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Everything posted by CrumbMC

  1. First thing i will say is that a lot of Zs, like many cars, are advertised at rip-off prices. They have dropped a lot in the past few years and people are reluctant to let their pride and joy go for less than they think it's worth. The Z is not insanely fast, but it is deceptively fast because the power delivery is so smooth. This will be a big difference from your R. I came from a highly modified golf GTi turbo with fully adjustable suspension and ARBs. it was not as light as a type R but it was set up very well so it was pointy and could be adjusted on the throttle. When i got back in it after being in the Z, it fealt a bit puny. Yes it had a big boost hit but the steering weight, gear change and pedal weights in the Z are so much more manly and satisfying. The Z is not a car to be thrown about though, it is quite heavy. But the car has very nice neutral balance. a little bit of understeer on turn in and the rear comes into play at the exit. It will teach you a lot about controlling a cars weight transfer. it responds very well to trail-braking and the the first time you correct a little rear-wheel drive squirm as you exit a corner over a crest will be more satisfying than any FWD experience you have had before. Similarly you cant hit the steering lock-stops in a second gear powerslide in FWD cars - but this isn't for everyone and not really to be advised on the roads I have also taken the Z on track a few times and it performed very well. its not super stiff but with decent tyres ( MUST IN THE Z IN MY OPINION) and a dry track there were very little cars passsing me and i had great fun in it. I've been a Z owner for 2 years. It is fun and rewarding to drive but also a great car to live with every day - apart from maybe fuel economy. This does mean that it's suspension as a little soft though and on quick direction changes you can feel it leaning over a bit. I have a work van now so i don't have to commute and for the past 6 months or so i have been looking around at other cars that are a bit sharper and edgier. I'm going to test drive an S2000 soon but i have a feeling that i will just end up getting some decent coilovers or springs on the Z.
  2. That seems OK. As something to compare to, almost exactly a year ago, when i was 23, i paid £800 with admiral for an 05 DE engined car. That was with 3 points for speeding. However that was with 6 years no-claims, my step-dad on as a named driver, (brought the price down a couple of hundred and he borrows it sometimes) and i live in a place where i could leave the car running with the doors open over night and nobody would steal it. Strangely it has gone down about 150 quid this year even though i have declared uprated brakes, a full exhaust system and a spoiler. However i'm still getting mugged for the 3 points that aren't even on my licence anymore!!!
  3. Welcome and good luck with the search
  4. I like those black ones that BBK has. need a new rear badge so might do this myself. Surely smoothing involves a full bumper respray on the front and boot respray on the rear?
  5. I'm exactly the same. I've had mine 2 years almost to the day - the longest i have ever owned a car. I always find myself wanting for something a bit more exotic or edgy. But when i look at what is available for the same price of the Z it still seems to win all round. I have been looking into an S2000 a lot recently but i think i would miss the torque / noise of the V6. Also the Z feels a lot nicer when i just want to get somewhere in the pouring rain.
  6. In no way was this intended to be offensive, and if it is I will take it down but you can say the same about any other race, group gender etc being stereotyped. With regard to your very kind offer, I don't think i could afford it I do not really find it offensive, nor am i Jewish. I was just building up to my punchline.
  7. It is very easy to point a stick a Jewish people. They have been the subject of many horrible jokes for years. they are often wrongly stereotyped and portrayed as being money grabbing and stingy, amongst other things. I think it's about time someone thought up some jokes containing Jews that are funny with out being offensive. With that said, I have a rather funny one if any of you want to buy it
  8. I couldn't be bothered with the pastry so I had it on toast like a real rock star!!
  9. Love a good pie... bit of chicken/beef and mushroom. made an awsome beef and onion casarole sort of thing the other day. the left overs would make a good pie.... I'm off to the kitchen!
  10. I really enjoyed reading this thread. I've taken my car to Oulton a few times this past year and have now got the bug. It is pretty much standard but I have uprated discs / pads / lines / fluid and an exhaust with the cost of fuel / brake pads on each trackday i have spent the past few months trying to talk myself out of getting some adjustable suspension, but I might give in to the temptation next season. None of my friends do track days or have a car that would last more than a couple of laps. which is rather annoying because i would like to have someone to play with I have seen a few Zeds on track before. notably one azure blue with an orange cage i think (May at oulton park) and one blue / white, with a spoiler it think (November at Oulton park). don't know if these are from anyone here. I really want to try some new tracks but i live in south Cumbria so they tend to be a long drive. Best of luck with your project. it looks promising and you seem to be a track day vet so I’m sure it'll only get better. Just on a side note. Would it be a bad idea for me to fit coilovers without the camber / toe arms that everyone talks about? Just that the adjustment arms they seem to be quite expensive and i probably wouldn’t be able to afford the whole lot at once. Chris
  11. Did anything ever come of this? it's on the wrong side of the country but I'd still be up for it depending on the price
  12. The DS2500. I have looked on the inside front pad of the Blue stuff recently though and it seems to have worn a lot more than i had thought. Starting to think if i can only get one track day out of any front pads, Regardless of what brand they are
  13. Thanks for replying quickly. Don't worry i wouldn't be spraying without having propper tuning done. Although if i go for it i would do the install and the wiring myself. I know the 2:1 ratio is not a rule but its reccomended by WON as a good starting point for testing. the kit i have been offered has loads of jets which would allow for the optimal tuning. I have heard some good reports about the minimax controller, despite it being basic. I know a lad who used it without any problems on a 150 kit. all it does is let you chose a starting point (eg 30%) and then set the amount of time it takes to reach 100%. Sounds like you had quite a fancy controller that looked at your RPM etc. I would just go for one bottle. The kit i'm looking at does have a bottle warmer with 2 thermostats. I'm just trying to get hold of the guy to find out what size bottles it would fit, but i'd rather go for a big one so it lasts longer lots of info here that i've been browsing through: http://www.noswizard.com/pdf/Car%20UK%20SP%20WET%20Manual.pdf
  14. I'm looking into a wet system, possibly using WON hardware. they say on most cases that on a N/A engine the nitrous solenoid jet is about double that of the fuel one, ei, 50 nitrous jet would require a 25 fuel jet. This is why you tend to only get half the HP of the jet size. The fuel solenoid is supplied via a T-section in the fuel line, thus i assume works the fuel pump more as it has to supply the injectors and the fuel solenoid. i'm was just wondering what the maximum size fuel solenoid jet would be. obviosley the engine can only take so much but it was more the fuel system i was interested about. I was thinking of getting a remap soon to compliment some other mods and some well priced WON gear, including a minimax controller has become available (apart from the bottle which seems the most expensive bit!!).
  15. Does anyone know the maximum sized fuel solenoid jet that can be used safety on the Zeds standard fuel system?
  16. I had totally forgot to update this thread. About 3-4 weeks ago i received a letter saying that 2 of the lads (out of the 5 arrested) had each been found guilty of 13 counts of causing damage under £5000. The lads had pleaded guilty and offered to pay for the damage in order to avoid jail time. Both of them were given 200 hours of community service and between them they have to pay me the amount on the quote that i gave to the police. I was quite pleased with that. 200 hours is 6 months of 8 hour Saturdays. I have already received quite a substantial wedge spread over 3 cheques and look forward to receiving the rest of the payments, hopefully in the not too distant future. I guess i owe the successful resolution of this case to the kind citizen who phoned the police, resulting in these lads getting caught red-handed. Too many people these days turn a blind eye to things like that. I wish i could find them and buy them a beer. Thanks again to everyone who offered to help me out with the repairs etc. Chris
  17. +10000000000 I've told you a trillion times about exaggerating!! Also anyone who thinks this is a good thing to do should avoid posting in this thread
  18. I don't think Ferrodo pads can handle anymore than one full track day. The blue stuffs held up fine but the ferrodos can't handle the heat, at oulton anyway. Best of luck. What company did you book with? It might be time for me to have another outing by then, although i do need to try some other circuits too.
  19. Looks fun. have you got any footage of the rest of the lap? I would have gone to that one if i knew that you were going. I was there last Saturday (24th nov). it was kind of a spur of the moment thing as i got an e-mail through off easytrack on the wednesday and i fancied one last track day before the the weather got too wintery. it was 1 degree when we arrived though unfortunately my day was cut short - running out of rear brake pads. I was gutted. I've been there a few times and love the circuit. interesting to see how slidey your able to get. Although am I right in thinking that you have BC racing Coilovers? I have standard suspension and Michelin PSS so i get loads of grip from the tyres but a slightly understeery balance. I can get the tail loose sometimes but I have to really try to do it. normally if i lose grip it is from understeer, even in the traction zones. I am keen to get some coilovers but I'm going to wait until next year before splashing out. Looks like you have a better direction change through the chicanes as well. I guess you just have a slightly more rigid chassis and less push... really making me want coilovers now After my previous sessions at oulton I was watching some onboards (my favourite is linked below) and took some slightly different lines. I Absolutely love cascades. getting the nice knife-edge between the edge of the kerbs and the grass perfectly on the exit on full tyre load and nearly had a crises (in the clarkson sense of the word). my friend in the passenger seat who was experiencing his first ever time on a circuit nearly had one too but from his bottom I also had a go at double apexing shell oils hairpin but the understeer was rearing its head a bit and I was struggling to make that line work. I've not been so active on the forum since it change format and i got a little confused by it all. But please send me a PM next time your doing a trackday and i'll do my best to attend. it isn't easy though living in south cumbria. Chris
  20. HAHA. I didn't try to. The fish did quite a bit of damage to the rod holders and if it had hit one of us, could've hurt quite a lot. it was lucky it was only a small one. This was the first tarpon I caught. after it jumped very close to the boat, i said "do they ever jump into the boat?" to which i was told, "no." My dad moves out of the way probably one second before it would have hit him.
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