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Everything posted by Ben!

  1. Sorry just noticed you'd edited your post.... Those pics arnt the lowest the car has been, theyre just when everything was first installed, hence super shiney rims . I have been running the splitter since raising the car to make it look lower again whilst giving a slight bit of practicality What tyre profiles are you using? I'll get some measurements as soon as were snow free.
  2. I cant find a pic of mine on the computer that shows just really how low it is, I have alot of pics but im no photographer and tbh theyre quick snaps with the iphone, to be fair i may be getting abit over excited at 60mm but it really aint far off at all, it is however undrivable at that height as it catches on any slight bump in the road and had no chance of climbing any incline at all. I would say my car as it is now as a daily driver must be 45-50mm though. I'll take some proper measurements as soon as the snow foxtrot Oscar. The geo is most definately miles out, although i have Full kinetix racing adjustable arms kit to go on to sort that. I know my attitude of Form > Function is not going to be to everyones taste, expecially on an OC, but each to their own and all that. Im running Driftworks CS2's which imo are the ultimate for slammination. Yeah sure, the first time I dropped it i had the rails dangerously close to the deck Why would everyone think your ghey? Nothing looks more impressive than hellaflush done right but yeah i agree done wrong looks a right state. sorry never seen the appeal of running tyres too small for a wheel; but if it floats your boat; then crack on. Each to their own again really but in my opionin nothing ruins a sportscar image quicker than huge balloon sidewalls and a car rolling like a 4x4.
  3. Yeah sure, the first time I dropped it i had the rails dangerously close to the deck Why would everyone think your ghey? Nothing looks more impressive than hellaflush done right but yeah i agree done wrong looks a right state.
  4. Yeah i might well do if there are any around the nottinghamshire area? well or lincoln or doncaster lol Thanks and cheers Yeah there arnt many places I cant get to tbh, Just struggle with huge speedbumps lol.
  5. Coils or Springs? Didnt think 30mm would do naff all to it really but i stand corrected Just mines dropped around 60mm and its not THAT bad really.
  6. Hey Guys, Have any of you seen or heard of any Z rolling shells? If so how much do they fetch? Cheers
  7. 30mm drop wont have given you much induced neg camber at all... 18x12 et20 would likely fit with some stretch on your tyres and some arch rolling. My rears atm are at 18x10 et-9 and could do with being around -14 for a hellaflush finnish and I have rolled rears and a big drop. 18x10 et12 would easily fit but would need spacing to look hot imo. 18x9.5 et12 up front again would fit but look kinda weak. Both the above would look and fit x10 better with some stretch too. Ofc just my opinion but i hope thats some use to you. B.
  8. Thanks guys Getting a good vibe here
  9. Ben!

    lowering 350z

    I would lower it on coilovers matey if you can afford them. Never been a fan of just springs! I dropped mine loads when i first fitted my CS2's after letting the springs settle and it scraped quite a bit on stuff, but to be fair it looked awesome I have since raised it up a spot so i can get over the speed bumps at work, impractical when crazy low but then again I see it as suffering for your art As far as tyre wear goes the lower you go on coils the more negative camber is induced so you wear your tyres on the inside edge a good deal more than normal, unless you buy adjustable arms and counter the induced camber that way. With spacers I try to avoid using them if possible but like the with wheels I run at the moment there wasn't really any other choice so just make sure theyre good quality and mounted correct or you'll soon know about it lol. Hth.
  10. Lol In the time i took to write that all you guys posted Thanks for all the welcomes!
  11. Thanks Bud! VIS racing splitter from the US? Theyre Work VSKF Wheels, 18x9 et-5 up front and 18x10 -9 rears. Theyre spaced out at the moment cause theyre wheels borrowed from my FC3S until i find the same but more manly for the Z. Lower than that? Crikey, seen some slammed zeds in the usa but never over here. Looks very nice though Haha Yeah, I'm All about US Style Fairly useless but looks hot Thanks
  12. If you want to sit real flush and real sexy you'll need around 19x10 et0 up front and 19x11 et0 rear, so just slap it in the offset calculator and find the equal offset for the sizes you have, what you have to remember is ride height and camber makes all the difference so the lower you go the lower offsets you can sit over. Although at the sizes i mentioned above you will need some arch work for deffinate, as all flush fitments will require the rears rolling. How high is your car sitting at present? Dont take any of that the wrong way matey, just hope that helps.
  13. Cheers Guys! It was slightly lower but couldnt get off my road, let alone into work
  14. Hey Guys Just decided it might be time for me to sign up here and see how you guys roll I have a Burnt Orange Fairlady, with afew mods and all that. Makes a sweet daily while playing with rotarys I'll throw up a couple of pics and see what you guys think? Its changed slightly since then but you get the picture!
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