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Everything posted by HassanZ

  1. HAHA!! I was going to post the same thing up about the parked black Zed until I read your posts before posting! I only spotted it when I was trying to look for clues in the reflection making sure the video wasn't fast forwarded or slow motioned and I thought hey...that silver handle and roof line looks familiar!!
  2. It's so fascinating how much valuable advice you can obtain from a car forum. It seems as though there's at least one person specialising in each profession that exist on this globe! Hats off to all of you who have provided me with the help and advice I require. Thanks a lot for all your input, I will speak to my cousin tomorrow and see what he has to say. I will take all your advice on board and use it in our discussion tomorrow Lets hope he can do it and I receive a good quotation also! He can do electrics, carpentry and plumbing himself, so we should be able to complete the job without involving others hiking the cost up! We have agreed to move the sink and the units below towards the far end wall. Move the washing machine to the edge near the back door. Place a new worktop on top of the cabinets and washing machine across to the back door and place a support pole between the edge of the worktop and floor. The side of the washing machine will be exposed, that is not an issue being a rented property
  3. Being a landlord is a pain in the backside at times... especially when the tenants are students!
  4. I've just spoken to my far cousin who does this for a living. He's going to have a look and provide me with a quotation tomorrow. He said he will source the worktop and fittings for me also. Let's see if 'mates rates' comes in to play over here I've already sourced a Bosch washing machine for £120 delivered from a local appliance store. I am shocked, I didn't think I'd be looking into the hundreds for labour alone!
  5. I've been told the units are on legs but has a plank of wood covering the gap up (forgot what they're called!) making it look like it's fixed to the ground. So I'm guessing the sink unit can simply be picked up and dropped next to the wall. This should mean minimum dismantling is required?
  6. £500 really!? Daym...I thought it wouldn't be much of a big job as I assumed it would be simply removing the worktop then 'shifting' the unit with the sink built-in up towards the wall (after disconnecting the pipework) and pushing the washing machine in the opposite direction. What would I be paying most of the labour for? Just to add, all the units/doors etc are remaining the same. The only bit of the kitchen that is being replaced is the worktop, as the sink hole will be closer to the wall. Thank you for your reply mate, much appreciated I'm glad I did post up here first, I would have died of a heart attack if I spoke to a kitchen specialist and received a quotation first!
  7. Hi all, I have a house which I rent out. Prior to my purchase, the kitchen was re-done. It looks as though somebody invovled in the designing of the kitchen lacked common sense as they built the kitchen AROUND the washing machine. I received a call from the tenants informing me the washing machine has stopped working (I dreaded this day ever since I purchased the house, as I knew it would be a pain in the backside removing the washing machine from there). As the kitchen as been built around the washing machine, the kitchen will need to be dismantled to allow the washing machine to come out as it is being replaced by a new one. Whilst this is being undertaken, I thought it would be best to just re-shuffle the kitchen around so the washing machine can be removed easily in the future without having to take apart the whole kitchen again. How much would I be looking at getting the sink and washing machine swapped around, so the washing machine is closer to the door and the sink is nearer to the back wall? I haven't spoke to any kitchen fitters yet and I just thought I would ask here for a rough ball park figure of the cost/work involved. I know the plumbing and pipework will need to be extended to allow the relocation of th sink and washing machine. I'm looking at purchasing the worktop and pipework myself so it will just be the labour costs I'm concerned about. I will need to get this sorted as soon as possible to keep my tenants happy Note: The worktop on the opposite side of the kitchen (same size as the side pictured) will also need to be replaced so both sides match. I forgot to take a photo of the opposite side of the kitchen. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to carry out the work myself so I'll have to hire a professional (I'm only just turned 24 so I lack the experience and skill required ) Photos of the kitchen are attached. All your help, assistance and advice is very much appreciated. Hassan
  8. Yeah I'll try not to get too 'trigger happy' with it. I only tend to drive the Zed rather calmly anyway as the roads over here are horrendous! It just feels good having that extra 'oomph' when pulling away as normally when taking off, the car feels very unresponsive unless you push the pedal further - It gives it that torquey feel.
  9. HassanZ


    Yes that's the same guy's number I was going to provide to you, he's a very good lad. I dealt with him via text and just sent payment via Paypal, didn't do it through eBay. I received it the next day - very good service!
  10. HassanZ


    Did you buy them off k2khs on eBay?
  11. Just thought I would update this thread and say a big thank you to Woody for kindly offering to help me sort out non-working throttle controller I purchased, although it wasn't his issue and had no reason to help me out at all. I sent it off to him and I received it back very quickly! The OBDII plug wires were disconnected and it required a new plug (I'm guessing this happened when the throttle controller was being removed from the previous car). Woody went out his way and sourced a new OBDII plug for me, soldered it on and tested it on his car to ensure it worked. All I can say is thank you mate, you're a credit to this forum Helpful people like you make this world a better place! I am now driving around with the throttle controller connected and wow! it is one of the best mods I have carried out so far!!
  12. HassanZ


    That's how they'll look
  13. HassanZ


    I just bought some satin Z burger badges the other day. PM me and I'll give you the traders number
  14. The body shop I used insisted I could wax the car straight away even though I repeatedly mentioned I have been told to wait a couple of months which he disagreed to...I get so many mixed opinions I don't know what to follow!! He says because it's been baked, it is more or less hard enough to wax/polish/wash. He did say it may chip slightly easier than say in 6 months time when it's 'fully hardened'. Can any paint professionals please clarify this?
  15. +1 - I've purchased the full kit (including alezan colour die) but ain't had the time to work on it yet! I guess I'll have to wait until spring now...
  16. I might be wrong but I don't think your meant to bake the new type of paints............. Really?! All bodyshops I know locally bake new paint jobs to speeden up the drying process. Am I missing something?
  17. What if the paintwork was baked in an oven, does it still take time for it to fully cure/harden?
  18. My favorite colour for the Zed...love it!
  19. Yes K1 is not cat back, its a y-pipe back A lot of people still refer to them as 'cat back' so not sure what the OP requires exactly and if he plans on replacing the y pipe or not. If he wants loud, he can achieve this VIA a K1 and a relatively small budget
  20. You'll find a K1 for less than a third of that budget!
  21. Depends if we have to stick to the same budget or anything? I could come out with an array of alternatives if there is no budget involved...
  22. Yep, I find that feature extremely convenient. The recipient receives it almost instantly too! I reckon in the future Whatsapp will become an 'built-in' feature on all/most mobile phones (Android and iPhone at least), just like how Facebook, Twitter and Youtube have recently become 'built-in' features. The only reason mobile phone manufacturers may not be able to install Whatsapp as a 'built-in' feature is because network operators may object to the idea, as their text service will become unpopular with their current or potential customers due to the costs related to a 'high text' tariff. Everyone will just get a low text tariff due to having a substitute (Whatsapp), this will cause reduced revenues for network operators causing a conflict of interest between them and mobile phone manufacturers.
  23. + 1 - Android all the way!!! Whatsapp costs 59p on iPhones but it's FREE on Andriods Nah, it was free. Really? They stopped charging for it now? When I had my iPhone, I had to pay 59p for Whatsapp. When I bought my HTC Sensation, I was thinking I would have to folk out another 59p but when I went to purchase it, it was free!!
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