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Everything posted by NoNose

  1. Wow what a welcome, I'm overwhelmed! (what is a whelm anyway?) I'm starting to get used to the new steed, though I had an embarasing moment yesterday. Someone let me in from a slip road to the front of a big queue at some trafic lights and when the lights went green I found I was stuck in the snow! I just gently slithered sideways till the lights went red again. I don't imagine the rest of the queue were very impressed. I got away on the next cycle but I did feel a bit of a fool. I also feel a fool everytime I get in and out as I keep putting my hand on the hazard lights button. I'll put a cover over it. It's easier than reprogramming myself. And I can't get used to having to remember to turn the lights on and off. In my previous car I turned them on in September and didn't turn them off again till March. It's a good job they beep at me. I can imaging the car sighing every time. "Excuse me Mr Driver, forgotten something have we?" On the subject of lights the right headlight doesn't always fire up first time but does seem to come on after I've flashed high beem on and off. Is this a "warming up" thing? Do xenons have an "ignighter" thingy like flourecents? She got some nice complements on her looks at the weekend. Makes you feel warm inside doesn't it. smugly NoNose. BTW. Mr Biscuit sir. Do you happen to have a record of the security code for the stereo?
  2. Hello Folks, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm NoNose (long story, later perhaps...) and I'm the proud new owner of a beautiful silver 350Z. Hurrah. I believe that in a past life this particular baby was an associate of an "rtbuiscuit" (hello), but she's my precious now. I actually went to the dealership to look at a Honda S2000 but the Zed parked next to it and caught my eye. I asked to take it out too. I'm coming from another V6 and the muscular torque trumped the light weight, revvy Honda. Tough decision though. Still, it's nice to have tough decisions because both options are good. Given there's a couple of inches of snow everywhere at the moment I haven't had a chance to give her free rein yet but I can tell she's going to be feisty fun. The snow has given me the chance to find a big car park, turn off the ESP and have a little sideways fun. Just a very little as I'm still being cautious until I get used to her. Before now I've spent more time on two wheels rather than four. Four wheels definitely has some advantages in this weather. Any other bikers amoungst the Zs here?
  3. NoNose

    Rim protection

    Hello All, I now own this particular car and, although I wasn't keen on the rim protectors at first, they're gradually growing on me. I think I might swap them for black next time I get the tires changed but there's no rush. By that time they might have grown on me enough to keep. So, rtbiscuit, you're still on the forum? That's good. I don't suppose you kept a note of the security code for the stereo did you? S2000-4u keep promising that they're going to get it from Nissan but I'm not holding my breath. I'm very pleased with the car so far. It's got a very planted, quality feel. It's fun trying to get used to a new, powerful, rear wheel drive car in the snow. NoNose (I'm new here, please be gentle)
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