I cant find a pic of mine on the computer that shows just really how low it is, I have alot of pics but im no photographer and tbh theyre quick snaps with the iphone, to be fair i may be getting abit over excited at 60mm but it really aint far off at all, it is however undrivable at that height as it catches on any slight bump in the road and had no chance of climbing any incline at all.
I would say my car as it is now as a daily driver must be 45-50mm though.
I'll take some proper measurements as soon as the snow foxtrot Oscar.
The geo is most definately miles out, although i have Full kinetix racing adjustable arms kit to go on to sort that.
I know my attitude of Form > Function is not going to be to everyones taste, expecially on an OC, but each to their own and all that.
Im running Driftworks CS2's which imo are the ultimate for slammination.
Yeah sure, the first time I dropped it i had the rails dangerously close to the deck
Why would everyone think your ghey?
Nothing looks more impressive than hellaflush done right but yeah i agree done wrong looks a right state.
sorry never seen the appeal of running tyres too small for a wheel; but if it floats your boat; then crack on.
Each to their own again really but in my opionin nothing ruins a sportscar image quicker than huge balloon sidewalls and a car rolling like a 4x4.