on the in laps. Maybe a bit of a harsh penalty but the rules are there for everyone. McLaren just need to sort their act out they have been terrible this year
  13. i thought it was tyres but every time i search, or type it with something with a spell checker it comes up as 'tire'. That last post was the first time i ever spelled it that way and i get shot down... guess i was correct the first time I'm really, really sorry but I can not help laugh at you spell checking 'tyre'. Classic. Haha. i'm not that dumb! It always comes up with a red squiggle underneath and i guess it happened that many times that i started to believe it.
  14. i thought it was tyres but every time i search, or type it with something with a spell checker it comes up as 'tire'. That last post was the first time i ever spelled it that way and i get shot down... guess i was correct the first time
  15. Where did u guys get your tires from. I would be happy with either a 40 pr 45 profile on rays but can't find matching fronts / backs on camskill or black circles EDIT: found them on black circles but they're a bit pricey. the guy from Camskill is trying to source them for me now
  16. ive been running PS3s for the past 18 months. think i'm going to splash out on some Supersports this time. What is the optimum hot pressure?
  17. I used to paintball a bit and looked into airsoft. I looked on the forum of the place i was thinking of going and it seems that the average player had about 10 years of service behind them. that kinda put me off a bit but i'd still like to give it a go some day. i got a fully auto mauri 18c with all the trimmings which i used to fill with paintball BBs lying about somewhere. - that was quite an effective - OH SH1T sidearm
  18. CrumbMC

    Stock Exhaust!

    I have a Y-pipe. im in south cumbria. PM me if you are interested.
  19. Just had a read through this. i would bite anyone's hand off to do this but i couldn't afford to. I would come and watch if it's going ahead this season though
  20. All info here guys: http://www.clubmsv.co.uk/car-home/event-details.aspx?productid=1300 Off to spa now for world endurance serires
  21. the Gemini is a nice Day to day exhaust. Does sound really beasty when your nailing it too. doesn't have the volume that some people want out of an aftermarket exhaust but atleast you wonbt wake your neighbours starting it at night. Couldnt comment on the buddyclub, never heard one.
  22. just found this thread and went from thinking, 'this is wierd' to laughing my ass off in front of my PC. I saw this today. it's the new Zonda 760 RS. check out the lights
  23. I booked myself onto an open pit lane track day at Oulton park on Tuesday 22/05/2012 with MSV. it will be my first ever trackday so i'm really excited. I also booked a bit of tuition for £25. My rear tyres are verging on the wear marker and im not sure whether to get new tyres before i go or wait and put some on after. i just dont want to take the best out of a brand new set of (possibly Michelin PSS) new tyres in one day. Anyway. If anyone from here is going it would be great to say hello as i haven't met any of you yet, even though i have been on the forum regularly for about 18 months. Chris
  24. Imagine the door handles to be an absolute PITA to do. You'd have to take them off the doors and disassemble them do achieve a good finish. Also the extra thickness of the vinyl could make them a bit tight, also the chaffing from the opening / closing could soon wear through the vinyl. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong on this though because i'd like to see how it looks
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