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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. 4 bolts and a plug each seat.... there are a couple of different versions (did they do an unheated seat?) like 1 adjuster wheel vrs 2 adjuster wheels but basically the same seats..
  2. get a small dehumidifier thingy and leave it in the footwell while the cars not in use, you would be amazed how much moisture you get in a car that just sits about not getting used
  3. if you want to change it might be worth a punt asking if someone has the Alzean interior is interested in a swap for the black seats... plent of people want to go the other way to you and it might just work out. otherwise i think i saw some Alzean seats on ebay the other day
  4. who SMD.... he was only posting in the woodman meet thread yesterday
  5. 4RE Leather leather god eh... SMD will be on this thread like a shot!
  6. me again! ordered some new rear pads from Ewen and they were delivered within 20 hours!
  7. Thought I had seen that GTR somewhere before! Was down at kaizer last weekend... Moved your car off the ramp to get mine on to do the alignment.... Looked great but sounded even better
  8. Kaizer is a little way out of london yes but you get there on main roads and dont have to mess with london traffic. i wont be going anywhere else thats for sure and its about an hours drive for me.. he knows his stuff, is very friendly, has good coffee, Wifi and is very reasonably priced. having watched him set my car up on his hunter system he certainly didnt just spend time getting it into the green lines and the difference it has made to the feel of the car is amazing
  9. get yourself down to Sly at Kaizer... Hunter system and i am sure it was £50 for a full 4 wheel alignment
  10. removed by piston heads under fraud warning
  11. Shhhhh i dont want to get into a bidding war!....
  12. rear wheel drive car and the roads are like a sheet of ice..... to be expected unless you have winter tyres fitted
  13. SteveM

    Guess where

    Indeed it was will... Almost a shame I'm thinking of selling it now!!!!!!
  14. No... It's short for Szilveszter
  15. Great service from Sly today... Dropped in on shortish notice for a P1 and MOT. had the alignment checked and adjusted on the awesome hunter system and had an engine and fuel system treatment, he even fitted my aux belts for me while the oil was draining. Not sure what it was but the car drives GREAT now and even feels like it pulls better now Great service, good coffee, wifi, great price and some good roads to and from the workshop, can't ask for more really
  16. Great service and super quick delivery! Thanks ewen
  17. SteveM

    Guess where

    I have been left in charge for half an hour... Now where does sly hide the GTR keys!
  18. Being treated to a bit of lovin... The car not me!
  19. plus its good under extreme friction and therefore heat!
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