Good post that, and i agree with both of them.
Also i'm sick of all this stuff i read about, "Vettel is crap, he only wins because he has a fast car." This is a load of Bollocks. He is an extremely competant driver. Webber's pretty handy and Vettel often makes him look daft in terms of pace. and he has shown numerous time s that he CAN race from the back.
Think this is quite true, (from the comments section in that article):
"Hamilton- Fastest man out there i think atm , seems on very good form. However acts like a 16' year old, makes stupid decisions, draws the wrong kind of attention to himself. If lewis becomes more composed and calculated then he will win more WDC."
I'm interested to see how Perez will get on at Mclaren.
Apparently Lotus spotted this picture from Kimi's Ferrari days and are planning a similar mod on the lotus. They reckon it could gain them upwards of a second: