Cheers Sarah
mini update for tonight - in keeping with theme of recent updates....another fail!!!!
Since owning the car I have been toying with the idea of creating some custom rear light clusters, based on the pre-facelift units. Buster loaned me a set to fit in place of mine, leaving mine free to fettle with. I had planned on fitting some custom built acrylic rods to give the effect of red bars of light, along with something funky with the three lines of reflectors pointing up towards the roof.
So with a few hours to kill tonight, and a friendly Keyser around the corner......I went off on my way. After helping break some bits off the mini engine (when I say help I mean stand on a bar whilst Chris got 'Medieval on its ass'), we heading to the powder coating room so I could use the oven to split the clusters.
I have done this before on my MR2 so I know the deal, put them on a low heat for a while then gently pry the lens apart as the glue softens. It takes time, but I got pretty good at it (did it to three sets). The Zed however didn't want to play ball, we had it on a low heat but before the glue had even began to get soft the red lens had deformed and sunk inwards So I now have one rear light unit which isn't much good to anyone, the other I'll try and sell. Time to go shopping for some facelight rear lights as they already come with LED's, and I shouldn't need to fettle and break these ones
Pictures don't really do it justice, but you can see the parts that used to be straight are not anymore, and parts that used to have a nice curve to match the car are not so nice.