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Everything posted by garetgax

  1. Am I right in saying for now I can do a reset and the light will go off for now...
  2. up rev it is in then . On a separate note can i ask where you got you skirts from buster?
  3. Had the check engine light come on the other day took it to nissan to diagnose the issue and as suspected they blamed the berks/exhaust on the sensors have a fit. Reset and its come on again. Do I need to get it upreved to a) cure the issue and bring a smile on my face. Seriously though,nissan are going to be completly useless sorting this so ideas guys? Oh forgot to add oil fine, oil pressure fine, engine temp normal. Error codes are all relating to the exhaust sensors. Is it just a sensor fault? The berks have been fitted for a good while etc and the emissions were normal when the "helpful" nissan chap checked them (he thought he was being clever given he slagged off the berks, the k2 and the pop charger and then charged me £85.00
  4. Well be there as long as shell can book the shifts. Ill be bringing some boots and wet weather stuff this year though and think well do the drive out this year as well .
  5. Just getting some ideas now. Itll be early next year that i will actually start to be more serious in terms of actually finding a car. Ive got to wait till jan for some money to be available unless i raided the ISA which Id be reluctant to do etc. If i get me backside into gear and sell the rest of the scoob parts in my garage might mean ive some funds a bit earlier but Im hoping to use the money from them to fund suspension and brake mods to whatever i get (assuming I buy a standard car). MX5/MR2 gen 3 are looking likly suspects. Anyone know what mx5's are like re oil starvation? Just thinking mod lists if I buy a standard car:- brakes,suspension, roll bar,oil cooler,baffled sump?, oil pressure and temp guages. Already got decent 4 point harnesses. Initially the car needs to be road legal as I cant fit a tow bar to the current company motor and its lease doesnt run out till Sept next year so fully bespoke track cars are out for now.
  6. javelin days and the raf days, plus snet and donny,rockingham are most likely the days id be looking to do plus some autotesting and if i can possibly some sprinting at a later time is what id be looking at in terms of usage for the car. I would be looking at brakes and suspension,cage etc. Ive already got my harnesses from the scoob so thats at least one thing I dont need to buy. If i can find a ready done car great but of late a lot ive seen have either been sheds or overpriced. Having stripped my sprint car I know what it costs to build a car etc. The mr2 is a good option especially as my old GT4 service guy ( a toyota specialist) is only down the road and I know how well put together toyota's are. IVe a friend that has 2 s14's and unless their properely forged they will go bang so thats a definate non starter, nissan parts are expensive as well.
  7. stew tbh a bit of both. have to juggle paying for the hols each year as well as the track stuff as shell would kill me if we didn go away etc:lol: . Owned a gt4 and tracked it so thats definately out and tbh anything 4wd turbo'd isnt going to be cheap to run etc. a lot of food for thought there. If i go for 5k budget then it means waiting a year if i go for the 2k ish i can prob do get it sorted for next year which would be better but Im tempted to stretch things. The cheaper the car etc the more i have towards using it more as well. I like the idea of a tatty or cat d car as eventually it'd come of the road entirely anyhow. Think im erring on rwd but with my lack of talent and the fact im used to 4wd cars and in particular scoobs that when you screw up tend to understeer itd take a bit of getting used to. On the mx5 the top end and lack of power is a concern for the long term and I intend to keep whatever i get for a while etc. thanks for the advice so far guys
  8. Right Ive got the green light for a "track" ish car for next year. At present it wouldnt be a stripped out non road car as I cant fit a tow bar on the current company car so itll still need to be driven to and from any sprints or track days. Im after ideas for a potential motor my previous being a 400/400 classic impreza that went bang in the end so dont want to go down that road again. Budget could be anything from 2k to around 5k i thought maybe a 3.2 dsg tt as a possible but also maybe a e36 or mx5 or 2nd gen mr2 possibly turbo? Really havent a clue so ideas on a postcard . Really want something thatll be pretty reliable, easyish/cheapish to uprate its suspension and brakes at some point and fit an oil cooler but also something thatll be pretty quick out of the box. not in any hurry for this but want to get an idea as to what ill be looking for for early next year etc. Also dont want anything to big as id like it to fit in my garage over the winter etc.
  9. TBh mrtin if its a commute car id go for a decent 4wd diesel something like an audi a3 quattro etc that still has decent torque etc but doesnt hit you in the pocket fuel and insurance etc. just my 2 penneth and I like scoobs
  10. Had 3 including my sprint car till last november (may she rest in pieces RIP). If you need any pointers MArtin im around as well mate. . If I was to buy a new age it wouldnt be a wrx make sure its and sti as a minimum mate tbh. In reasonably standard form Scoobs are very strong its only when you start upping the power and/or racing/tracking them they go south.
  11. To all you boarders............."way cooler" ...............only if your good unlike most of the boarders on the piste who jusr get in the way, get stuck on connecting runs and just act like a piste basher. Im learning rails and helicopters with my blades for next year when Im going to get some freestyle ski's . Gotta try and keep up with the kids . On the subject of it doesnt take any effort if your doing it right................all depends on what your doing to be honest. I can tell ive had a work out at the end of the day and ive been sking since I was 4..............maybe im not doing it right .
  12. my boss has just let me have his lambo and rally experience this sat. Inc a subaru lol compared to my old sprint classic its going to be sooo slow, a clio for the rally bit which imho will prob be the most fun and itll be interesting to see how much the let me rag the gallardo (probably not a lot but well see eh) bonus is as its free itll be fun whatever and hopefully as its only a morning Ill be able to get back in time to still play hockey . I'll let you all know how it was etc its though these www.Driveme.net.
  13. Ill get both as well. I played BF2 for a good year before going back to COD. DO like cod but BF is better. Theres so much good stuff coming out this year think i need to invent a time machine to find the time for all of them. One thing i cant get my head round is how people get to 15+ prestige ive played cod for ages and only made 5 and Im sad...
  14. Bacon..............................so not funny FOYS
  15. Captain. I was Wengers biggest fan but enough is enough, the total mismanagement of the previous campaign and this transfer window is quite frankly unacceptable. We are now the most expensive team to watch our cheapest season ticket is Utd's most expensive and for what? 6 years and counting. The worst result in 114 years and all of this could be avoided with just a bit of forthought. This transfer window was a complete shambles and our beautiful club is being systematically destroyed its a slow and painful death but its there. Ivan,Wenger and Silent Stan are all to blame. My opinion but Im not alone and the depth of feeling is shifting within the fan base. This isnt just about results or pretty football this about getting our ARsenal back. Good football, results and fair ticket prices instead we get sub standard on the cheap signings, overpriced tickets and shareholders only interested in paying off the debt and lining their own pockets.
  16. I completly agree with the financial prudence bit but there is a but and its a big one. Arsenal's debt (stadium payments) is around the 20mil p.a our revenue from gate receipts alone is a little under 100 million p.a revenues from sold players this window circa 60 million plus a transfer kitty of 20 million from recent property deals meant wenger had at his disposal 80 mil and that's conservative. The issue is the management of this transfer window and the wage structure within the club. There is a reason we cant shift the dead weight as they were all given ridiculous packages at too early a stage in their careers i.e bendtner,denilson etc. If the Cesc and Nasri situations were dealt with early which could have and should have happened plus the quality signings needed to bolster the defence, replace clichy, bendtner,cesc and nasri Sunday wouldn't have happened. Emphasis on the word quality as well as Arsene uses it a lot and tbh I dont think he understands what it means. We needed/need players that can hit the gorund running, that means players who have experience and have actually proven records NOT gambles/prospects teenage wonderkids etc. We've spent siginificant money this window on future talent and not on experience. Add to this Arsene refused to give Bergkamp,Adams and Viera roles within Arsenal which would have strengthened our backroom staff and given leaders off the pitch and would have helped with coaching a strong defensive unit. I truly believe there are managers out there that could and would have purchased more wisely this window and would turn the current crop of players with some additions into a winning team. We may not be as pretty to watch but at least we'd win stuff and more importantly wouldn't look like the shambles we were on Sunday. Quite frankly weve looked like we did on Sunday for the past 3-4 months. I fear for my football club right now but Ill stick with them till im in the ground. My loyalty is to Arsenal FC not to Arsene, Gazidis,Kroenke or P Hill-Wood.
  17. Captain first and foremost a couple of things :- Firstly .Tatty stadium...... Highbury will always have a very special place in any true Arsenal fans heart.......Pathetic comment. Secondly won a few cups? Have you not looked at Arsenals history pre wenger......... Pathetic uninformed comment. Thirdly He has been a genius spotter of talent .....Grimandi,stepanovs,almunia,90% of the current squad and theres a whole host more.... Fourthly. True arsenal fans couldnt give a rats backside about "an envious bank balance" the purpose of a football club isnt to win trophies for share dividends etc its to win trophies. and lastly I love Arsenal football club and have been going to Arsenal since I was eight and Im now touching 40. Arsene Wenger is NOT Arsenal and is definately NOT bigger than the football club. Just for your information Captain Sundays result was our worst result for 114 years this after we sell 6 players (2 of which are our best midfielders) and sign a bunch of kids and you think thats acceptable? Are you Ivan or silent Stan? Seems to me your main interest is in the profits made from the club not success?
  18. I deliberatly didnt wear my shirt to the pub yesterday as saw this coming as have many of my fellow gooners and tbh it is what most of us were kind of hoping for as its the only way that the AKB brigade will finally realise Wenger needs to go and has needed to go for a while. I fear for our club as our form since the back end of last season is relegation form and dont say it couldnt happen as yesterday says differently. The niavety of Wengers tactical decisions based on the available players (also wengers fault) and the shambles of the summer transfers is half the reason for yesterday. We were short last season this year we are a shadow of even that side. Wengers solution....................buy a 3million quid korean (ok by all accounts quite a good one but come on seriously?). I have never hated anyone so much as I hate that smug french t@&%.
  19. I'd go on driftworks and maybe skyline,silvia etc sites for drifting stuff.
  20. [ it will be easy to surpass 98 with a TD and high flow cats but unlikely a track would turn you away ]............sorry to totally disagree but yes they would. Donny are ultra strict and have sensors all round the track. Bedford is very strict as well. Others arent as bad but all of them are becoming more and more strict in enforcement. Look at baffles if its too loud but bear in mind a pop charger will add to the noise as does the engine itself and also if the car is FI then turbo noise as well. My impreza got thrown off at donny once for noise but I just went on noisy days then (more expensive though).
  21. Forgot to add another not exactly a pie but close enough....................something to do with your leftovers from roast lamb. slice a bit of lamb left over ( handful), schop up a left over roastie (can be a boiled but the extra crunch is better imho) and a small amount of left over carrot into small cubes. mix about 50ml of left over gravy with a teaspoon of mint sauce and then mix all of the above together. Lay out a defrosted sheet of ready made puff pastry and cut in half. add above mixture to the middle of the half and fold over and crimp all the sides so you have what looks like an uncooked slice that you get from greggs/supermarket etc. Score the top diagonally a couple of times and pop in the oven till the pastries cooked. Im not a cook/chef etc so my explanation above prob aint the best but you get the idea. try it its so easy and tastes awesome.
  22. Chris thanks mate. TBH if Im spending 5-600 quid then id be looking at the CF varis skirts.
  23. I use large ramakins for my pies. Fillings:- Beef or sometimes venison in red wine with whole mushrooms ( cooked for 3-4 hours, allowed to cool then put in the ramakin with a home made puff pastry lid ( healthier). Stewed rabbit with root veg and potatoes, kleftico lamb (spiced lamb in tomatoes,potatoes and also do chicken pie which is stewed chicken leg meat in white wine,garlic,and veg. I sometimes make larger pies as well and have been known to make the odd rhubarb and apple pies but desserts arent really my thing. TOW types of Pie I despise ...........chicken and mushroom (cream yuk) and fishpie.......
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