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Everything posted by garetgax

  1. Ours is the mrs Daily driver and occasionally my weekend car. Her commute is only 16 miles round trip and thats only 13 shifts a month. Wish I could afford to replace my sprint scoob as well as have the zed though as will miss sprinting and track days this year and the zed aint going near a track except to look pretty.
  2. Cheers had a look and yes 98ron. TBH have only put v power or excellium in it anyhow so will prob stick to putting v power in it although theres a few tesco 99 stations round my way as well.
  3. When we picked the zed up 3 weeks ago had 40 miles left before empty £85.00. Ive never had such a big smile on my face handing over £85.00 as I looked over at the car all shiney under the garage lights. Bet the attendant thought smug git . Since then not let it drop below a quarter so the hit isnt so bad £65.00 with v power last fill up. On a slightly seperate note what is the score with filling up with normal unleaded on a uk zed thats not remapped? Im assuming there mapped for 95 ron? Would only put normal fuel in if Im pottering around though.
  4. v nice if I had any intention of tracking ours id be keeping the oil cooler we had on the impreza thats sat in my garage right now . Seeing as the zed is going to stay off the track guess itll get sold rather than me fitting it onto the zed.
  5. [Too slow buddy] Blame the mods for that then in terms of my reply etc. Also if it had sold etc wouldve been nice if ben actually replied to the PM. Not bothered though as changed our minds about going carbon anyhow
  6. Im thinking of ringing a few changes on the car (craig/muddys old car) that weve just bought. Im considering buying this viewtopic.php?f=32&t=45375 with maybe http://www.epracing.co.uk/Carbon-Access ... -123-2099/ or maybe either wrapping the oem low spoiler or if poss a carbon version of the oem spoiler. also considered just carbon wrapping the centre section of the current front bumper and maybe the mirrors? link to photos of the car (craigs for sale advert) viewtopic.php?f=56&t=41671 Should I leave it as is or what?
  7. I had an issue about 6-7 years ago where HI-Q fitted my rears on our MR2 turbo the wrong way round. Next morning I went straight over the roundabout at the bottom of Ilkeston (for those that are from round notts way) at a little under 30mph and as I went round the rbout back end just came straight out no warning and put us into a very bad spin ended up facing a van the wrong way and stalled it. Scared the proverbials out of me and the wife and couldve have been very messy. I thought there was something roung with the suspension etc took it straight to our local toyota dealer who pointed at the tyre rotation. When I went back to Hi-Q the response was "the rotation wouldnt make any difference" . No apology no nothing. This is the level of stupidity and lack of professionalism from these sort of monkey outfits (my opinion before the legal people get uptight). I wonder if he'd have had the same response if someone would have been hurt.
  8. mines got some carbon on it and still keeping my eye out for a carbon spoiler and splitter.
  9. If there is another thread for this ill add my name but thought as all the other colours are up there hers to the definative fastest, best looking and stand out from the "crowd" colour......................CHILLI RED or in Italiano......il chili rosso. 1.Garetgax 2.Chilli Red and if Im the only one then ill be the in the corner looking nice and shiney
  10. shame id have had these off you too . Snooze you lose round here
  11. 2.0 dci engine best quote ive now had is from engine world for 1600 quid delivered which is a bit more like it. Feel v sorry for my work mate as although its pretty much his fault it went bang (ignored the service and didnt keep the oil topped up so the engine siezed and then went bang) his business was going under at the time so its understandable. Im trying to keep his costs down as much as poss so any options etc will be greatly appreciated.
  12. Hi thought Id post on here a friend has managed to blow his 3 year old leased quashquia's engine and needs an econonimc fix for it. Nissan have quoted 6k for a new engine trying to see if anyone knows a decent source either for a second hand/recon long engine or maybe someone who can build a new one up for a sensible figure. Ive found a couple of 2nd hand ones for 2.5k but that seems awfully steep for a second hand unit. The car at the moment is in chester but tbh it can probably be moved etc. thanks G
  13. Well weve had ours for a week and Ive driven it twice. The long drive being an hour or so home. My first thoughts are as follows bearing in mind Im comparing it to a 400/400 sprint classic impreza with a 2.5 in it. Interior is nice although the speedo position isnt great and the stupid sensor under the seat issu gave me a scare not impressed with that little design feature. Stereo (bose has been removed so no issue there ) Handling nicely planted although a bit bouncy as its sitting on lowering springs and not full coilovers (something I think ill have to resolve soonish) Power delivery. Comfortable but not rocketship quick but comments on it being deceptive are quite true. The 2 biggest pluses to me though are the look of the car when its just sat. I could sit there all day and drool. The noise......................when you floor it (quite difficult to do and stay within the law) its just amazing. Wierd thing though is on deceleration and downshift the lack of noise/overrun. Gearbox first and second very tight especially first unless your almost at a standstill but the box itself is better than my impreza 6 speed. Nice and tight and very short distance of travel. Brakes seem ok but nothing to rave over. All in all very happy with the new motor and cant wait to drive it a bit more especially once it drys out a bit.
  14. Ive only had the zed a week and driven it twice and compared to my old scoob which was sprint set up and 4wd its just different but is well planted. I had a mr2 turbo 5 or 6 years back so understand how a rwd car works and a such have so far drvien the car with this in mind. i.e use sensible throttle control on turning etc and for bends slow in fast out. TBH until the weather gets good Ill drive the car well on the conservative side as Ive ended up the wrong way round before and it isnt fun albeit it was when the tyre place put my rears on the wrong way round . Think the real lesson is to treat the car with respect bear in mind a properly set up rwd car can handle as well as fwd and 4wd cars just a differnt driving dynamic is all. just my novice 2 penneth.
  15. There not the rays ones. I know the rays are worth a lot but tbh I dont think craig would have thron them in if they were the rays ones.
  16. I cant comment as only had the zed a week but calverton is a short drive from us so well be camping . Hopefully by then we will know a few peeps etc
  17. having a brief talk with a friend who is a professional installer he said you can replace the number plate light with a fish eye lense and light. Gives a view downwards past the rear bumper.
  18. Seeing as I got some extra bits with the car Id like to see what they are worth if I sold them. Set of almost immaculate standard 18" nissan rims from an 04 car with bridgestone tyres with reasonable tread left. Set of standard springs standard nissan exhaust Box of all the plastic undertray thingies not saying ill sell any of them or that some are worth anything but would be helpful to know although they would fund some further mods
  19. Hopeful ours is due a P1 in march where did you get the quote they price matched as we live in Ilson so will be keen to try and get a good deal etc. We do have a co-op nissan dealership in Ilson though so will try them as well. Any other suggestions/recommendations for notts/derby servicing?
  20. Deffo craig. already starting to look at a few carbon bits or maybe some good quality carbon wrap going to friends audio shop next sat as well to spec up screen and a decent install .
  21. Sorted went out with a torch wiggled a few wires did the reset thingy from on here (thanks for the steer in the right direction craig) took it for a quick spin and no light. In this case no lighty is definately likey .
  22. Guess my first trip with the Zed is going to be to Nissan as within less than a 100 miles of collecting it the driver airgbag warning light has come on and stayed on. Unhappy is not the word. Looks like the modding budget is already being eaten into before I've even started. .
  23. Neil lol the fuel alone.......... It has got me thinking though for next year/year after getting an import for a track toy. No way this one is going near a track but after the drive home tonight............
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