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Everything posted by Ken

  1. You forget, I am now officially old enough to drive a 'sensible car' Your supposed to get more insane with car choices as you get older oh forgot to tell you ... I've got a new track car coming as well Come on tell more...................
  2. What happend to 'not having another convertible' Nice looking motor Hugh.
  3. No issue if i wanted any old finish, i am trying to restore the wheels to the original colour and finish.
  4. Great information from this, thanks. This confirms what i was told yesterday. Wheels are an ' illusion finish' Painted black first then with semi-transparent silver then lacquer. So this looks like conformation of the factory finish colour from new.
  5. Yes this is the problem i have seen.
  6. Some time ago i purchased four GT4 Wheels as a spare set. The wheels were in good condition with only a couple of small finish issues, so i decided to have them refurbished this week. I have been told today that the wheels are powder coated and this is not a process that they can carry out. I have seen a number of safety problems powder coating this particular wheel, so........... Are GT4 wheels powder coated from factory new. What refurbishment process has anyone used on this particular Wheel. If painted, what colour or paint code was used to match original colour.
  7. As far as i am aware he is still in the UK. If someone has an interest in the Rota's give me a PM and i will try and contact him.
  8. Welcome back to the forum hope you find another Zed
  9. Welcome to the forum Sarah Black GT4 is a good price for the mileage, the last time i saw this one for sale was March 09 but have no record of the mileage from then. The Yellow GT4 last time i saw this for sale was May 2010, mileage was 32000 asking price was £15000. Looks like it has only covered about 8000 mile in two years £ 8500 is a very low asking price. Good luck with your search
  10. Welcome to the forum Rupert At least one other Rupert on the forum.
  11. Welcome to the forum Andy Good luck with your search for a Zed
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