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Everything posted by HassanZ

  1. I doubt its my OBDII port as i used that recently and it was perfectly fine. Ive tried too many times for me to definitely know its not tempramental. Good news is that Narcotix has kindly volunteered to try the throttle controller on his Zed on Saturday. I will update you on the outcome.
  2. Correct, I too believe a member wouldn't do that. I'll put it Down to my error until I try it on a local Zed.
  3. Car starts fine with this connected and I can rev it normally too whilst connected. This was bought used of a member of this forum (I won't disclose unless the member chooses too ). The OBDII pins are fine as I used it to diagnose a CEL light 3 weeks ago.
  4. Can someone confirm whether the gas pedal would work or not if its not been hooked up properly?
  5. When you turn the key is the screen meant to come on straight away?
  6. OBDII port is fine, diagnosed a CEL light using norcotix's diagnostics equipment 3 weeks ago
  7. The second connector would only allow me to push one way round other way ill end up bending.the 6 pins. If it was connected wrong way round, would my accelarator pedal work? Mine does
  8. Just unclipped plug in throttle, it only goes in one way as.there is a bit that sticks out for the clip. When I pushed it back in it clicked. According to the pic the second connector in right way and tight too. The OBDII is a triangular shape and in tight
  9. Just switched the car on. No display on throttle controller but my gas pedal still worked when i blipped the throttle if that helps. Don't know if its meant to work if there is no power going to throttle controller...
  10. Yes OBDII connector in the right way. How do you mean by contact ON?
  11. All connectors look exactly like the pics and they're fully home. Still no power I can't do the set up without power right? Any other suggestions pls?
  12. I'm currently outside fitting my throttle controller. There is no power going to it when I turn the key. I unplugged the grey plug from above the gas pedal and plugged the throttle grey plug in. I then plugged original removed grey plug into the 6 pin plug on the throttle controller. I then plugged the black box connector into the OBDII port. The controller box has been plugged into the black module box thing. Anything I've done incorrecly? Sorry about being very short, I'm typing on my phone. All help appreciated! Hassan
  13. My dad had this issue with his Mercedes, it turned out to be a leaking/corroded fuel overflow pipe. This could be something completely different though
  14. Insurance companies sometimes use really shocking bodyshops that have really low standards. I would not trust the recommended bodyshop at all and take it to a bodyshop you or a friend knows personally. Insurance companies dictate really low labour, parts and paint rates which bodyshops have no choice but to accept due to the potential volume of work they will receive from insurance companies. Although bodyshops have to meet strict requirements, that does not necessarily mean they're good. I would personally take your car to the dealership to ensure the work is up to scratch. But beware, some insurance companies only authorise non-genuine parts to be used which dealers won't do! You have a legal right to choose where you want your car to be repaired. I am sorry to hear this happen to you and I hope everything is sorted quickly with minimum hassle and to back to it's original state.
  15. It's free looking at the previous post
  16. GRR Only if I started on time, I may have been top
  17. Moody is really close with a friend of mine which was a security guard at my ex workplace. He used to come down to see us every now and again at work with some crates of Red Bull cans as he was sponsored by Red Bull. My mate was a Leicester Tigers player himself until he messed up his knee, he played for Sales too. I don't follow rugby at all, I am clueless!
  18. Yes it is possible to remove the heatshields, I know some people have done this before. I have been told this could damage the cat itself though so is not recommended. I had the same issue as you, mine were so bad that it resulted in a loud rattling noise at around 1k revs. I just looked at it as an excuse to replace them with a pair of Kinetix high flow cats
  19. If you require that banana shaped part you've circled on the left above the cats, I've got one if you need it
  20. Your car looks stunning mate! Congrats!
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