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Everything posted by HassanZ

  1. Hello all! I was driving normally today until I had a sudden urge to put my foot down on a straight road. As I was driving in a 'spirited manner' the EML and EPS OFF lights (others may have triggered too) appeared on the dash and stayed on. When I stopped at a set of lights, I switched the car off and switched it back on and all the warning lights disappeared. What do you think was the cause of this? Also, sometimes when I drive fast in a straight line, my handbrake light triggers. When I touch the handbrake lever the light disappears. Is this something to do with the sensor or is the handbrake activating? Your help is very much appreciated. Kind regards, Hassan
  2. I only just entered my team (HassanZ). What happens about the games I've missed, do I lose a week worth of points? I had no idea who to choose so I just chose anybody
  3. The clunk noise you're referring to is normal isn't it? I'm sure that's part of the 'characteristic' of the Zed... Mine clunks when going in and out of biting point also. That's just down to the Zed's noisy transmission. I'm sure Someone will be along shortly to confirm
  4. I think I have the same issue as you, its more like a 'click' noise when going into gear as if its touching an internal part. Sometimes I can avoid it depending on how I change the gear and sometimes its unavoidable - yes it can be very irritating! People I've spoken to have said its normal, I'm sure Nissan wouldn't build a car with a gearbox like that? I was thinking it was more of a syncro issue? What's the costs related to having this sorted, I would probably look into getting this sorted myself...
  5. Mine rattles just as I fire her up too. Lasts for about a second...I was worried it may be something abnormal too! It rattles for about a second when I switch it off too....
  6. I used to own the Lexus IS200 also, the rear lights were glass. Zeds come with plastic headlights so it would need to be treated differently in comparison to Lexus IS200 taillights...
  7. Did that not take a while on speed 2? Thats rather slow! Normally use speed 2 to spread the compound about and then work up to 4/5 to work it in on my DA6, then back down to 3 to burnish it at the end when the compound has done its stuff. Sorry for the late reply Chris, didn't realise you replied Apologies, my bad! You're right, I used speed 2 to spread the ultimate compound around then increased the speed to 3/4 (I've got a bad memory!). I didn't keep it on too long just incase I overheated the plastic and damaged the lens permanently. On the bodywork I used speed 2 to spread then speed 5 to buff. My headlights are beginning to haze again. Considering I wax them often, they have started to haze again VERY quickly. Might need to pull out the polisher again soon...
  8. From the inside, the noise sounds very similar to mine. I'm not sure from the outside, as I've never stood outside the car whilst the clutch is being pressed/depressed. When you switched off the car, mine makes the same type of rattle sound as yours did.
  9. dude you can't be +1ing a comment thats already been +2'd Yeah £12 fleabay happy days.........you might even get a crappy microfibre thrown in. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Didn't even realise!
  10. You've got exactly what I used to have on my headlights. I used Meguiars Ultimate Compound on my Kestrel DAS6 polisher on speed 2. The headlights came out brand new!! They will need doing again soon though... Have a look at my detailing thread for further details: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=48935&hilit=hassanz
  11. Thank you for adding them for me, it is very much appreciated! By mistake I called the Y-pipe Kinetix, it was actually meant to be Japspeed...
  12. I have a pair of standard cats in great condition which I purchased for £140 thinking they were HFCs when apparently they're not! Let me know if you're interested in taking these off Me. I can't split them though unfortunately. Thanks, Hassan
  13. Quick question. After fitting my pop charger, I couldn't find a way of securing the black wire with the plastic ridged outer casing that runs behind the filter to the back of the filter so I've left it unsecured. There is a plastic clip on this wire which is supposedly meant to clip onto the filter somehow. Anyone know how its done? Thanks, Hassan
  14. Is it possible we can add the following: D1 spec aluminium wheel nuts Toyosport stainless steel exhaust and mid-pipe Kinetix Y-pipe Eibach wheel spacers Tonneu cover 350z-uk club stickers Nismo rear bumper spats Many thanks, Hassan
  15. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=51283 Here you go lads
  16. Are the clips on the ash tray in tact? My clips are currently broken and the ash tray wobbles around inside the hole. Doesn't really bother me as it doesn't rattle when I'm driving. But if you could do a good price, I may just have it off you Are there any scratches present? Has it ever been used for cigarettes? Many thanks, Hassan
  17. Do I have to create the team first before entering our league?
  18. He was being naughty (took his pillow as promised) so they gave him a 1 day detention. He has to write lines
  19. You will not have a problem with regards to the temperature of the water but the actual volume of water (either hot or cold) flowing through the taps elsewhere when someone is in the shower. I don't see you having a problem with a combi boiler in a 3 bed house with 1 bathroom, I know plenty of people with the same set-up. It all depends on the water supply itself and the quality of the boiler in my opinion...
  20. We've got the full Nismo kit on the list apart from the rear bumper spats, could this please be added?
  21. I reckon the 5.5 hours is bullsh*t and the mechanic probably just wanted to be paid for sitting there drinking coffee and twiddling his fingers, as he couldn't be asked to fiddle around with the exhaust or wasn't competent enough (I apologise if this mechanic is on this forum or if I've offended anyone with that comment). I just find it hard to believe somebody sat there fiddling around with an exhaust for 5.5 hours, I would have given up within an hour if it was that awkward. It took the guys an additional 15-30 mins to sort the issue out. All-in-all I was charged £80 to fit the full exhaust system. I personally wouldn't have gone for the Toyosport exhaust if I hadn't got it free due to the sole reason that there aren't enough people with them on. Now that it's on and didn't cost a ridiculous amount to fit it, I am very happy with the exhaust. The noise and looks are just perfect! The fact that no modification was required to the car itself to allow the exhaust system to fit (i.e. removing the diff shield), highlights it weren't extremely awkward to fit.
  22. Chris, it's a good idea you're not allowing members to input their own mods. I could see this getting very messy!
  23. 'DBA 5000 Reries Rotors' is spelt incorrectly Spelt properly in the list, thats my dodgy typo from the copy and paste again Although I quite like the sound or Reries Rotors - sounds like Scooby Doo Also 99.9% sure GT Spec did a carbon brace, I think there was one as a raffle prize one year Just realised when I added that on my mods list Yeah it does actually sound quite cool as well!! Any updates on my 'CHEAP' Toyosport exhaust system and 25/20 Eibach spacers...?
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