So bit of a fail this morning!! I tucked the car into the garage (it was raining) and planned to fit the Velocity Stack. I followed FlyBoy's instructions, took everything off the car and then found that after the fitting the stack I should leave the car overnight for the glue to harden before driving. Which sucks as I need to drive the car at lunch time! So I decided to put everything back together, and I will fit the stack later today.
Whilst I had the intake pieces off the car I figured I would give the engine bay a first pass at detailing. I plan to do a full engine dress but it will be a slow going process. All I did this morning was give everything a clean and wipe with some detailing spray. This first pass was mainly just to remove and dirt, dust or grime which has built up from day to day use. I also removed most of the small stickers from under the bonnet, on the radiator top plate and somewhere else just to help with the clean look.
Pretty pleased with the results and will hopefully complete the velocity stack tonight - on first look it seems pretty straight forward to fit.
Possibly a stupid thing to spend 10 minutes cleaning, but whilst I was in the mood I cleaned up the fluid bottles to the left of the engine. This one is half clean to show how grimey it was in the first place.
All done and put back together (for now).
Also, whilst the airbox was out of the way I noticed some oil around the right bank of plugs and leads. I can only hope that this build up is from someone really badly topping up the car with oil? It's not the best photo but does anyone have any thoughts to what may have caused this if is coming from the engine? Cheers:)
That's all for now, hopefully the Velocity Stack will be all done and dusted ready by tomorrow morning.