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Everything posted by garetgax

  1. heres a few of my more recent ones The last one ....god I miss her 400/400 stripped out and caged :-) the one before it the one before that before that \ Im missing photos of the fto and mr2 turbo and my first k plate scoob. Had a rover tomcat turbo a fiesta RS turbo, r5 raider and an AX GT before that the AX was my first car and at te time was awesome all 115 bhp of it
  2. [ a big monitor and surround sound and the game makes you feel like you are in a warzone. ] ............you wanna try airsofting then mate..
  3. plummer rise of nightmares is soo much better and i do like the kinect adventures . Skyrim i loved, in the process of finishing off mass effect 3 which with the kinect for the voice stuff is uber brilliant and also got tiger woods golf for the kinect as well. Dance central just makes me look daft think maybe im a bit old Lucky as the mrs works shifts get quite a bit of game time here and there.
  4. im on both platforms got rid of my BF3 though as COD takes enough of my time up. Tag is the same as on here. Ive spent way too much on airsoft kit to buy a vita and the zed is off to RS soo guess ill have to wait. Weve all 3 consoles and a ds and psp plus kinect and move so pretty much a gamers house:p
  5. garetgax

    plenum spacer

    i did wonder he can drop it off too
  6. garetgax

    plenum spacer

    Right the car is booked in to RS for a re-map the week before wales but Im after a plenum spacer prior to the car getting mapped. not sure which one and where to get one from? The car is an 04 plate.
  7. if your dead set on leather ( weve cloth and i actually prefer them to leather (had leather in last 2 cars and way to slippy for my liking) why dont you get your seats upholstered. At least that way you get to choose the colour/material etc.
  8. RT it was a consultant who put me back together, consultants are frontline staff as well:p but i do understand what your saying etc. The thing is all the media hype and people saying the NHS is rubbish means more audits, processes, paperwork and politicians spouting stuff the majority of the public want to hear and its mainly because of unrealistic expectations from the public. Half the relatives and patients on shells ward seem to think its a hotel and think the can demand whatever they like as "its our NHS and we are entitled etc" they also think the staff are just robots and not human beings. What is expected from a junior to middle management nurse is quite frankly ridiculous baring in mind the average nurse earns roughly 25-28 grand and the worst thing is because upper management are scared of the audit results and other stuff like it they just say get on with it.
  9. personally anyone who puts a thread up titled like this one isnt going to be on my christmas list. Michelle is a deputy sister on a trauma ward and all she gets is abuse, by the media, on here now, by patients, patients staff, crisitcism from above not enough staff, no overtime although the amount of hours shes put in over and above what shes paid including attending meetings on her days off. Its about time people understood that our health service is free and is the envy of most of the world. It makes my blood boil that its moan moan moan about the NHS. Im not saying its perfect but how about advertising all the good stuff it does and see if it outweighs the bad.....from a personal point of view 10 years ago my orbital floor was smashed by a kind persons foot (was assaulted) and was in danger of not being able to see properly again. Consultant took a piece of bone from my skull and rebuilt my eye socket and I can see perfectly he saved my whole life from work to play etc. Hes a hero in my eyes so sorry I dont agree with "why is the NHS poo?". Rant over. Id add as well "germany,france,spain etc are better" no there not...France isnt a free system and costs the average person (who can afford it 3 times what we pay. I know my parents lived in France for 20 years. German system similar, Spain has crippling debts, has a significantly lower population than us but Id be very surprised if their hospitals are any better or worse than ours.
  10. well weve got a 04 with hfcs and a k2 system plus a hks pop charger with polished pipe. The ce light keeps coming on even with the lambda spacers so looks like a re map is the only solution. If we are going to remap the car do I need to look at plenum spacer if so which one and will a y pipe make much difference?
  11. id swap our tv to virgin tomorrow if they would sort out the deal with sky re "atlantic and F1HD" as skys hardward is shocking. My broadband is pretty awesome even at peak times and its only going to get better. IMHO virgin need to have there own channels and start competing with sky for some blockbuster series as that would force sky to the negotiating table on an even footing putting virgin ahead due to there improved hardware and lack of weather related signal issues. If and when that happens ill be shifting my tv to virgin until then stuck with sky
  12. Id rather be a member of the The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu......... but unfortunately Im not justified........but the Mrs does say im ancient
  13. well when the installed ours the numpty drilled through a water pipe ad didnt notice for half an hour (water leaked into the wall not out), after 6 weeks of arguing on the phone, net, tweeting r branson etc they finally admitted full liability. We finally got the new carpet last week and plus a few other bits, Sky arent any better though TBH they are all useless and painful when it comes to getting anything done..
  14. Rt your spot on, the zed really isnt a "beast" of a car in stockish form. I think some are confusing is the car masculine or feminine with is it a "hairdressers" car...which the tt, z4 and slk (minus the amg versions) are. zhe zed aint a hairdressers car well maybe the roadsters are.. ...only jpking on the front but niether is an aggressive masculine car ....skyline,evo,impreza,911,m3 etc etc are all agressive looking and performing cars that'll bite very hard if you dont treat them with respect the zed is weather permitting less testy. just my opinion mind..
  15. Zug, id say an awful lot of women have better car control than men on the track so its complete bull to say women should have less powerful cars......shell has driven my sprint car on a lot of track days and put a lot of blokes to shame:p On a rally course she got almost the same marks/comments that I did and ive done a lot more competetive driving. IMHO women are a little les red mist/on off than men in general and as being quick on a track is about consistency and doing the right things at the right time they actually tend to be quicker than men. might take a little longer intitially as men tend to be more gung ho but once they get some confidence/the hang of things are quicker etc. Back to the original question I personnaly think the zed is a bit girly imho unless its something like the sumo zed in which case its
  16. So a quick update on my loadouts now. Ive now got a G36c gen3 gearbox with a reflex sight,red laser and torch for CQB and a magpul masada with acog/mini doctor sight with various accessories for woodland/combined sites. Just looking for a decent gas pistol and plate holster to compliment the G36 for CQB. Played a few sites now and found a site we all like so thatll be our main site I think moving forwards. Did have a SA80 A2 but tbh it was too heavy for use all day (nearly 5kg) Both guns are on deans with 7.4 2200mah lipos which fit both guns. Our small unit is saving for some decent radios and throat mics between us. Will be looking to get some decent black swat load out for cqb but I think at the moment if I spend anymore on airsoft might get into serous bother with the better half.
  17. sasha hahaha im not that dim:p they are uk based but my instincts said no but thought id check with more knowledgeable people just to make sure i wasnt actually passing up a good thing (they do occasionally crop up). Ill walk from this one which unless a few on here had said otherwise was what i was going to do anyhow.
  18. Wasnt going to unless a few on here had actually dealt with them etc.
  19. right ive been appraoched by a investment co called "capital alternatives" re a carbon credits deal on some land in seirra leone. Returns are possibly to good to be true 70-110% return by next year, theyve a vcs blue account in the NYSE and it all loks above board. anyone had dealings or know of these?
  20. used to love going to jae but the sept dates have always meant we cant make it. Real shame as its a lot of fun. Used to love the scoobyworks orange caravan dj booth. Karoake with no backing music at 4 in the morning....you had to be there
  21. . martinmac +1 2. Wasso +1 (tent) 3. AgentSmith350 - The Saturday 4. Ken 5. JetSet 6. 350ZCaroline 7. Max 8. Steve Burns Fri,Sat&Sun 9. Paul Wrangle Fri,Sat&Sun 10. ChrisS 11. garetgax + 1
  22. Dont worry i wasnt fishing:p and yeah I am after a normal version so i can mount a holo sight on it. Think ive found one on my local site forum. Im hoping the owner is going to the next event Im attending. Heres the link to the day if anyone on here is interested. Ill be on the russian/euro side which despite it not having any names down yet does actually have quite a few going. http://www.phoenix-airsoft.co.uk/forum/ ... 86&t=11551
  23. lol [Got an arsenal of about 30 different weapons that I haven't used in months!]got a g36 in that lot that you want to offload?
  24. Ive just bought flecktarn trousers, shirt and jacket all for £32 quid off ebay. Cant get a weapon yet as ive not got my ukara or site membership through. .
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