Took mine to get the tracking done today - or try to should i say. The guy ramped it up and went to adjust my rear camber (I have to much apparently) and he could not move the bolts. He was literally hanging off the spanner but it wouldn't budge. I then jumped underneath to have a nose and the rust in unbelievable for a relatively new car. (yeah OK, 8 years old).
Will most likely get 4 new bolts and go back get my camber done. But will also need to address all the rust - roll bars, general metal work, arms etc....oh and the saw looking brace in the middle of the!! not much left!
First port of call will be to attack it all with a wire brush and see how it looks then use some K-rust (or is it Q-rust?) to treat all of the metal, then seal it in with Waxoyl or similar.