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Everything posted by HassanZ

  1. I don't see any pics? If it's the cats, that's the same issue I had. Gave me an excuse to swap them over for some high flow cats
  2. When I fitted my Kinetix high flow cats, my CEL light triggered when I was on the motorway. After plugging in Narcotix's laptop, the error code showed up as: P0420 - catalyst system effeciency below threshold bank 1 This shows that even HFCs can trigger the EML light. I purchased a couple of lamda spacers off Alex and the EML light has not triggered since Could the EML have triggered as I also have an aftermarket exhaust system fitted with the HFCs?
  3. Thanks guys, all of your input has been very beneficial and has given me a greater insight into what I'm getting myself into Everything said makes great sense! I really appreciate you all taking the time out to share your knowledge and experiences. I am actually falling asleep at my keyboard whilst I'm typing this but I will reply to your posts tomorrow when I have some energy!
  4. Did you use 30 on the rears for standard suspension set-up and RAYS? Did the tyres fit and not rub the arch? I look forward to seeing some pics! Only managed to take one before my phone went dead, but shows how it looks. All standard, suspension and Rays. And still room for more More pics please! Looks good!!! Might have to consider selling my Eibach 25's for a set of 30's
  5. If you compare the spec of the PC you purchased to a similar spec'd PC at a supplier like PC World, how much did you save? The place you purchased it off cannot be touched with regards to cost as I'm guessing they buy components in massive bulks, resulting in slashed cost per unit.
  6. I was looking to do this alongside my career, in my spare time. I was planning to build PC's based on 3 budget levels, depending on what the customer will be using the PC for. If it's at least 30%-40% cheaper than other suppliers (i.e. PC World, HP etc) then I believe people may consider purchasing a custom PC instead. The only aspect that will need serious consideration would be to supply them with warranty or not. If the price is low enough, people may be willing to take the risk and benefit from a significant saving. To clarify, all this is just my assumption and I've not done any research into this yet. That's a good point though but I'm sure there are people out there who'll rather just throw the cash at someone instead and buy it ready-built? Obviously as long as they are making a good enough saving on the purchase. I'm sure someone may correct me if my assumptions are wrong
  7. I agree, DBA's are the dogs danglies (although I don't use it anywhere near it's full potential ). I purchased the 2-piece DBA 5000 rotors, I believe they cost a bomb! They look quite nice too with them being 2-piece and have bolts around the edge of the 'hat'. I run Ferodo DS2500's with them.
  8. Hi all, I have always had an interest in PCs and am considering starting up a custom built PC business. Has anyone ever considered or have ran a custom built PC business themselves or know someone personally that does something like this? Do you think there's money to be made in this market if I found a cheap supplier for components? I just thought I'd post a thread on here to see what your views are, as there seems to be plenty of experienced/knowledgeable members on here. I haven't look into this in any detail yet and it's currently just an idea... All input will be very much appreciated! Kind Regards, Hassan
  9. I would really appreciate it if you could please take a pic whenever you can so i know what you mean that's the Sat nav I was considering on purchasing...
  10. HassanZ

    Roof Wrap

    I am from leicester too! Would you be willing to give me a helping hand in doing mine if I decide to do it?
  11. Unfortunately those mode are out my budget...especially when i don't really sit in my car much, just when I'm driving. No need for something that fancy lol! A Sat nav would do me, it'll serve It's purpose whilst filling the gaping hole in my cubby in a cost-effective manner :-)
  12. Ah! HAHA! That's convenient Thanks for your help though! I guess the best way is to get the measurement of the cubby hole and look for a sat nav that'll fit nice and tight inside there. I'm sure LRFAN has a sat nav inside his cubby? Your memory serves u well. Iv got (had ) a navman s70 in mine connected to the battery Looks better in the flesh. Jay said it was his favourite mod on my car Haha! first time my memory actually worked, I have a memory like a goldfish!! That looks brilliant in my opinion, always wanted to do it since I seen yours. Probably the most cost effective method, even if its fitted permanently. What made you choose the garmin? Do you have measurements of the cubby by any chance? How did you wire it up to the battery? By the way glad to know you got a buyer after the other guy messed you around! I hope you got what you wanted, your car was very nice!!!
  13. The OEM would not meet my requirements as they don't have speed cameras and are really dated. I'd rather have a modern one that I can just slot inside the cubby and stick it in place using strong velcro. With the price I'll pay for an OEM one, I could get a top of the range live Tomtom.
  14. Ah! HAHA! That's convenient Thanks for your help though! I guess the best way is to get the measurement of the cubby hole and look for a sat nav that'll fit nice and tight inside there. I'm sure LRFAN has a sat nav inside his cubby?
  15. Thanks for your reply mate, how much does it cost to get it fitted by Nurrish and where is he based?
  16. Hi all, I am planning on purchasing a sat nav and wanted it to be the right size for the cubby hole in the Zed. I need it to fit as close to perfectly as possible so it's nice and secure in that little indented section inside the cubby (also would look as close to OEM as possible). I know a few people on here have already done something similar to this and would like some input if possible. I plan on getting hold of some velcro with strong adhesive which I can stick to the back of the sat nav and the inside of the cubby hole so it's nice and secure. With regards to the wire, I'll have that plugged in to the sat nav permanently, but the wire and plug will be tucked away inside the cubby when not in use, I will pull the wire out and plug it into the lighter socket when I need to use it. Depending on how difficult it is to wire it up permanently, I may consider this option in the future. I appreciate all of your input guys. Many thanks, Hassan
  17. Hopefully mine will drop too at renewal time as I'll be out of my first year of Zed ownership. The first years tends to be higher due to the 'lack of experience' driving your new car. On my BMW I was paying around £700 (owned it for 2 years) and it jumped to around £900 when I bought the Zed. If the ownership time period was the same on both cars, the insurance quotes wouldn't be much different. I'm 23 at the moment and turning 24 this month, as soon as I hit 25 let's hope it drops further
  18. +1 on the Admiral multi-car. When I was fiddling around with Admiral's quote system, I noticed the premium quoted didn't fluctuate when I added a non-fault claim on there. I tried it out of curiosity. Not sure why it's affecting you? Who are you with?
  19. I'm guessing you need to shave the wires if the LED units are off an import? My UK LEDs were plug and play
  20. LOL!!! Read the original post matey
  21. Thanks for your comments guys! (I just seen these posts today ) No worries mate, I really appreciate your help though!!!
  22. Did you use 30 on the rears for standard suspension set-up and RAYS? Did the tyres fit and not rub the arch? I look forward to seeing some pics!
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