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Everything posted by CrumbMC

  1. I picked up the halfords 12V buffer today, never used one before so i tested it out on my freshly cleaned bonnet before it got dark. It seems to oscilate and bounce up and down more than rotate, it took me quite a while to buff, and I still had to wipe it off by hand. Feels like the foam pad which i put the sock things on isn't centrally mounted. I could hear my bonnet vibrating regardless of how much or little pressure i used. - in fact with not much pressure at all it would stop, but like i said its only 12v so that probably shouldn't be a surprise. I'm thinking 2 thinks: maybe the 230V one would be smoother as it should have more torque and hopefully wont feel so cheap. or as this is my first go, are all buffers like this unless i spend a tonne of money. I was going to take it back in the morning as it is really does seem crap or am i just being a cheapskate and want too much for 30 quid?
  2. you can't compare a used car with a brand new one. a used one may be a more sensible buy but some poeple just want new cars. if everyone bought used then there wouldn't be any cars on sale at all!
  3. A lot of engineering has gone into the chassis, it has the lowest centre of gravity of nearly any car on sale - including exotics. The interior is nice quality aswell, specially compared to a Z. It has a mechanical limited slip diff, Zeds have to make do with a crappy viscous one. The pound has taken a hit over the past few years. originally it wouldn't not have cost much more than £20k. yes, the engine is a bit own on power but thy wanted to stick with an NA engine to stay with the urist nature of the car. If it offers on limit handling at sensible road speeds then it will be more fun than any other cars mentioned in this thread, apart from maybe a cayman but you would have to be going a lot faster, and have a lot more money to enjoy it.
  4. Coudn't be bothered to type it myself, "Manufacturers make LSD's in different configurations and are generally classified as 1 way, 1.5 way, and 2 way. This designation reflects the design of the cam groove which enables the LSD to function differently under different loads. A 1 way differential just means the cam is shaped in such way as to have positive lock (equal torque distribution) only when accelerating. The 2 way differential is constructed in a way to have positive lock motion in either acceleration or deceleration. The 1.5 way differential is a fairly new term used to describe the 2 way cam which allows different lock up rates during the two directional forces. The 1.5 distribute positive lock stronger under acceleration than when decelerating. The 1.5 way can be more forgiving durring braking than a full 2 way setup. However, it is less effective in racing situations. It provides easier operation for beginners (mostly when off the throttle). You see them a lot on front wheel drivecars (FF) which need extra stability during braking..." Edit: removed jibberish forum font code from when i copy and pasted
  5. An LSD can corrupt driving dynamics as well as improving them. they can be tuned to minimise this affect but there is a reason why GTRs scrabble around at low speed, (very tight diffs) and why ferrari and McLaren use electronic systems in their cars instead. Have you never felt the diff lock in your car at low speed turn in causing you to understeer? Your average BMW 320d owner may not like the sensation of having a locking differential, and if theyre just driving around at normal speeds, why go with the extra expense and maintainence of having a mechanical locking Diff when its not needed or may even worsen the experience for that particular customer? If you asked colin chapman what the perfect chassis would have, i bet you it wouldn't have any anti-roll bars or limitedslip differentials. He would say they are a cover up for poor chassis design. I'm not saying LSDs are bad, in fact they can cause you to have a lot of fun in a car but like ARBs they are a compromise that must be properly tuned in order to be effective.
  6. This is simply not true. Many fans with sour grapes over his dominance say this sort of thing, but he is an amazing driver. He can race through the field as he has demonstrated many times. Also he usually drives the PERFECT race weekend by qualifying on pole, being the fastest driver in the opening phases of the race (when it matters the most to get away from the trouble) then nursing / cruising to the finish. I don't understand how it is possible to be a better driver than this, or am I missing something? If that doesn't provide evidence enough take a look at this record of Torro Rosso's performance: I only see one yellow square on there, which happens to be in the year when TR had their best championship position despite Bordais only scoring points twice.
  7. If you have such a bad opinion about the show, it's content, the presenters etc, why bother watching it?! People seem to slate Top Gear for all the same reasons, yet they continue to watch it each and every week Because sometimes they do a great show, like Sunday's. And I love exotic cars and want to see every bit of footage i can about them.
  8. Can any one supply me with the twisted metal bracket that is used when mounting the pop charger? Haven't had The pop charger on for a while and i can't find it. I'm sure it's within my capability to make one just as good, but if anyone can sell me one please let me know. Thanks
  9. Tonight's episode: i Haven't watched it yet. That's how nice I am to you guys Let me know your thoughts, Or if any of you are watching it.. enjoy:
  10. Still not worth £300 a day, sorry dude! Fair point, it is expensive but surely a fast worker (who may have invested a lot in tools to do a faster job) should be rewarded for his speed, not penalised. MY mate set up his own plastering firm. He undercuts many rival firms (based on price per square metre. Yet he is super fast and does an amazing job. If the price is based on the size of the job - and it is a fair price, then surely the client is the winner if he gets it done in half the time?
  11. Going by my previous posts in this thread many of you may be surprised to find out that I really enjoyed Sunday's episode. They seem to do these supercar travelling trips very well. I think it's because the jokes happen naturally while the cameras are rolling rather than the same old crap being regurgitated in the studio. Even Hammond was bareable - but I was still glad he lost Loved the dog fighting with the planes too. I really want to do one of those laser dog-fight flying days but I bet they aren't cheap. That was a quick turn-around for TG too. Driving the vanquish and it has only been out a couple of months. Normally it takes them at least 8/9 months I hope (if they do it) James does the review for the latest (not new ) boxter, as he won't have larkson's 'same at both ends' or Hammonds 'poor-mans porsche' point of view. I'm also hoping for drives of the Agera R, Ferarri F12, 991 911, and BMW M135I. That was a good episode after the (in my opinion) TERRIBLE first episode. Let's hope it wasn't the high-point of the series.
  12. I'm electrician / training to be an electrical engineer for the a family run contracting firm who do our work mainly within the distribution network. I hate doing foreniers for this whole reason. People expect a job done for a tenner an hour or sometimes even less than that. why should i? not only does a 2 hour job often mess up you whole day, but it often means I have to turn down plans for the night before or something for the whole weekend. Also for someone self employed, a small 2 hour job is a pain in the arse as it's likely you will not be able to fill the rest of your day. as someone else said they probably put in a high price hoping they would be turned down. Also doing stuff for money with friends doesn't always go well, especially if one of them feels hard done by or doesn't pay for ages it can cause arguements. Don't forget that charges also have to include paying for vehicles (associated tax, insurance, fuel), additional staff for admin and payroll, premesis, advertising, subscriptions to stuff like niceic, eca, and QA accreditation, training (which is just daft the amount of health and safety crap you must have these days), also in my firm we spend weeks putting in for jobs that we may not get - the cost of this time must be recovered. the list goes on and on. Don't forget they have to cover for the times when they have no work. I would help out a mate if they were totally stuck but i would never do weekend work unless I was getting paid silly money for it. If you think your being ripped off then go elsewhere. Nobody (except maybe my mother ) would go with the first insurance company they got a quote off so why do it with tradesmen Also comparing with site workers is not really applicable. I know a few site joiners who work on big sites and i wouldn't let them anywhere near my house. You often pay the extra cash to get the job right first time by someone who takes pride in their work. Make sure you state how neat and well done everything must be done. If they don't work to the standard that you have stated then don't pay them until it's right. If you find a tradesman who does a crap job then charges a lot. make sure you tell everyone you know to stay away. it is those people who give everyone else a bad name and are the reason why every trader has to pay rip-off prices for liability insurance etc.
  13. I'm on holiday the week leading up to this. Think i will get home around 3am (earliest) on the Saturday morning. I will do my best to come though as i haven't been to a single meet or anything yet and this is only a 25 min drive from my house. I think a couple of years ago i saw all of your Zeds parked up at Kendal ASDA. was on my way to a festival then though Even if its only for the sunday morning i'll try my best to come.
  14. That was just round the back of my mates house last weekend. There was about 40mm of snow but we scraped about half the field into a big kicker. Haven't boarded for about 6 years but it was fun to get back on. There were some great pics on that day perfect blue sky and loads of light. There are loads of pics.. I'll upload some more when I get home from devon tomorow. Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
  15. Some police are dicks. Some are alright (or just cba with the paperwork). If someone starts tailgating you. Just brake. The highway code states you should do this to create space for them to pass so if the police pull you for it they don't have a leg to stand on. Then if it's not the police you can always replenish your ego by chasing after them. Anyone who drives a 350z and says they don't speed on fun roads is either lying or a poser who should be on a diesil TT. At the end of the day, you did the right thing and grovelled. I've done it before and it worked.
  16. Well yeah because there is a pic in the first post... Wasso could polish a turd You can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter. Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
  17. My Brother has had a shoulder operation recently, so instead of down-hilling like a nutter he's taking photos. He took this one of me last Saturday. He's getting quite good!
  18. My step-dad sometimes uses mine and he's got long hair Oh, and
  19. Didn't see one in this thread so here's a link to the build thread http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/67207-omsport-superchraged-350z-drift-build/
  20. Some guy knocked on my door today and said, "I have a parcel for your next door neighbour." I said, "You've got the wrong house then mate."
  21. David Beckham donating his 5 months wages at PSG to help the starving and Malnourished. What a lovely family man he is, thinking of his wife even when signing for a new team.
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