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Everything posted by Ken

  1. How did they compare price wise to the Bridgestones.
  2. +1 Darren, but better than plain silver.
  3. I have not seen many Ultra Yellow GT4s for sale over the last 4 months, but the ones i have seen with less than 70k have been at least 10k. Number 35/176 Ultra Yellow 35k miles up for sale, asking price £11995. Keep looking, it my take a bit of time, but you will find one. Good luck with the your search.
  4. At least go for the original colour on the wheels.
  5. As Mark at Abbey, check all the panels for the chassis number when viewing a Zed.
  6. This is 170/176, one i have not seen before. It's on Auto Trader for £6995, looks good and interior is not showing the signs of the 128000 miles recorded. At that price well worth a look. Wheel colour looks different to original factory shadow colour.
  7. Welcome to the forum Benefiting from the place already, great stuff Good luck with your search.
  8. As Will said, i too have made many friends and the forum just enhances the zed experience.
  9. Thanks Dave that may be something to consider.
  10. Thanks, that could be worth while.
  11. Has anyone got or had this Exhaust setup on a 350 and what if any difference did it make.
  12. Welcome to the forum Very nice looking Zed
  13. Welcome to the forum 44 This a GT4 i have not seen for sale before, the registration number would be useful to enable me to add it to my database. Send me a PM with it if thats OK.
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