A couple of people commented on mine at Wales and Japfest last year that my GM 'always looks brighter than others' and I think it is down to the glaze.
I glaze it every 6 months or so, just did it again yesterday. Am in the process of layering the top coat, will be taking it to Wales next weekend so you can see it there? If not, will get some pics up!
I applied 2 coats of the White Diamond Glaze and then 2 coats of AG HD wax. I will probably keep applying more costs of glaze and wax so I can increase the depth of the shine and protection. Apparently you can 'sandwich' the glaze in between layers of wax. Hopefully I'll see more a greater difference after the next coat of glaze and wax.
Just after this detail, I parked up in a car park and 2 random guys were like 'f**king 'ell, can you get the car any cleaner?' I laughed and he asked me who's car it was and I was like it's mine. He then replied with 'Nice car man!'.
How do you glaze it, with a DA or by hand? Does the glaze last 6 months!?
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the Wales meet, so I won't see you all Make sure you have a great time though!
Please get some pics up, would love to see it!