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Everything posted by garetgax

  1. fair enough hayden im actually doing just over a month but due to commitments i can get out of i will be in india for the last week of november and rather than not do it this year......good luck yourself anyhow. oh and its worth pointing out " I " dont get anyones money, the charity does. G
  2. Well today was my first day where ive not shaved my moustache part of my face.....once its had a few days ill post the first pic. Mods any chance you can sticky this somewhere prominent for people to see? I would ask anyone and everyone to donate something even if its 50p as it all counts and mens cancer doesnt get enough publicity etc.... Also guys please take the time to look at the mens health part of the website as it might just save your life one day...
  3. Hi, This year I will be taking part in the “movember†campaign, although due to me going to India at the back end of November I will be starting in mid October. Below is a brief overview of the campaign. I hope you can support me in this worthwhile cause. It's Movember and time to make a difference. Men’s health is a cause I am passionate about but in order to make a difference I need your help. My commitment is to grow a moustache for the month of November and in doing so, raise vital awareness and funds for mens health including prostate and testicular cancer. I am asking you to help support my personal journey by making a donation. The size of which isn’t important, every little contribution helps Movember to continue its funding of world class programmes. If you want to know more about what you’ll be helping to fund, you can visit Movember's Program Overview page. To highlight the importance of what I am doing, take a look at these statistics: • 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime • This year 40,000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed in the UK • 47% of testicular cancer cases occur in men under 35 years and over 90% occur in men under 55 years If you’d like to help change these statistics, please donate to me by: • Donating online at: http://mobro.co/grahamokeeffe • Writing a cheque payable to 'Movember', referencing my Registration ID: 2921373 and mailing it to: Movember Europe PO Box 68600 London EC1P 1EF Thank you in advance for supporting my efforts to change the face of men's health.
  4. right everyone who is interested can you pm me your info,level,prefered options and budget/preffered dates i.e jan/feb march and ill start to do a little bit of preliminary digging etc.
  5. 3-4 days is good but tend to find there more expensive or just as expensive as a week. We need to see how many peeps are interested then maybe narrow down which areas are preferable etc.
  6. timo they still do the marham days. I used to have to lift off at 170 on the straight during the charity days in the scoob, the scary bit was there were liners going past me like i was stood still
  7. So, Its been bounced around a bit so thought id post a thread to see if there is any interest and if so who, what standard,ski or board, budget,resort/country preferences, dates i.e jan,feb or march (personally I like early march as better chance of good snow and sun . SO ill start Country pref 1 andorra 2 austria 3 france Resort 1Soldeu 2ellmau 3 any high ski to door decent french resort Date pref march Standard Im Pretty decent (skiid since I was 4) but im getting old now shell is steady intermediate doesnt like steep reds or blacks
  8. 1) Your Full Name............Mickey Mouse 2) Your Age........................83 3) Marital Status.....................married (to minnie) 4) Your Phone Number...............001 (407) 824-2222 5) Your Fax Numbers...................n/a 6) Your Country............................united states of america 7) Your Occupation........................Hospitality 8) Sex............................................male p.s could I possibly just have my share in cheese?
  9. budget 2-2.5k for a tips re-build and they are bullet proof.
  10. M6 is doing my nut in.....might get there by midnight? Although just cleared it and shell floored it:p hope the weather is still ok?
  11. If i can fit our gazebo in ill be bringing it. right signing off now as ive an interview in an hour and then we will be packing and heading off. see you all tonight.
  12. ian do you want us to save you a space next to our tent mate?
  13. martin, If we get there tonight and its raining.......... . weather report really doesnt look good but we are coming come hell or high water . Im bringing more than one pair of shoes with me this time.
  14. Karting sounds good with how the weathers been of late.....also kartings always good for a laugh. Both me and shell would be up for that.
  15. Breakfast on the sunday? only if its brunch....... after saturday evenings fun
  16. lol chris its more likely to be an evo to be fair. TBH its taken all my willpower not to get another track car to replace the impreza......so dont give her ideas as itll be my turn to come home and find an evo parked on the drive (Shell still harps on about our last one from time to time).
  17. Forgot to add.....feel free to corrupt shell with regards to mods for the car
  18. [ take it you are the shell that was following me on Sunday morning in Wales :wink: If you are then you kept up better than your hubby did on Saturday ]...............lol cheeky sod. TBH I got told to back off a bit on my run on Sat as Shell isnt the best passenger ........on how quick she is I take all the credit seeing as all her track instruction has pretty much come from me .
  19. .......lol. Only joking its only taken nearly 18 months Now your on the forum does this mean youll share the cleaning/polishing of the car at meets?
  20. In order to get sub 12 secs and a 4.5 second 0-60 youd need to be looking above 500bhp on a zed. My impreza was a sub 4 second sub 12second car but was over 200kg less in weight. You'd need to shed that sort of wieght and FI the car to around the 400 mark. If a drag car is what you are after buy a decent R32 GTR.
  21. Awesome weekend. Many thanks to all the organisers you did such an cracking job. Last night was soo fun. Lovely to meet so many lovely people and some weve met before. Enjoyed my one drive and shell loved all the rest of them.
  22. hi mate you got any of these left? Ill have one as long as I can just check we can still get the zed on the drive with it:p
  23. garetgax


    just a quick note to say thankyou to everuone at RS for looking after Michelle and the car. Top job and whilst the figures werent as great (I know theyd would be much better without the hks pop charger) as I would have liked they werent bad and the car drives sooo much better now. Can thoroughly recommend the guys and gal.
  24. rm love the fq v nice colour. I know what you mean in terms of missing the power etc, zed is a far more refined creature though:p
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