back to work today (Booooooo) after having had a fantastic trip to the south of france on an extended bank holiday weekend in which we did 1946.5 miles from saturday morning to wednesday night. lots and lots of pictures!
first day is a boring blast down the autoroutes down to Macon just north of Lyon for an overnight stay and a great steak by the river saone.
day two up early and the autroutes took us as far as Grenoble where things started to get interesting. E712 to Sisteron then the N85 to Castellane at the end of the Gorge du Verdon which is where we then headed staying in a fantastic village called Moustiers Sainte Marie. we used this as a base for two nights.
day three saw us take the southern road round the Gorge down to Comps sur artby then head south through Grasse and onto Nice and then Monaco where it would be rude not do drive the circuit and have a blast through the tunnel with the roof down! north from Monaco to peille and then onto the Col de Turini. back from there along some FANTASTIC roads (D6202 N202) to Castellane and back to Moustiers Sainte Marie for the night
day 4 we start heading north again on our way back to macon but this time along the Col de Allos, barcelonnette, Savines le lac, Briancon, Le Grave and the les deux alpes pass...... WOW!!!!!!! awesome roads!!! then it was autorouts back to macon for the night
day 5 was a pretty boring day of driving back north for the Euro tunnel but we did make a quick lunch stop at Troyes which was an unexpected treat as the place is lovely!
anyway enough chat.... pictures...
Moustiers Sainte Marie
Gorge Du Verdon