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Everything posted by car350z

  1. Thanks, I did get it, I'll have to see when I get a chance to take a photo.
  2. I'm afraid the carbon is cracked in one place, and the epoxy is scraped off on the underside on a couple of inches :-( What is this "dipping"?
  3. I have to admit... I screwed up. I have a Varis CF front lip and when I was parking at Tesco's, I went a tad bit too far and hit the curb There CF lip now has a crack and the scratching removed much of the resin on the underside. Is there a way to repair that kind of damage without a huge visible difference? Is it possible to sort of fix it with some kind of transparent fibre glass or so and then put some resin back on to keep the gloss? Or would it be easier and better to buy a new lip?
  4. Do these fit a JDM model? Tom told me that there are some parts where there is a difference between the UK and JDM version.
  5. Is that something that any garage can do? I'm asking because tbh I was very unimpressed with TGM Sport and the fact that they haven't been able to spot/fix the problem after having the car for 2 weeks.
  6. I am wondering, if it's the banana bar, why hasn't Tom found it? At the moment I'm really unsure. If it was the banana bar, would you notice a difference in handling? Would you hear knocking from the outside?
  7. I may be wrong, but for the 35 years I lived in germany I've always seen km/h instead of miles, °C instead of F and l/100km instead of MPG. What you have is a japanese import, not a german In order to change it, you have to replace the cluster. If you want to do that, I suggest you (I think he has those in stock, but shoot him a PM just to make sure).
  8. I have knocking from (what seems to be) the front right wheel. I gave it to TGM Sport in Fleet for 2 weeks but Tom couldn't find anything causing it. He said there was a bit of play in the front drop links so they got replaced but the noise is still there. Though in my case, it's not related to turning, it's when I'm driving over uneven surface at slow speeds (<40 mph). I'm beginning to think that maybe it's just something banging against the body, like the wheel arch lining plastic parts or maybe the bumper or so. But it bugs the hell out of me...
  9. Whoa brilliant! Count me in, pretty please, been looking for this for a long time (can't build it myself, 2 left hands and 10 thumbs etc.).
  10. ...this Monday, 28th April. First you went towards Basingstoke and flashed at me, but since I was driving my other car for 2 weeks, instead of flashing back I washed the windscreen *blush*. Later same day but opposite directions, I flashed at you. A member of this noble house? Nice Zed btw!
  11. Just out of curiosity, will this one work with auto/tiptronic?
  12. Having driven manual cars all my life, my Zed is the first auto (well, Tiptronic). Now I don't know how a manual Zed feels, but the auto is simply brilliant. Sport/normal/snow settings (and Tiptronic when I want the illusion of being in control of the transmission ). I just love it!
  13. I wasn't expecting that, what a brilliant show!
  14. Thanks for the guide! I was just putting everything together on the maplins site when I saw the diagrams and noticed that I have no clue what they are about. I'm too stupid for that stuff I know my way around IT networks, but that's about it Though I'd be quite happy to pay someone to do it for me, as long as they don't want my youngest son, pink slip and a year's salary (like the Nissan folks usually do).
  15. When I bought my Zed (2003 JDM) the driver side window did not work. So after some time now, I decided to have a look. Took off the plastic and unscrewed everything until I had the motor in my hands. I cleaned it according to the guide somewhere on the forum and re-connected it. Now, the first switch action after connecting the motor works (i.e. I can see the motor work) but after releasing the switch, the motor refuses to work. No matter whether I press up or down, nothing happens. But when I take the motor out again, open and clean it and put it back together and connect it, it's the same thing again - first action works but as soon as I release, that's it. Now I am quite unsure where the problem could be. Is it the switch or is it the motor? When operating the switch I hear the clicking noise inside the switch. Also, and this is utterly embarassing, I forgot how to put the lifting mechanism (you know, that metal part with metal wires that do the actual lifting of the window) back in (the previous owner supposedly tried to repair it but screwed that up and bought a replacement). Is there a guide on how to put that back in?
  16. I second that. My window motor was not even making any noises, so I took it out, took it apart, cleaned it and put it back in. Bingo, it's working again. Just need to reset it now. EDIT: Doh. When I connected it back up, I was able to run it for a few seconds, then released the door switch and that's it, no more movement, no nothing Anyone got a used right side 2003 JDM window motor? If not... I'll
  17. I've had exactly this problem with a couple of portable 2.5" disks. It turned out to be the cable which, for some reason, had too much resistance or whatever, so the motor of the disk would not spin properly. Replaced it with an iPod charger cable and all was fine. This doesn't apply if you use an external power supply (i.e. if it's a 3.5" disk).
  18. yes, exactly like that on mine Same here. Speed is in mph though the display reads kmh, dte is in miles and it displays km/l which I think is miles/litre
  19. Wow, thanks for the numerous replies. I thought they were officially required. And if they don't really clean your headlights (but instead evenly spread dirt around the bonnet) then I think I'll pass. More money for a proper HU to replace the Bose or for facelift headlights
  20. I've got a JDM Zed with Xenons. Obviously it does not have the headlamp washers which are required in the UK. How difficult is it to put washer jets in and what would the cost be? Is it difficult to do the wiring and install the hoses? I know that I can most probably still get MOT, but I do like having clean lamps.
  21. Thanks a lot for the warm welcome I feel at home already
  22. No, though I was - for 4 years, back in the 90s.
  23. After driving my LHD Seat Leon for a couple of years in the UK (I moved here from germany), I decided it's time for a decent car and after much looking-around, I decided to buy a 350Z. And what can I say, I absolutely love it. Still smiling from left to right ear. I live near Basingstoke (so in the South East), and my friends say that this is my "midlife-crisis"-car. They might just be right... And since no introduction is any good without photos, here are a few (don't worry, none of me, just the car):
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