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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. Good info dude it certainly handled well on our little blast up the A road Sat evening. I agree that a variable throttle pedal (or maybe some weight saving on your right foot) should just about complete the car! Hehe
  2. Sorry Dave, I did use the brakes from time to time haha!! Mainly after your 'powerslide' corner hehe!! Great video Chris, and yes that's the very caravan that over took me!! ......honest!
  3. ha - you think thats bad - someone has a photo of me and will That'll be me It'll be uploaded soon as I run through the photos and vids.
  4. I can second all of the above. Had an absolute blast & everyone was so friendly! A huge thank you to all that had a part in organising the weekend, everything went off without a hitch I will be back next year for sure. With better brakes this time
  5. Also thanks to Wizurd for the company on the drive home. We had a great blast down to South Wales and found some rather fun little roads on our way. Really helped to break up the bordom of my long drive down South. Your car sounds awesome too mate! We had some great looks from passers by as two blue Zeds blasted past, lots of kind people getting out of our way too so we could enjoy the roads We only got over taken once and that was by a crazy guy in a Mitsi L200.........no it wasn't a CARAVAN this time
  6. Just to echo what everyone else has said - absolutely top weekend!! It was a last minute decision to come as there was a free room and boy am I glad I did!! Everyone was very welcoming & friendly, the cars were great to look around, great organising skills by all involved. It was really great to put a lot of names to faces and get to know a lot more like minded people over a couple of beers. With only having the Zed 2 months the roads were a great tester for myself and the car - needless to say the car has got more to give than I have for now. Car really behaved well and didn't miss a beat other some brake fade coming off the Evo Triangle (but I blame Will for that ). I took a fair few pics and will collate them into a vid similar to Keyser for peoples enjoyment. Needless to say I will be back again next year just as long as I start saving now for the fuel Again, thank you to all
  7. Agreed Will, I'm letting the team down haha!
  8. It's all a bit of fun, and the least I can do after such an awesome weekend I'm hoping to compile a vid later this week with my photos etc. Will, it was during our first pass of the triangle, you had stop to re-group and were speaking with the group of bikes. Once a few of us had caught up, you continued along the way but the caravan had other ideas before TwoBears and myself had chance to pull out. Crazy fool that he was, however two corners later Anne showed him up
  9. corrected that for you Thanks Andy That's the last time I let you past to enjoy the country roads from now on I just let Caravans go past
  10. Yep, I clearly drive too slow for people with caravans! He almost took the front end off Twobears Zed though, what a muppet he was!! My video failed for the morning drive so I have no evidence to back myself up but no-one would believe it anyway haha Matt
  11. Same here. I'm not too good at it right now but i really like shooting candid street photo's of people doing their day-to-day things
  12. Thanks mate, car is getting there slowly Hmm, will have to have a word with Buster for taking photos of my misses haha!!!
  13. Nice wheels mate, I had a nose at these when I was on the stand. You also managed to get a pic of my misses in the first photo (no, not the guy in the blue jacket haha!) she's talking to him
  14. Post Japfest udpate. I didn't get a great deal of time at the show but I did manage to wander over to the stand and meet a few members. Whilst there Darren kindly gave (in exchange for money) me a set of Berk HFC's...brand new in box Whilst near the stand I popped over to collect my coolant hose kit from Merlin Motorsport, in orange to continue the theme. I also collected some replacement rear lights from Dip as I melted the last set, good to meet you mate the final treat was collected from Ironhide, which was the prototype engine bay slam panel that he has recently has a group buy on. Mine will end up painted and fitted. That's it for now, see more of you guys up in Wales
  15. ^^Hahaha (sorry Will). I agree with the Mini-day, Chris has already helped me out enough and I've only had the Zed a few weeks. I'll be there to help hand out the tea that Steve makes
  16. Great editing & footage mate
  17. Some of those are nice let's hope it's not the usual outcome when things don't have prices - 'If you have to ask how much it is, you can't afford it' Which usually happens to me when I see something shiny
  18. I only stopped by briefly to spend money (Thanks Darren and Dip for bringing along the parts). The stand looked good, and it was good to see some of the cars in the flesh and meet one or two more members. The day absolutely flew by and hardly got around the paddocks/traders to nose around. Hopefully get to have some more free time next weekend in Wales to meet more Zed folks
  19. Hey CS, any chance you could link me to where you got the orange ones from? I'm trying to find some bright ones but failing rather miserably
  20. Just been sent this 'treat' by a colleague. Looks like you have been out done on the Smurf'ing front Mr.G http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MITSUBISHI-COLT-LANCER-1-6-MIVEC-TWIN-CAM-SHOW-CAR-PROJECT-/300902808792?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item460f347cd8
  21. Fingers crossed the car will be clean for Saturday. it's rumoured to be raining tomorrow so I will no doubt be getting funny looks from the neighbours as I clean both cars, and fit a set of wheels to the Evo.......best not Effing rain!! Quick update for today - I dropped the exhaust over a local Ti welder who should be able to sort something out for me. He is hoping to get some Ti to replace the missing mount and will try to work his magic on the dent too. Fingers crossed he can do it for me, double fingers crossed that he can get it done by Wednesday next week and I can fit it ready for Wales........probably wishful thinking though. Matt
  22. This does sound pretty mean!! looks good too matey
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