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Everything posted by HassanZ

  1. I bought a full set (front and rear) of Champion Aero wipers, cost me £20 all-in. They work great! Just like a 'Champion'...
  2. I specifically want orange/gold nuts to match the rest of the orange theme on the car. I was planning to paint the edge of my wheels in orange but I decided not to go ahead with it due to negative feedback. I thought the nuts could be a safer alternative. I seen someone's Rays with red nuts and they looked fantastic! RAYS nuts are very expensive and on top of that they don't do the orange/gold colour I specifically want Torque settings-wise, I have no idea what these nuts will be spec'd at?
  3. I would totally reccomend those I shown you. They look sweeeet! If you wait till tomorrow I can get a pic up for you. Good quality and long life. Very Bright as well. Regarding replacing it is very simple, remove the plastic front wheel liner, turn the steering wheel the opposite side and you should be able to reach at the side and unclip the side light bulb holder and replace the side light. Also the sidelight goes in a certain why. I have placed an order for 2 pairs of these bulbs you recommended, hopefully I receive them before the weekend! What tools will I need to take off the wheel arch liner? Can you please show me some pics when you get a chance? Thank you all for your help and advice!
  4. That's not good...you're scaring me! I spoke to the seller who insists they meet all safety legislation in Japan and were imported into the UK. He also says they would not be allowed to be exported and imported if they didn't hit safety requirements and legislation. I don't know what to do now...
  5. Thanks for your helpful advice . Are these illegal by any chance? I'm sure they would be if they are deemed that unsafe right? Does anybody else have any comments on these nuts? Anybody else purchased a set?
  6. I have searched for 13uster with no luck...they don't seem to exist? I tried searching for the member. I have seen Bullet selling a set, I have PM'd him and left a message on the thread with no reply, I'm guessing they've been sold. They're the CK Engineering ones. i am 100% sure it was bullet....i ve not seen any other for sale on here...i believe 13uster is over on nissansports. I meant Bullet No worries mate. Thanks for helping!!
  7. I'm torn between your's and Mike's. The ones you suggested are half the price but don' know abou quality difference I know they offer less warranty and guaranteed hours of life. But does it justify paying the extra money for the other ones... The bulbs you recommended has agreed to sort me out with an improved delivery price if I purchase 2 sets (1 set for my number plates) I still need to find out how to replace the bulbs
  8. Thank you for the help guys! Do the bulbs I purchase have to have the built-in canbus/resistors? I'm sure the 350z don't bring up bulb errors right? I know my BMW used to... Just want to confirm before committing to a purchase. Thanks
  9. Genuine Honda CRV/S2000 stubby. Approximately £24 new
  10. On my Buy to let mortgage, I had to place a deposit of 30%. The interest rates were slightly higher than a traditional mortgage also. I think what you're planning to do is VERY wise, you will be laughing in the future once you've got 2 properties paid off (the rented one should pay for itself anyway, so there shouldn't be a financial burden on that property, other than the initial deposit.). I would strongly recommend you go for an 'interest-only' mortgage, this will ensure you are not paying more than you can afford on a monthly basis (as you have 2 mortgages) and if anything would happen with your current income, you will not be hit as hard and still be able to cope with the payments. An 'interest-only' mortgage should have very low monthly instalments, your rental income should cover it and give you a small amount of profit on top, allowing you to make over-payments at the end of the year (a lot of mortgage companies allow up to 10% overpayment without being penalised).
  11. Thank you for your reply! Which bulbs from that list do you recommend? Will I be able to use the same bulbs for my number plates? How do I replace the number plate bulbs? How do I receive the forum discount and what percentage do I receive? Many thanks, Hassan
  12. Hi mate I am based in Leicester. If you need help or advice let me know (not that I know much though! ) Hassan
  13. I've only come across one member with a pair of these lights, he seemed to be satisfied with the quality of the item. The only flaw he did mention was the fact that they don't come with the bolt hole covers, so when you open the boot lid you can see the bolts (this may not affect some people, it all depends on the serverity of your OCD )
  14. The seller did claim all import taxes were incorporated into the price of the lights and will be covered by him. What confuses me is the fact that I'm sure the recipient is responsible for the taxes ?
  15. Hi all, I am looking for a pair of very good quality but at a good price, pair of LED side lights. At the moment they're cream and look odd against my factory xenon headlights. Can anyone please advise me on where they got theirs from? I want a pair that will not mess up my electrics or cause any sort of problems/trouble (apart from fitting them of course ) Many thanks, Hassan
  16. Another question...will I have to amend my toolkit in the boot due to the change in nuts?
  17. I have searched for 13uster with no luck...they don't seem to exist? I tried searching for the member. I have seen Bullet selling a set, I have PM'd him and left a message on the thread with no reply, I'm guessing they've been sold. They're the CK Engineering ones.
  18. Thanks for the VERY quick response!! Are these high quality and safe nuts? Has anyone on this forum ever bought these? Would these work with my RAYS wheels? Is this the best price I can get them at? You help is very much appreciated. Kind Regards, Hassan
  19. Hi all, I'm after a set of orange wheel nuts to go with the grey and orange theme I'm sticking to. I don't want to pay over the odds for these but I'll be happy to purchase a set at a reasonable price, as I'm not in a rush to get hold of some. If anybody has any or can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it Many thanks, Hassan
  20. Item has now been sold. Mods can you please lock the thread Many thanks, Hassan
  21. Thanks brother!! Hope you got home safe and sound
  22. Hi all, I bought these off Buster a few weeks ago and didn't get round to fitting them on. The plans on what I am going to do to my car externally have changed, so these are now surplus to requirements. Photo of the spats: These were on Busters Zed, photos are as follows: I would like £45 including postage. Price amended as I miscalculated postage costs. I apologise for the inconvenience!
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