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Everything posted by HassanZ

  1. + 1 - Android all the way!!! Whatsapp costs 59p on iPhones but it's FREE on Andriods
  2. Whatsapp is the way forward. I've been using it for well over a year now as my primary communication method. I hardly use my text allowance now as most of my friends, family and colleagues use this. In some respect it's better than texting as it also shows you when the recipient received it (you know if they have ignored you ). If their phone is switched off, it will show as undelivered. Much better than a text message delivery report! You can send images, recordings and an array of other media. Those of you who have controlling wives, DO NOT tell them about Whatsapp as it now has a feature where you can send the recipient your current precise location (on a map and as a coordinate). If you're having an affair, she'll soon find out!
  3. No problem mate...anytime
  4. +1 Spot on if you excuse the pun, paint is porous and needs to breathe sealing it immediately can cause small blebs caused as you have said by gassing. Some people wax straight away and get away with it, some are not so lucky I wouldnt take the chance and have to pay for another paint job. You can of course put some compounds on as long as they dont contain sealants or pure waxes that seal the surface. Six weeks in this case should be about right. It's getting cold now...would the wait have to be increased further? I'm guessing in the winter it would take longer for paint to cure than in the summer?
  5. Here you go matey: viewtopic.php?f=157&t=23979 I purchased a pair as my CEL light triggered with my Toyosport exhaust/mid-section and Kinetix HFCs fitted. The CEL light hasn't triggered since
  6. Or... As you've got an iPhone, you could just e-mail all your mates for them to look at when they're next scanning through their e-mails?
  7. How much does this approximately cost for a bonnet, wings and bumper application? I'm planning on getting this done too...
  8. Iphone 4s Convince your mates to get a phone that can have Whatsapp downloaded onto it. You will not look back at normal texting ever again...
  9. I use Whatsapp to send picture messages What phone are you using?
  10. Cars like the 350z do tend to sell faster just before the summer and traders seem to find it increasingly difficult to shift these type of cars just before winter. This is part of the reason some Zeds have been going really cheap lately as traders don't wan't to be lumbered with them over the winter. If I was patient enough, I would have waited till this time of the year to buy mine so I could get a better deal on one. With regards to a valuation, you'll need to post some photos and a more detailed description for accurate responses. Best of luck, Hassan
  11. That figure is impressive for the 276bhp engine!!! What exhaust, cats and plenum spacer you fit?
  12. We've had a lot of fun with them at the accident repair centre I worked at! They're very handy!
  13. Mine were like this when I purchased my Zed, I think it's very common! I got my set of RAYS refurbed in a 'hyper silver' (very metallic/shiny silver) colour. The original colour looks too flat in my opinion.
  14. HAHA!!! How did you hear each other with the wind noise!? I was driving on the M1 towards Leicester in my Missus' Mini Cooper at that time. I seen a grey 350z convertible with the Nismo N1 spoiler, rear LEDs and RAYS. His number plate ended in 'NGR'. It was approximately at 8:50pm on Sunday (I just realised you posted this at 6:04pm ) The Leicestershire lads on this forum should meet up!!
  15. Number plate ending in 'NGR'???
  16. OMG!!! Was it a convertible with RAYS by any chance!!??
  17. I would have attempted to clean the insides of the wheel arches before I took any pics, bit of a put off seeing all that dirt in there. But then I am very fussy
  18. I reckon the car probably did have aftermarket wheels on but got them swapped over for stock wheels temporarily for this so it don't get damaged on those jacks/skates?
  19. +1 - I even spent a fair bit of time reading the other related articles about the Z on the site.
  20. Hmm I'm tempted to do this also, but I don't know if I have the balls to do it myself!
  21. Hi all, There's been so much debate and discussion on these products, all with mixed opinions. There's many people I see wearing these ranging from people in the street to members at my local gym. If you don't know what these are, the following should give you an insight: http://www.powerbalance.com/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12135402 http://www.trionz.com/ What are your opinions on these things? Are there any members on here who wear them? Do you think they actually work or are they just placebo? Some people I know swear by these and some are disinterested. I've always been curious if these actually work! It's quite weird the difference it makes in those tests! All input is welcome! (I wonder if this turns into a debate )
  22. Where there's a blame there's a claim... Hopefully the passenger/s are okay though!
  23. Thanks for your reply mate, that's who I'm currently with. Trying to see if there's any cheaper providers out there. I have heard Talk Talk are pretty cheap/good bu ain't sure?
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