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Everything posted by Stu350z

  1. Sorry dude can't help but He knows everything and mite even have some in stock!
  2. I'll have spent about £5k on my zed by next year! Just hoping that someone returning to stock mite want to swap an older modded for newer oem and save some time and hassle! I'd be with a £6k zed with £6k of mods Then I could spend my £5k bonus on even more mods!
  3. Failing that I could sort you out with a big bag of silica gel pellets!
  4. Truckers with smelly loads use a jar of freeze dried instant coffee spread out on a plate in their cab to clear out any smells from there previous load! Works a treat! Sorry bout the toilet humour!
  5. Honestly! I'd love too but I just cant justify it right now! Maybe in a couple of months when my bonus goes through and if Pauls still got her! (£15k is just ) Rather than blow it on Mods for my own Zed! (I'm reconing bout £3-5k should get me started!) I though I mite just buy/px a show/track ready Zed from a forum member looking to return to stock! Save me loads of heartache getting mods sourced and them loads stripping and retro fitting! Time will tell! I knew you'd say no! Your not or
  6. Damn! Thought you'd say that! Oh well! My offer of a swap would be open to you to Jay! +1 there is just no pleasing this guy You too Neil! I know I've got no chance but you can't blame a guy for trying! I'm seriously considering asking Paul if he'd do a swap with me giving him some money too! Think my credit card could just stretch to the difference!
  7. +1 I've been told this too! Cars in garages are targeted by organised criminals because there hidden away! This gives them more time to break in and steal your car undisturbed!
  8. I've got a fifth option for you.......Swap Zed's with me! Here's 4 good reasons why............ 1) You'd still get to drive a Zed! (still oem sadly!) 2) My 06 GT only has 41.5k on the clock so another years mileage wont make much difference to the value! 3) I only live 15mins from you (Cathcart!) so you could come and visit your old Zed whenever you wanted! 4) You could relax safe in the knowledge that a fellow Forum member will look after your old Zed! ....That is, as long as the value of your Zed with all it's Mod's is about the same as mine?!? ie £12k ish! Please say yes!
  9. Amazing! This has to be one of the most interesting threads ever! Who knew so much work went into a proper drift car! WOW!
  10. Computer Games are the new Rock n Roll! Doesn't anyone remember what happaned in America in the eighties when a group of stupid parents tried to blame there kids bad behaviour on the music they listened too! (South Park's "Blame Canada" is ringing in my ears! )
  11. +1 It makes me want to cry seeing a poor s15 treated like that!
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