So following a few conversations with Will370 and after chatting with a few guys yesterday I though I would post up a rough guide to what's possible and the rough costs involved
Day 1 (Saturday)
Trip down to the tunnel, quick crossing then into Belgium and down into Germany avoiding tolls and aiming for Heidelberg for the first nights stay. 470 miles (approx) 1 hour down to the tunnel and 6 hours to heidelburg plus an hour at some point for lunch. Day 1 will want to start early!
Day 2 (Sunday)
Down from Heidelberg to Baden Baden then onto the route 500 through the Black Forest and onto lucerne in the Swiss alps. 250 miles and about 6 hours driving
Day 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 (Monday through Friday) explore the mountains! Klausen pass, susten pass, furka pass, San Bernardino pass, splugen pass, stelvio pass, silvretta pass, hahntennjoch pass..... Approx 250 miles a day taking between 6 to 8 hours depending on stops, photos and re runs of particularly good bits of road!
Day 8 (Saturday)
Start heading north again back up through Germany unknown destination but assume 250 miles and 6 hours
Day 9 (Sunday)
The long trip home, 470 miles getting home late afternoon early evening
Day 10 (Monday)
Back to work with loads of stories and amazing pictures!
Tunnel £140 return
Food and drink allow £40 to £45 a day. This could be less or more depending on drinks and meals but I have found £40 a day is plenty! £320 for the week
Hotels, allow £100 a night. I know for sure you won't pay this every night but if you get a couple of night at £80 a night it allows you to have a couple of plush nights at £120. 8 nights £800
Petrol. This will all depend on how heavy your right foot is but I did a similar trip last year and over a couple of thousand miles averaged 25mpg. The trip above is approx 2500 miles that's 100 gallons or 455 litres. At £1.50 a ltr that's approx £680
Keep a few euros aside for any extras but the above is the minimum based on staying in hotels
Total £2k give or take.... Two of you in a car obviously reduces costs. Yes it's pricey but by god is it worth it! Rather than spending on mods for your car actually get out there and spend it on driving it