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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. BM - I had thought about having two rows of LEDs to do exactly that. But with the white being as bright as they are, and the orange being so close they might hard to see. Or at least that's the conclusion I came up with. CS seems a dab hand at this now so may well have something up his sleeve
  2. Very well thought out video. Some great footage
  3. Good write up, good tip on the wheel spacers and having a friend press the brakes!
  4. Nice one matey filling up this evening so it all helps
  5. Oh my days that motor is nice!!! I would love one of these
  6. Wheels look great mate I do however really REALLY like that cobalt blue on the Volks - shame my car is also blue as they wouldn't make the best combo!
  7. Link - http://www.longham-motor-engineers.co.uk/ Matt
  8. Hey Matt, I'll double check the name of the garage in a sec, behind the Colonial Petrol station in Ferndown. Very friendly guys, I bought tyres from Camskill as they are usually always the cheapest place....these guys could've beaten Camskill for price by £5 on fronts and over )15 rears!! The guy said he never puts markup prices on his tyres as he can't compete with local companies. He makes his money fitting them - which is £15 per tyre. This isn't too bad though for fit,valves and balance etc. Matt
  9. As said above, that's really surprising! My Supra always felt massive, and when I jumped in the Zed my first thought was how much smaller it felt in comparison!! Though my Supra had the the DoLuck front end which was massive!
  10. If it does have a table - remind me not to play you for any monies Here I am with the good lady on holiday (I'm on the right)
  11. Thats me booked up for the Friday/Saturday evenings - dammit Bob, making me spend money!! Can't wait to blast around North Wales again - we did it last year in the Evo, camped just off the Evo Triangle, so did that and some good roads around the area. bring it all on again
  12. Buster just gave me a call and pointed me in the direction of these free slots! I am VERY tempted but it's an expensive month already!!! Just to check when the list says 17th-18th......or 18th-19th....are those the nights that the hotel is booked for? Matt
  13. Cheers i aim to please. I was very close to adding the Benny Hill theme song just for extra giggles
  14. Yeah I really like the Zed on the back box. I initially opted not to have the bumper tuck mod on mine, but when this is fitted I might have to....be rude not to show it off Had a catch up with Keyser this afternoon, or a near as i could with the wonderful mobile network where we live!! The two local places he spoke to are unable to help. However one suggestion was to use whats left of the titanium exhaust mount (two small pieces of hollow tube) and fabricate a steel piece that runs inside the tubeing. The exhaust can then hang from the new steel piece and have no worry or falling out of the titanium 'runners', maybe even a quick spot weld or tack to properly hold them in place. It might be an option should I not be able to find anyone that can help. As for the bend in the entrance to the backbox, this should be cured with some heat and force to just pull it straight. The challenge will be bending it to the right place so it mates correctly with the mid pipe. fun fun fun!!
  15. Chris, saw this On FB today - made me think of you (as its green!) - you could do similar just change the word beast to b!tch
  16. Pics from my fun roadtrip down West, more to be found on the project thread. Amazing what you can fit inside a Zed Matt cuddling up to my new Fujitsubo system & bobs new K1 After dropping Matt home I had to improvise with the seatbelt The boot
  17. Cheers Steve I'm really looking forward to getting it fitted, should sound awesome! We spent a long time yesterday doing some cleaning ready for Japfest - on both mine and Lisa's Evo we cleaned behind the wheels, wheel arches, touched up the callipers & painted the inner edge of the disks with some silver hammerite. Just makes it look a bit fresher. Whilst doing this I hooked up my new budget GoPro for some timelapse testing. It's a Wingman HD camera and is pretty much the same as a GoPro. Note about halfway through where Lisa takes a well earned rest on the spare wheel and catches some sun
  18. Found this on youtube a while ago - with the exception of the Fujistubo Y-Pipe ( i will fit A.N.Other) my system will hopefully sound similar to this......love this clip!!!
  19. Well after a rather productive (and long) 2 days we have some good updates Yesterday I went to a friends unit and had the windows tinted. I went for 20% on the rear windows and lighter on the fronts, didn't got for Limo as I still want to be able to use the window at night. Really really pleased with the results and totally transform the car. Struggled to get a good photo, but this should give you the idea So that was yesterday over and done with - after a party last night, Maccy D's breakfast & a coffee I set off on a road trip. I had arranged to go down to Exeter to meet another member to collect a shiny exhaust for my Zed My mate Matt came along to keep me company.....a little concerned about fitting myself, Matt and an exhaust in the Zed we headed off on our way to hope for the best. To make things more fun I had to pick up another exhaust near Exeter for another member (not saying who yet incase I spoil their surpirse).....So, it was now me, Matt & two exhaust systems in the Zed! Challenge accepted!!! Matt with the first exhaust mid pipe (back box in the boot) Matt with first mid pipe over one shoulder, and the other mid pipe coming in from the boot The boot After dropping off Matt I have to improvise with the seatbelt, to avoid myself getting hit in the face Those eagled eyed viewers might be able to see what treats are in the boot. The exhaust for the other member is a full K1 system with bungs (defo needed haha). The system for myself is rumoured to be one of only 3 known in the UK It is a Fujitsubo 100% Titanium system - backbox and mid pipe. I got this for a good price and after a small fix up I can't wait to get it fitted. the backbox needs a new mounting bracket as the passenger side has snapped off, the join to the mid pipe needs straightening, dent pulling out, and a good clean ...oh and get the tips flamed This weight of this system is unbelievable! Matt balanced the mid pipe comfortably with one finger!! and it comes with the Zed logo etched into the rear box which is cool Keyser is dropping the system off to a local welder to get it checked out in the hope he can weld it up for me....... I left the system with Chris this evening.....hopefully it does not end up on the green monster before I come back to collect it
  20. Looking good mate, whats the next mod?
  21. It sounds great trundling up the street but a bit loud for me on full chat!!
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